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Posts posted by toonarmy

  1. this tournament has had some of the best counter-attack goals i've ever seen. this one wasn't a pure counter, but it felt like one.


    It wasn't?


    well, sweden weren't really going after russia's goal yet, it was just sort of hanging around midfield and then russia exploded out from there. not like sweden had just taken a corner kick and russia ran off with the rebound or anything.

  2. Neither Holland/Spain or Portugal will win it.


    can't see how you can say that like.


    I think any of spain, holand, portugal and germany will win it. spain or germany at a push.


    if russia wern't almost certain to play holland in the quatre's then spain in the semi's i'd have given them a chance of making the final as well.


    agreed. pretty much has to be one of those 4. i don't want to read too much into results from one game, but who else is really capable? italy is so old, and they are in dire straits already, but you can't count them out yet. france looks awful and old also. greece? the czechs who were outplayed by the swiss? croatia, who didn't deserve a win against austria? turkey is a mess. romania could pull a greece '04, but they will have a hard time getting out of the group. no one else really left.

  3. one interesting thing is that we havent even seen spain's midfield at their best. they've obviously dominated, but they haven't really created the goals with crosses or creative moves (outside of the second goal set up by iniesta's juking). most of the chances and goals have been created purely by the strikers outrunning the defense. haven't seen too many crosses or the midfielders passing into the box or anything like that, which players like cesc are clearly capable of. adds another element going forward.

  4. torres was good before the move, but hes on a different level now. you can see the confidence in him. having proven himself as probably the best true striker in england, he has to be thinking that if he he can do it there at the premier league pace and with that level of physicalness, he can certainly handle someone like the russians or anyone else. that's why i think there's some truth to the general consensus that this year will be different for spain due to the premier league players-they won't be flustered by a team with higher pace or more physical nature.

  5. been a much better game than i expected. decent atmosphere, some breathtaking football from Man U, and now its tied. started off cagey for 23 minutes, but great final 24 minutes. Man U probably should have put this game already, but hey, at least this sets up an interesting enough second half to keep me watching.

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