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Posts posted by fredbob

  1. Uefa cup qual and mybe a decent cup run, QF f a cup would be fine. My opinions change for the next season though, if SA were in charge i'd want the same to be honest. If sven were in charge id want to see us push further up the table and want the same decent cup run. Reason....because i know what sven is capable of, and i dont know what SA is capabl of.

  2. Agree compltely with Northern Monkey. He's got it spot on. It's hardly relevant what names are said, every single manger we could menion would have his flaws somewhere or other. Hitzfed - no PL experience, Scolari - Same, Sven what happened at england, etc etc....it could go on forever....if i was to put my neck out a someone completely 100% realistic but in that list of elite mangers, i'd say sven. Forget about his personal life, forget all the crappy jokes forget about england for a second, what he's achieved at club level puts him on that list of managerial 'hot property.' Surely? Allardyce is just as risky onthe basis that he hasn't won nything, he's not manged under amazng pressure, ver manged for a clu this size...againe list could go on, but for me this club should go for proven record, dnt give me Dalglish and Souness, they haven't achived anythin nearly as comparable to Sven...even qf of a major interantional tournament would be beyond them.

  3. ok, so id ont seem to be gettin much support, fair enough. ill stick with my hopes for the club, am just wondering, with the scenario i gave you, supposing after the 5 years boss was sacked (consistent top 8 finish with a cup) and a new one was comin in, what would your expectations of (a) who the cahirman next apionts and (b) where we should be going next.

    Because if either of your answers are (a) top class manager or (b) higher up the league, then we are now, then your hopes for the clubs are the same as mine.  only mine are now.


    Only with the golden oppurtunity we have at the mo, it would be foolish not to even consider looking for the top class maanger in the first place.  (Remember, the list of managers who said they would love to manage in the EPL) It is a realistic prospect. in my opinion, SA is coming 3 years to late.



  4. really?? lol, you've blown me apart there, pretty shocked by that, in 5 years time you'd be happy with stillbeing a mid table team?


    So in essence you'd prefer a team like spuds when george graham was in charge to newcastle when SBR was in charge???


    I'd like us to win as many games as possible. Don't care how we win them.


    I'm not kidding myself, it'll take a few years to sort this club out but if he puts things in place - success in the League will follow. While we're waiting, a Cup win would be much appreciated.  :cheesy:


    Would you rather us play pretty football, finishing 5th and winning nowt? f*** that - want to celebrate something.


    that is shockingly blingsighted, of course i would prefer the cosistent top 5 with great football. Do you not see how important it is to estabilish the club for the future. Making this club more attractive to any top class manager is my priority, one who would take usto that next step on wininng that important trophy. But to say you'd prfer crap football with mid table prosperity is absurd at which point are we realising our potential???



  5. My other main concern is about ppls ambitions for this club, and one of the most overly used phrases which makes me so angry is "newcastle haven't won a trophy is 38years", it is such a terrible trap to set yourself, i think its hugely important for a club like this to winthings, but for me, i fear that if SA is the man to finally win a trophy, how long will you be happy for, surely you cant sack a nufc trophy winner???


    Which would you prefer in 5 years time....consistent top 8 finishes playin turgid football and winning the league cup, or potentially what Sam may achieve (purely hypothetical and unfouded)


    Consistent top 5 finishes for the next 5 year playing great football but not quite reaching the peak of a cup tournament.....(a la SBR)


    For me it is the second one, it pains me to say that i would sacrifice silverware, but for me having the club in that sort of position consistely really gets the passion flowing.


    Anyone who wants the first one is either really really old, or lacks the ambition this club SHOULD be having.



  6. Is anyone concerned at all by the type of football SA might bring to the club?? It;s another major concer for me. People seem to be putting over emphasis on the structure he will bring to this club. It's a structure that i honestly belive Roeder was gonna bring to this club....scouting etc, i think ppl over ovr romantising this fact. At this point i am feeling disheartened,  i think that a precious oppurtunity to really see a top class renowned coach has faded because FS has shot his load too soon. The fact that he hasn't even attemtped (as far as i can see) to see what is available to him, and there is no doubt that there are some. off all those managers who say thy would like to mange in the remiership, (koeman, Houllier, Big Phil, Sven, Ramos,Capello, lippi, hitzfeld Hiddink etc....) Is everyone who genuinely thinks that SA is the right man for the job believe that not one of the manager emntioned above haven't got the ambition to stretch outside coaching one of the top 4 clubs, i think tat with a bit of loo you might find a couple, and for the club to not even investigate the possiblity is shocking. It's the same attitude which has typified the state that the club is in at the moment.

  7. How can anyone be happy that this club has basically appionted a manager that has turned us down twice, in essence appionted before we lost our former manager, who is unproven at a big club and hasn't got a team that is by now accepted UEFA cup hopefuls to be consistently get in the competition. only once have they qualified. Why is the minority unhappy that the club has yet again not shown any ambition at all?

  8. Agreed with Seattle. I would be happy with SA to an extent because he will give the club what it needs badly...OFF the pitch. just thnk that the oppurtunity to appiont a manager doesn't come every so often. So when it does, i tink its uninspring when we go for a manager one week after losing our last one. To not even attempt to look at the potentials out there, is absurd in my opinion. OF all the managers whohave openely stated that they would like to manage in EPL one time, are you sayin to me that their ambitions are only stretched to managing the top 4?  I am 100% certain that there is one manger out there who has ambitions to manage this diamond in the rough.

  9. I guess what it comes down to is people personal opinions on who is better of sven or SA?

    In my opinion, Sven is proven everywhere, at club level. Dont get me wrong, i beleive SA will turn out to be a good appointemtn, i just prayed this time that newcastle looked for a great appionment. which hasn't been the case.


    Svenhas done it everywhere his club CV is immaculate, (anyone, who compares him to Souness  and Dalglish needs a slap), he has the proven pedigree to gt a team to the later stages of a major cp competition. Something which knowone below the top 4 has achieved, (Mclaren didn't do it consistently and was largely lucky.) How anyone can put SA above Sven is beyond me.

  10. i am the first to rule out Hiddink, for me they are managers who the top 4 will be lookin to, tbh, for me its between Sven adn SA and to rule out a class manger who does in actuall fact have managerial skill would be bizarre. There are so many managers who say they would like to manage in england sometime. Surely not everyone's ambitios are to manage to top 4 exclusiely???

    All i am simply tryin to point out is the lack of ambition this club actually has if after only one week of speculation we are already going for SA, rather than pursuing a different direction.

    Like i said, i hate the fact that this club had SA nailed on for the job as soon as he became available even though we had a manager. Reeked of desperation.

    Does anyone genuinely think SVEn couldn't get us into the top4? Does anyon genuinely belive SA is a better manager than Sven?

    Supposing nufc were to be in the exact same situation 3 years down the line we eithe SA or Sven, who do you thik the next manager would like to take over from, sven or SA? assume we wee consistenly top 6?

    Feel likeam going onto a bit of a tangent, gonna go lie down rest  head.

  11. Gonna be brave and open up a can of worms here, but if anyone is 100% happy with SA, then they lack complete abitions for this club. This club has the hallmarks of title challengers. Just like Arsenal had early 90's? George Graham left so they went to lok at someone who would take them to the next stp, Arsene, Newcastle shold of been in that posiiton after SBR left, but instead of loooking forward we looked at where we are at. We ended up with Souness, because the criteria for the job at the time was to instill discipline. At this point n the clubs history, it is time to find someone who is capble of taking us all  the way to the top 4, not someone who's primary ambitions is to make us top 8. What SAd at bolton was very good,but he only manged to get bolton in europe once? now for me, the way i look at it is a maory unlooked point. With all the stability that bolton had, despite the lack of transfer funds SA could not consistley get them into europe, somethin he should be able to do in my opinion. (They achieved in once with limited resources, why should things change?)


    If you have a punctured tyre on ya bike, you can do 2 things,you can repair the puncture or ya can buy a new tyre, if you repair to the trye, it'll do well for ya for the time being, but its gonna fall apart  soonenough, if ya buy a new tyre, ya problems automatically ae solved and you can still set out to achive what you want.

    Nufc are perrenial trye repairers.

    Anyoe lookin for SA to fix al our problems are tyre repairers too.


  12. So, its defnelty looks like it is Allardyce who's in charge? Does anyone genuinely think that SA is comparable to the top4 managers at the mo? I honestly dont thin so. I believe that SA will be a good appointment, no doubt. I dont think he will be the best ne available though. I really wanted the club to look to a manger who is comparable to the top 4, the likes of scolari, and Sven for me are those type of people. These are people who hve a proen pedigree at gettin teams into the latter staeges and even final stages of major tournaments. Even Houllier has some form in that department (not in the same league as Sven and Phil though) for me, although what he did at bolton was remarkable, i dont think he's the man to break us into top4.

    In my opinion, i dont want him here at newcastle. I think this club has top 4 potential, no doubt. more so than any other club. I am more worried by the fact that with all the years of mediocrity we have recently seen, we wil be fooled into thinkin that consistent top6 finishes are good enough for this club, from where we are at at the mo, yes, that would be good, but if it was the case for years to come, then i wont be happy. The oppurtunity to employ a person who can change the history of a club comes not very often, i think its high time newcastle at least attempt to seek a manger with the pedigree to bring this club where it belong.

  13. Am i the only one who isn't overly keen on SA coming to nufc??? I understand and agree completely that Roeder needs go, his football has been uninspiring at best and i cant remember seeing nufc put any single team under relentless pressure for a sustained period of time in a performance all season. (Bar AZ at home). (First half)

    His constant referall to injuries has been unfounded at times, as the steady flow of fit players into thefirst team have done little to improve performances. The list could go on, but i think you already know.

    For me, what SA  achieved at Bolton was fantastic, no question, he brought in a modern structure to the reebok stadiuim, from a scouting network to the scientific stats analysis, something which would be greatly appreciated at newcastle. (Though, whether FS would implement all the changes is another matter to be seen, remeber SBR wanting the 80k stats anlysis and being refused....one weeks wages for Mr Dyer).

    My biggest gripe with the potential appointment of SA is the style of football that SA would bring to the toon.

    For me, my fondest memories of nufc were the swash buckling style of football that was played in the mid 90's and the early noughtys, call me a keegan bandwagon jumper, but i am only 19 so thats what i was brought up with, and i loved every minute of it, i was really disheartened with Gullit and Dalglish but the appionement of SBR was something that has not only been the best thing but the worst thing for nufc in recent times. The brand of football that he brought to nufc were a joy to behold. It is this therefore that leads me away from SA, i dont belive there is true nufc fans who would enjoy seeing nufc reaching the upper echeoloens of the EPL at the expense of the free flowing football that newcastle bases its tradition on.  For those who say that i am a band wagon jumper and dont know what it was like in the past, pre keegan, my question is, if that is the case and we weren't terrific pre keegan, why are our expectations so sky high?? The answer? It is because newcastle are definetely the sleeping giants of english football and all 52k fans who fill the seat at SJP, sit there onthe tiniest whim that they can be there to witness this sleeping giant awake. While i would love to see SA bring in the structure that this club so desperately needs, i crave more for the relentless attacking football that this club needs, in my opinion SA is not the man who wll even entertain the thought. Part of my reservations also come from the fact that SA turned us down twice, i have read that him and FS dont agree on something, there are 4 things that pop in my mind, SA wanting to proide a complete overhaul at nufc, not something FS would be keen on, comprmising the style of play, Mr Shearer and finally the bung stuff.

    Woud anyone enjoy reasonable success, consistent top 6 finishes with ugly football? If so, at which point would it be unnacceptable, providing we had not won anything? Would anyone be more tolerant of the same consistent finishes without a trophy if nufc produced exhilrating football, and breath taking matches? If s, in my opinion, you secretly in your heart of hearts are opposed to SA being appionted.

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