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Posts posted by toonarmy

  1. If Rangers or Celtic were in the Premiership they would be up there with at least with us, Villa, Spurs etc, this would be  after going through a period of adapting.



    I think the "period of adapting" is an interesting one.  I can see it from both sides.


    Often, people form opinions of how the OF would do in the Premiership based on their current squad.  If they had guaranteed Premiership revenue and exposure then i'm pretty sure their squads would be considerably stronger than they currently are.


    But, on the other hand, would they get crowds of 60,000 if they weren't virtually guaranteed a victory every week?  History would suggest not.


    Valid points. Also they would not be guaranteed or as good as Champion League football.


    I don think they should be allowed in the Premier league, if they were then should start at the farthest point of the pyramid system. Also think it is ironic some Celtic fans don't class Scotland as the own country, they vote SNP, yet want they want the team they support to be in the EPL, talk about confused!!!!


    Just an interesting thought, that since it is now officially the BPL (barclays premier league), the association with being English is slowly being cut off. I'm sure that wasn't the intent by Barclays, they just wanted to be more prominent most likely, but as the Premier League slowly begins to be less and less "English", it paves the way for the Scottish teams to merge in some fashion eventually.

  2. http://www.royal.gov.uk/files/images/mary-queen-of-scots_image1.gif

    Bloody stuck in the 16th century, no help at all!

    Mary Queen of Skirts was a Celtic fan ?

    Aye, I suppose she would have been.

    WTF its got to do with the question posed however.....



    f****** hell. There's nothing like a massive overraction in that post or in the media, you'd think he'd murdered someone.


    He attacked the keeper - and you think thats nothing ? ? ?




    Hahaha. I thought that was hilarious. I could try to explain the joke, but that always just takes the fun out of it.  Good old misspellings.

  3. I can't see or hear the games here at work. Were they good goals, or simply a result of perfect passing and/or shoddy defense? i.e. was Owen just lucky to be in the right spot at the right time, or were they clinical strikes? The latter would bode well for the future.

  4. sure, we lose players-though hopefully we should have replacements to fill in. but our opposition should lost plenty of players also. I don't have the time to check up exactly who right now, but it's not like they will be able to throw everyone at us too-not many teams have no important african players now.

  5. Anyone know how much money we actually sold him for? I read a couple of articles, and saw no mention of the transfer fee. Did we get the full 8 million, or just the 6 million up front or what?

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