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Posts posted by fredbob

  1. The Emirates will pay itself off, that's why it's not a massive financial risk. The naming thing has already secured Arsenal £150m or so, so they're well on their way to securing enough money to pay for it.


    And the other three, even though they have debts that would be massive risks for most clubs, they've got rich owners who can deal with it.


    You would have said the same about the SJP expansion 5 years ago


    And? 5 years ago no one could have predicted that we would be in the freefall that we were at the end of Fred's time. That's stunning, don't you think? 10 years ago I don't think many predicted that we'd be in financial trouble and our future would be looking seemingly bleak. That's the main thing I've been trying to say so far, though god knows I've tried my best to sound as confusing as possible.




    And in 5 years time Wenger may have let and Arsenal may be struggling to get 8th place in the Premier league.


    You've said exactly what I was getting at, the Emirates looks sound now, SJP look sound 5 years ago


    Aye, the MANAGER makes a massive difference, which is where we went wrong with the appointment of Souness, obviously.


    .....or even the sacking of SBR?


    didn't hear too many voices against it at the time.


    Never mind, after today, do you hope the club continue carrying on putting the books first, standby for more real mediocrity or worse. I thought when the Halls and Shepherd left, all this mediocrity would come to an end. I reckon we need a few of these quality trophy players to get up the league a bit, don't you




    I've always been unhappy with the sacking of SBR.


    I dont know what agenda you have me trying to push but you have the wrong man, i wasnt for Shepard during his reign as chairmen, although i supported most of his decisions. I am not one of these people who think the new board are magically sorting out all the problems, but i am extremely encouraged by what has already occured with the new board, but i feel obliged to respond to some absolute stupendous critism of the new board which is borderline idiotic. considering that we are 5 months into their ownership. Whehther you turn out to be correct or wrong is irrelevant to me but to sit there and criticise something so quickly with absolutley NOTHING solid to back it up except for some loose misinterpretation is mind boggling to me.




    A simple FACT, dear boy, is that Sir Bobby Robson's team was booed for only finishing 5th, this epitomised the feeling of a lot of fans at that time. I would presume those who booed the team that day were the same people - like booboo - who laugh at the team when they aren't performing well.


    I'm not saying that you were one of those, because I don't know, but what I do know is if you ignore this comment, you are ignoring history. So don't start laying the blame at the feet of the board, they acted in what was thought was the decision to be made at the time. Most fans backed it - even those who didn't shamefully boo - the only problem was the replacement. What a shame we didn't find the next Arsene Wenger though during the last decade eh, how incompetent can you get




    they acted in what was thought was the decision to be made at the time


    And turned out to be wrong, hence my point about the mistake occuring at the sacking of SBR and not the appointment of Souness.



    oh dear.


    You still don't get it.




    Clearly..... if you make a decision, no matter how good the intentions and merits of the decision, if it transpires to be a bad decision then you take responsibilty for that decision. I'm saying that the sacking of SBR is where we went wrong, not the appointment of Souness.


    I think SBR was a victim of what happened against Partizan Belgrade at the beginning of the season, that and his age. Im saying that the majority of fans who thought it was right to sack him, were wrong.  Yes i saw the season, and the football wasnt as good as the precedining seasons, but despite this we still finished 5th. That speaks volumes to me.


    You aren't saying the decision to sack him was wrong at all, you are saying his replacement was a tosser, and I wouldn't disagree with you on that score. Although many people said we should back him, and backed his sales and changes. Again the operative phrase is "at the time". Hindsight is easy.


    If we had sacked him and replaced him with Arsene Wenger, I doubt you would have said then that sacking him was a "mistake". I hope you can see the difference.


    BTW, I'm beginning to think you may be thompers but without the swearing  ;D


    Let me put this clearer to you, i am saying the decision to sack SBR was wrong. Full Stop. I am saying the replacement dfied any logic, and was a reactive appointement as oppsed to a bold proactive appointments.


    If Wenger was appointed, i'd still say the decision was a bad one, purely because of the fact that SBR didnt deserve to be sacked.


    Id of been happy with the appoitment of Wenger, so please dont misinterpret that, but these are 2 completely different situations. Im scrtunizing the decison of sacking SBR. Which as ORIGINALLY stated in ym very origninal post was where we went wrong and not the appointment of Souness.



  2. 'The vast majority of people sensed we needed a change.'


    Does that make it right with Shepherd as well then?


    Thats how i see it as well, thank god there's someone who' seeing the same limp wristed retorts as me. Thats pretty much what they're saying!


    Do you know NE5s' link with the old board Dave? Is Ne5 freddy sheperd? He got pretty touchy when i spelt his name wrong. Not seen so much denial since the OJ simpson trial.


    thats him, re-writing history again to favour his agenda, sorted.


    Absolutely correct, thats 4 of us telling him. He'll probably still dispute it though  :lol:


    It's got nothing to do with re-writing history, my comments are based on facts.  Robson had two bad starts before he was sacked and he'd managed to turn things around, who is to say that he couldn't have done it again?


    FACT ... is what all 4 of us have tried to tell you. The vast majority of people sensed we needed a change, including the board.  And the players - and  BR - were soundly given the bird for only finishing 5th. Take it or leave it, but don't re-write history and say they weren't, because they were.




    Crikey, "only finishing 5th"


    Let me tell you young man, if you were around pre 1992 when we had  really shit boards only finishing 5th wouldnt be part of your vocabulary. You should of seen of league finishings in the previous 30 years.

  4. the quickest way is to spend money you don't have.


    I'll eagerly await the "big four" apart from Chelsea and most of the rest of the teams in the league going into administration then.


    Strange how all these people who are slating having ambiton are unable to see this is how the top 4 became the top 4, and our relative success in our recent past has also came as a result of the same thing. Do they really think you can be successful unless you try to compete at the top levels ?


    Quite amazing.



    Do you not think that it acould also be due to the fact they made astute appointments and didnt sack them as regularly as they changed their pants.?


    Well, are you saying we should have stuck with Dalglish ?


    Or Gullit, and not therefore appointed Bobby Robson when we did ?




    Been here before mate, the appointments arent what im scrutinizing, the 2 major responsiblities of the board are the appointment of the right manager adn the backing of the manager, for years, like the top 4 we have backied the manager, but when it comes to appointing and sticking by the right manager, we've failed miserably, and it kinda shows in the urrent gulf of class between us and the top 4.


    Im saying that the rotation of managers is the reason why we're behind the top4.

  5. The Emirates will pay itself off, that's why it's not a massive financial risk. The naming thing has already secured Arsenal £150m or so, so they're well on their way to securing enough money to pay for it.


    And the other three, even though they have debts that would be massive risks for most clubs, they've got rich owners who can deal with it.


    You would have said the same about the SJP expansion 5 years ago


    And? 5 years ago no one could have predicted that we would be in the freefall that we were at the end of Fred's time. That's stunning, don't you think? 10 years ago I don't think many predicted that we'd be in financial trouble and our future would be looking seemingly bleak. That's the main thing I've been trying to say so far, though god knows I've tried my best to sound as confusing as possible.




    And in 5 years time Wenger may have let and Arsenal may be struggling to get 8th place in the Premier league.


    You've said exactly what I was getting at, the Emirates looks sound now, SJP look sound 5 years ago


    Aye, the MANAGER makes a massive difference, which is where we went wrong with the appointment of Souness, obviously.


    .....or even the sacking of SBR?


    didn't hear too many voices against it at the time.


    Never mind, after today, do you hope the club continue carrying on putting the books first, standby for more real mediocrity or worse. I thought when the Halls and Shepherd left, all this mediocrity would come to an end. I reckon we need a few of these quality trophy players to get up the league a bit, don't you




    I've always been unhappy with the sacking of SBR.


    I dont know what agenda you have me trying to push but you have the wrong man, i wasnt for Shepard during his reign as chairmen, although i supported most of his decisions. I am not one of these people who think the new board are magically sorting out all the problems, but i am extremely encouraged by what has already occured with the new board, but i feel obliged to respond to some absolute stupendous critism of the new board which is borderline idiotic. considering that we are 5 months into their ownership. Whehther you turn out to be correct or wrong is irrelevant to me but to sit there and criticise something so quickly with absolutley NOTHING solid to back it up except for some loose misinterpretation is mind boggling to me.




    A simple FACT, dear boy, is that Sir Bobby Robson's team was booed for only finishing 5th, this epitomised the feeling of a lot of fans at that time. I would presume those who booed the team that day were the same people - like booboo - who laugh at the team when they aren't performing well.


    I'm not saying that you were one of those, because I don't know, but what I do know is if you ignore this comment, you are ignoring history. So don't start laying the blame at the feet of the board, they acted in what was thought was the decision to be made at the time. Most fans backed it - even those who didn't shamefully boo - the only problem was the replacement. What a shame we didn't find the next Arsene Wenger though during the last decade eh, how incompetent can you get




    they acted in what was thought was the decision to be made at the time


    And turned out to be wrong, hence my point about the mistake occuring at the sacking of SBR and not the appointment of Souness.



    oh dear.


    You still don't get it.




    Clearly..... if you make a decision, no matter how good the intentions and merits of the decision, if it transpires to be a bad decision then you take responsibilty for that decision. I'm saying that the sacking of SBR is where we went wrong, not the appointment of Souness.


    I think SBR was a victim of what happened against Partizan Belgrade at the beginning of the season, that and his age. Im saying that the majority of fans who thought it was right to sack him, were wrong.  Yes i saw the season, and the football wasnt as good as the precedining seasons, but despite this we still finished 5th. That speaks volumes to me.

  6. The Emirates will pay itself off, that's why it's not a massive financial risk. The naming thing has already secured Arsenal £150m or so, so they're well on their way to securing enough money to pay for it.


    And the other three, even though they have debts that would be massive risks for most clubs, they've got rich owners who can deal with it.


    You would have said the same about the SJP expansion 5 years ago


    And? 5 years ago no one could have predicted that we would be in the freefall that we were at the end of Fred's time. That's stunning, don't you think? 10 years ago I don't think many predicted that we'd be in financial trouble and our future would be looking seemingly bleak. That's the main thing I've been trying to say so far, though god knows I've tried my best to sound as confusing as possible.




    And in 5 years time Wenger may have let and Arsenal may be struggling to get 8th place in the Premier league.


    You've said exactly what I was getting at, the Emirates looks sound now, SJP look sound 5 years ago


    Aye, the MANAGER makes a massive difference, which is where we went wrong with the appointment of Souness, obviously.


    .....or even the sacking of SBR?


    didn't hear too many voices against it at the time.


    Never mind, after today, do you hope the club continue carrying on putting the books first, standby for more real mediocrity or worse. I thought when the Halls and Shepherd left, all this mediocrity would come to an end. I reckon we need a few of these quality trophy players to get up the league a bit, don't you




    I've always been unhappy with the sacking of SBR.


    I dont know what agenda you have me trying to push but you have the wrong man, i wasnt for Shepard during his reign as chairmen, although i supported most of his decisions. I am not one of these people who think the new board are magically sorting out all the problems, but i am extremely encouraged by what has already occured with the new board, but i feel obliged to respond to some absolute stupendous critism of the new board which is borderline idiotic. considering that we are 5 months into their ownership. Whehther you turn out to be correct or wrong is irrelevant to me but to sit there and criticise something so quickly with absolutley NOTHING solid to back it up except for some loose misinterpretation is mind boggling to me.




    A simple FACT, dear boy, is that Sir Bobby Robson's team was booed for only finishing 5th, this epitomised the feeling of a lot of fans at that time. I would presume those who booed the team that day were the same people - like booboo - who laugh at the team when they aren't performing well.


    I'm not saying that you were one of those, because I don't know, but what I do know is if you ignore this comment, you are ignoring history. So don't start laying the blame at the feet of the board, they acted in what was thought was the decision to be made at the time. Most fans backed it - even those who didn't shamefully boo - the only problem was the replacement. What a shame we didn't find the next Arsene Wenger though during the last decade eh, how incompetent can you get




    they acted in what was thought was the decision to be made at the time


    And turned out to be wrong, hence my point about the mistake occuring at the sacking of SBR and not the appointment of Souness.


  7. the quickest way is to spend money you don't have.


    I'll eagerly await the "big four" apart from Chelsea and most of the rest of the teams in the league going into administration then.


    Strange how all these people who are slating having ambiton are unable to see this is how the top 4 became the top 4, and our relative success in our recent past has also came as a result of the same thing. Do they really think you can be successful unless you try to compete at the top levels ?


    Quite amazing.




    Do you not think that it acould also be due to the fact they made astute appointments and didnt sack them as regularly as they changed their pants.?

  8. currently 9th. not good enough. i want 4th or above. he's had 6 months FFS!!!!1 i won the league on champ man after 4!!!!



    some people really have delusions of grandeur or a severe bout of amnesia.

    Sam is good enough and he needs time.


    I Agree with Both of the above (in bold), TBH!




    The over expectation by our fans is frankly hillarious.


    We were/are no where near Villa, Blackburn, Everton or Pompy. We are not a top 8 team anymore. We are a mid table team. We need time to build on that.


    Those expecting anything above 8th this season were dreaming. The club was murdered by two appointments and sackings. Changing again is a bad idea, its hardly brought us on so far..


    you cant say that on here. we are a top 1 side and we arent performing as such. sack the manager and the rest.


    good post though.






    I'm not aiming this at anyone but isn't it clear? Where has sacking and resigning a new team got us?



    If done correctly, it can work wonders. Most of our Managerial decisions have been poor but John Hall made a decent one in sacking Ardiles and getting Keegan in. It can work if the club think about it properly. I really felt that JH could sense what KK would do and went for it.



    If certain people see that then i can see this thread going in a completely different direction pretty soon...

  9. I dont agree with the poor signings things, it can be argued that they havent perfomrd consistently but i believe that they all definitely have something good to offer to the team. most of them have been an improvment on the previous squad and probably fit the type of player we are able to sign at this point of time.


    I think it comes down to Allardyce at the mo not being able to adapt to a squad which isnt suited to his style, starting with the strikers which i think are the biggest of his problems cause of all the complications

  10. Today was a horrible performance, i dont have unrealisitc expectationsn but i want to see progression as a club, so far everything off the field seems good, but the on field performances have been pretty uninspirational. I still think we have a good squad and unfortunately think that the way we are playing is down to Allardyce. Im notsuggesting for one second we sack him etc, i happen think we should give everyone time providing they arent destrying the team. The team morale seems quite high so i dont think its a confidence issue, as we bounced back quite well recentely you'd expect any team to go on a run. Sad to say that there seems to be a bit of a Souness pattern occuring minus the injuries where we have a good run and a horribly bad one, all without any decent football. I always thought that this was gonna be a transistional season and my opinion hasnt changed.


    Stats about opposition dont interest me really,  the quality of the 11 players representing our team are more important and if our team is better than yours then you should play to attack and use the extra skill and ability we pay for.







    Why not?


    A man with a point to prove


    A man with premiership experience


    A man who took a team from mid table s**** to top 6


    A man who is looking for a new challenge


    A man who will enjoy being able to sign his own players and build his own side.


    I think he'd be a great appointment.


    I think he'd be good but i dont see long term sustained success with him. The oppurtunity to appoint managers is something which will shape the entire club and id rather go great while we have the chance. I wouldnt exactly describe Jol as great, in the higher echelons of club management. Id see him as a fall back option though when we get knocked back by all the great ones.

  12. I dont think any manager with a proven track record would want to come here. I think our record with managers preceded ourselves. Add SA name to that list of sacked managers....


    We'd only get someone who has a screw loose or is very keen to manage in the premiership.


    My wild card would be Van Gaal. 

  13. The Emirates will pay itself off, that's why it's not a massive financial risk. The naming thing has already secured Arsenal £150m or so, so they're well on their way to securing enough money to pay for it.


    And the other three, even though they have debts that would be massive risks for most clubs, they've got rich owners who can deal with it.


    You would have said the same about the SJP expansion 5 years ago


    And? 5 years ago no one could have predicted that we would be in the freefall that we were at the end of Fred's time. That's stunning, don't you think? 10 years ago I don't think many predicted that we'd be in financial trouble and our future would be looking seemingly bleak. That's the main thing I've been trying to say so far, though god knows I've tried my best to sound as confusing as possible.




    And in 5 years time Wenger may have let and Arsenal may be struggling to get 8th place in the Premier league.


    You've said exactly what I was getting at, the Emirates looks sound now, SJP look sound 5 years ago


    Aye, the MANAGER makes a massive difference, which is where we went wrong with the appointment of Souness, obviously.


    .....or even the sacking of SBR?




    Yes. Cant understand why he was sacked and cant understand how after seeing all these years of hurt pre 1992 when "we were shit" you'd be happy to try and justify the sacking of a manager who's done extremly well for us, despite witnessing all these hard times. All said without even a hint of irony.

  14. The Emirates will pay itself off, that's why it's not a massive financial risk. The naming thing has already secured Arsenal £150m or so, so they're well on their way to securing enough money to pay for it.


    And the other three, even though they have debts that would be massive risks for most clubs, they've got rich owners who can deal with it.


    You would have said the same about the SJP expansion 5 years ago


    And? 5 years ago no one could have predicted that we would be in the freefall that we were at the end of Fred's time. That's stunning, don't you think? 10 years ago I don't think many predicted that we'd be in financial trouble and our future would be looking seemingly bleak. That's the main thing I've been trying to say so far, though god knows I've tried my best to sound as confusing as possible.




    And in 5 years time Wenger may have let and Arsenal may be struggling to get 8th place in the Premier league.


    You've said exactly what I was getting at, the Emirates looks sound now, SJP look sound 5 years ago


    Aye, the MANAGER makes a massive difference, which is where we went wrong with the appointment of Souness, obviously.


    .....or even the sacking of SBR?


    didn't hear too many voices against it at the time.


    Never mind, after today, do you hope the club continue carrying on putting the books first, standby for more real mediocrity or worse. I thought when the Halls and Shepherd left, all this mediocrity would come to an end. I reckon we need a few of these quality trophy players to get up the league a bit, don't you




    I've always been unhappy with the sacking of SBR.


    I dont know what agenda you have me trying to push but you have the wrong man, i wasnt for Shepard during his reign as chairmen, although i supported most of his decisions. I am not one of these people who think the new board are magically sorting out all the problems, but i am extremely encouraged by what has already occured with the new board, but i feel obliged to respond to some absolute stupendous critism of the new board which is borderline idiotic. considering that we are 5 months into their ownership. Whehther you turn out to be correct or wrong is irrelevant to me but to sit there and criticise something so quickly with absolutley NOTHING solid to back it up except for some loose misinterpretation is mind boggling to me.



  15. Ya see, the strange thing is is that i have absolutely no problems whatsoever with a forigen manager, for me, those 90minutes on the pitch with 11 players representing the country is far more important for "national pride" than having a foriegn 'pupeteer' pulling the strings off the pitch.


    Thats the way i see it. As long as the car is english i dont mind what the nationality of the driver is.


    How do you define English? English by nationality, or English by ethinicity (ie white Anglo-Saxon, excluding McLaren, Allardyce, Ince etc all English nationals of  Scottish, Irish, African etc origin)?


    How could you accept a foreign coach and not a foreign player? Imagine the prime minister being an Italian.


    I'd define an englishman as someone who's roots are based in england. Id stretch as far as sayin that the player could be born in Iraqistan but if National pride is incorporated in those 90minutes, not those 2 months of preperation beforehand!




  16. No, how stupid would be that be, Spanish nationality playing for England, i don't agree with it one bit. If you're English you play for England, if you're Spanish you play for Spain.


    I think he will become a British citizen, hence why he can play for England.

    I know :lol: It's not the point is it? He was born in Spain.


    What about the technically Canadian Owen Hargreaves?


    I can handle someone who's roots are based within our nation, but to have someone who was born in a neighbouring european country with absolute no link to the nation but 'qualify' through technicalities is just a little bit too much for me. 


    Almunia=qualified englishman


    Englishman, in your own words?


    I can absolutely understand your sentiment, I am against the appointment of Capello, or any other foreign coach. But Almunia if he qualifies technically as an Englishman surely must be considered as Englishman?


    I don't rate Almunia and I don't wish him near the national team because he is no better than who are already there. But if he decides to be an English and he is accepted legally then he must receive equal treatement, as guaranteed constitutionally, as other law abiding Englishman.


    Ya see, the strange thing is is that i have absolutely no problems whatsoever with a forigen manager, for me, those 90minutes on the pitch with 11 players representing the country is far more important for "national pride" than having a foriegn 'pupeteer' pulling the strings off the pitch.


    Thats the way i see it. As long as the car is english i dont mind what the nationality of the driver is.

  17. No, how stupid would be that be, Spanish nationality playing for England, i don't agree with it one bit. If you're English you play for England, if you're Spanish you play for Spain.


    I think he will become a British citizen, hence why he can play for England.

    I know :lol: It's not the point is it? He was born in Spain.


    What about the technically Canadian Owen Hargreaves?


    I can handle someone who's roots are based within our nation, but to have someone who was born in a neighbouring european country with absolute no link to the nation but 'qualify' through technicalities is just a little bit too much for me. 


    Almunia=qualified englishman




    But you know all of us came from Africa, right?




    lol, touche mr aspith, touche

  18. Pretty happy with that to be honest, should be interesting to see Faye and Taylor, the only premiership experienced defenders we have. Might be a decent partnership.

    Very happy with the midfield to be honest, Emre will be given more of a free license in that midfield with Geremi and Smith providing cover.


    Not exactly happy with Zog at lb, Valencia is a decent player.

  19. The Emirates will pay itself off, that's why it's not a massive financial risk. The naming thing has already secured Arsenal £150m or so, so they're well on their way to securing enough money to pay for it.


    And the other three, even though they have debts that would be massive risks for most clubs, they've got rich owners who can deal with it.


    You would have said the same about the SJP expansion 5 years ago


    And? 5 years ago no one could have predicted that we would be in the freefall that we were at the end of Fred's time. That's stunning, don't you think? 10 years ago I don't think many predicted that we'd be in financial trouble and our future would be looking seemingly bleak. That's the main thing I've been trying to say so far, though god knows I've tried my best to sound as confusing as possible.




    And in 5 years time Wenger may have let and Arsenal may be struggling to get 8th place in the Premier league.


    You've said exactly what I was getting at, the Emirates looks sound now, SJP look sound 5 years ago


    Aye, the MANAGER makes a massive difference, which is where we went wrong with the appointment of Souness, obviously.


    .....or even the sacking of SBR?

  20. No, how stupid would be that be, Spanish nationality playing for England, i don't agree with it one bit. If you're English you play for England, if you're Spanish you play for Spain.


    I think he will become a British citizen, hence why he can play for England.

    I know :lol: It's not the point is it? He was born in Spain.


    What about the technically Canadian Owen Hargreaves?


    I can handle someone who's roots are based within our nation, but to have someone who was born in a neighbouring european country with absolute no link to the nation but 'qualify' through technicalities is just a little bit too much for me. 


    Almunia=qualified englishman

  21. How sellable is the club to the really top level managers out there? I cant help but think that nufc dont have a great repuataions amongst the managers of the game. Cant really see anyone coming who's already got a proven track record - unless :


    (i) they're short of a few... :idiot2:


    (ii) desperate to join the english premiership


    I dont really think that any manager is gonna be sold by the potetial of the club anymore, not after the way the past managers have been treated. If Allardyce was to get the sack, that definitely wont help the reputation.

  22. f*** me


    They could win the title in 2 years if they wanted! Scary


    Nah, really don't see the potential in QPR. Strange move.


    Chelsea and Fulham are next door, and their fanbase is limited.  While there is no scope for development of Loftus Road.


    It doesn't matter how much money you have, getting quality players to QPR is going to be virtually impossible.


    Ya never know, them achieving something within 3 years isnt gonna be too strange a thought. Significant investemnt will get them into the premiership easily. There's gotta be some reason why they're all investeing, theres gotta be some money making potential there, if not, thats even more worrying for everyone becasue it means the club is nothing more or less than a toy for the fat cats. It would make the job irresistable for any manager to know there would be unlimited spending.

  23. I'm personally more concerned for Enrique, enriques absense is restricting the most attacking player we have in this midfield. SA has said that he believes the squad to be a 442 squad, i cant imagine SA favouring Emre at all to be honest. In my opinion Allardyce is obsessed with having midfielders who will track back and provide defensive cover when required and its not in Emre's natural game to track back. Allardyce is obsessed with work rate. I imagine his stats show that Emres hearts not pumping hard enough and isnt seeing enough of the football pitch, it would explain why he prefers Smith Barton Geremi and Butt.

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