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Posts posted by fredbob

  1. I'd happily take him if we could get him. Who cares if he's only got a season or two left? Think of him like a Gallacher-type signing. Would help hold us together for the time being, and, along with Butt and Owen, give us a spine of players with shared experience on the national team. Would also hopefully help the youngsters refine their game. Anyway, there's not much else around and he's better than what we've got. But...


    I've seen nothing to suggest that he's available. 


    Yeh, precisely, apart from the fact that Pompey aren't cnsidered a 'glamour' club i cant see why he would choose us over them. The fact that he's be turned down by us once before makes the potential transfer even more unlikely. I think his next stop will be l'espania to be honest.  Id be happy to have him. In fact if only he were a coupleyear younger he'd be perfect but at the moment there is no better suitor to our problem than him.

  2. Yeh great news to be honest, more chuffed with this news than i am with OWen "commiting" looks like our strike force has a bit of venom now, would love to see a 4th or 5th striker who could be a real prospect. Not really seen much of Caroll to say if he's a definitive prospect. it stil kinda niggles me that Shola is our 4th striker, i dont really like him as a player, too gangly....poor mans crouch. Lets just see what defenders Sam decideds to bring in


  3. Where has all this come from???? I understand he's injury prone that that is a weakness for any player, but why would we want to get rid of a player who is obviously a very tidy player. I genuinely cant 100% judge any player properly who has played within the last 2 regimes. Simple as that. I dont think there was a single player who has had 2/3 consistent years of good footballunde Souness or Roeder...is that a coicidence or a relative point. In my point it is very relevant. Further to that, i honestly believe that we want to be keeping players who are cpable of somethin that can turn a game. He is indisputably one of those players.

  4. I would love Makalele here, i think he is absolutely brilliant, not sure bout his age and wages, but there isn't a player in the premiership who protects the defence better than Makalele. would compliment emre perfectly.

  5. Yeh , i dont get it, Milner was a good great player for us last season. People seem to get frustrated with him because he doesn't have any outstanding exciting attribute. milner suffers for the fact that he hasn't really had a target for his crosses all season. If Shearer had all those crosses that Milner slapped in, we'd be raving bout both of them. For obvious reasons. Poor mans beckham!!

  6. Even if this takeover does occur, does anyone think we will get any extravagent transfer funds?? Ashley obviously isint in the same financial league as Abrahmovic so i dont tink he would be willling to risk too much of his income of a manager he hasn't appionted, To be honest, having spent £133m on this club, and with about £30m (?) to spend this summer pre Ashley, does anyone think that he would  put anymore than another £30m to the kitty? Bare in mind that the takeover will be big footballing news, surely £60-70m wont last too far with clubs magically raising the prices of their players EVEN more when we come sniffing??


    Adriano....£26m...i cant see SA waniting to spend that even on Adriano

  7. Going out on a whim here, but i beleive that in light of the Ashley business, SA might no longer be the right man, for the job. For me, SA is the right man 3 years too  late. If the takeover does occur and Ashley is Abrahamovic-esque then the focus for the manager automatically changes from rebuilding the club to achieving substantial success. There is no question about this, for me, while SA is a very good premiership manager, from what i have seen at bolton i dont belive he will be the type of manager that could sustain us in the CL. Something which i belive that Ashely will eventually demand. Now obvioulsy this is based on absolute specualtion,I think that Ashley will look to bring in a high profile manager, a world class one which i think that we will now be able to attract. If man city have managers like Co Adriaanse, Juande Ramos, Sven, Houllier etc.....then what would we have available?? I honeslty belive that if the takeover occurs this summer and Ashley takes full control, as sad as it seems but if SA doesn't achieve 5th at the ABSOLUTE lowest, then he will be out fo the job. The reason for this being that Ashley wont look to build this club gradulally like SA would do, but he would need to acheive reasonable success which can be sustained and improved on in order to launch nufc into a global brand the only way to do this is to win.

  8. Why does everyone rate hyypia? I know he was a good defender but i think he's way past it now, i honestly think he's a slightly better moore. Plus he's too similar type of defender to taylor which in my opinion wouldn't make a good partnership. We defo need a Campbell type defender.

  9. What kind o defender is Ben Haim, to be honest i haven't reall sen anythn of him. I think the best defensive partnerships are one where one defender is good on th ball and can bring the ball out of defence, has good anticipation etc....a ferdinand or woodgate type player, for me i think taylor could be that type of defender, the other partner needs to be a wall, someone who is commited and brave someone like campbell or terry.Any type of defender who is a wall would be perfect for this team.

  10. "I have huge reservations whether he and Oba can play together."


    Who can Oba play with? The guy is a livewire, brilliant one game and then absolute turd for 2.



    I dont buy into this Oba and Owen cant play together, i think that thees a decent chance that they could. From what i have seen of OBa he naturally likes to pick p the ball deep, under Roeder there was no chance of himbein allowed to go deep, as far as roeder was concerend he needed to play right on the back of the last defender. Thats not oba at all, however it is Owen. I knida see Oba as a very poor mans Rooney, which isn;t exactly disprectful. Rooney and Owen play well together. However, i cant see SA employing a 442 which kinda undermines this entire argument

  11. Robbie fowler is precisely what we dont need, what would he bring to the strikeforce, i think we need more of a holding attacker, one whos gonna bring more people in the game. This reason alone, i dont think we need anyone other tan that. To be honest i can see kevin davies comin here, maybe even James Beattie, not that i would want either of emhere, but thats the kind of striker SA will want in his side.

  12. Not good enough at leeds, not good enough for man city, not good enough for liverpool in the end, good enough for nufc?? Well we do now have jesus as a manager so why not??

  13. Emre going?  Or you hope he is?  Why?


    his disappearing act when we're against big clubs or losing?


    the lack of actual end product?


    Never/very rarely used properly in his time here. Could be so good for us and i really hope Sam gets the best out of him.


    let me guess, you used to watch a lot of Italian league and Turkish internaitonal football, so you know just how fantastic he is.


    :lol: :lol:


    Erm, no mate. I've watched Emre the Newcastle United player for the past two seasons, and have managed to pick up that he is far better for us, and on the whole far more effective, when played in an advanced position - somewhere where he simply hasn't played enough. Rather than deep central mid or out on the left.


    Hope that answers your query.


    so you've seen him go missing agianst the big clubs, and when we were losing. And thats whose fault exactly?


    To say he 'goes missing' isn't really a very good observation, if he isn't in the game already. Which he very rarely was when Roeder played him - largely down to how he was utilised and the tactics used. Emre needs to be in a flowing, attacking, passing team, with him being in an advanced position penetrating the defense - not deep in a long, defensive team.


    so, surprisingly, its not his fault. he shouldn't have any responsibility to get into the game, or anything else. and th away games that he's never even seemed arsed?


    oh, and if you accept he has not been involved, to the point of it not being his fault he has not turned up against the big teams, how can you claim to have seen enough since he's been with us to know what a great player he is??


    Answer me this, of all those game you saw us play against the big teams, was there a single attacking minded player who actually did shine out to you? Cos if it was the defenie minded players that seemed to have the better perfomrance, wouldn't that of been a relection of the game, i.e constantly defendng.  Surely that isn't what emr is good at??

  14. Why are there so many Emre bashers about? In fact why are there people so willing to see the back of so many players, i.e Parker, Emre, Martins etc. Has anyone heard of squad building??


    you build on strength, not medicority/weaknesses/potential.


    So why would you not want them in your squad?? Which one of those 3 players that i have mentioned is mediocre?




    You think parker is mediocre?? Now, i agree that he isn't the best of players, and has hada poor season, but to call him mediocre seems a tad OTT, its clear hes a good player, how he fits into te first team am sure would have a lot of bearing on his performances. The only type of players i would want to see leave would be the bad ones, the ones causing all the discontent, the ones who aren;t commited and the ones who aren't actually good players. But parkers is a good solid player to have.


    in your opinion. from what i've seen, we could do without him.


    Well, then who exactly would you want outside the first 11, i think your missing the point.

    Parker = great squad player,

    Parker= 'good' first team player. 


    Second one is down to opinion.


    To be honest, if i knew that my 1st team had the frst team talents to force Parker to the Bench or less, then that would be a measure of improvement to a squad. To say you rate him that poorly, that you would rather we get rid than accumalte, despite being aware of what he is capable of seems...well odd.

  15. Emre going?  Or you hope he is?  Why?


    his disappearing act when we're against big clubs or losing?


    the lack of actual end product?


    Never/very rarely used properly in his time here. Could be so good for us and i really hope Sam gets the best out of him.


    let me guess, you used to watch a lot of Italian league and Turkish internaitonal football, so you know just how fantastic he is.


    :lol: :lol:


    Erm, no mate. I've watched Emre the Newcastle United player for the past two seasons, and have managed to pick up that he is far better for us, and on the whole far more effective, when played in an advanced position - somewhere where he simply hasn't played enough. Rather than deep central mid or out on the left.


    Hope that answers your query.


    so you've seen him go missing agianst the big clubs, and when we were losing. And thats whose fault exactly?


    To say he 'goes missing' isn't really a very good observation, if he isn't in the game already. Which he very rarely was when Roeder played him - largely down to how he was utilised and the tactics used. Emre needs to be in a flowing, attacking, passing team, with him being in an advanced position penetrating the defense - not deep in a long, defensive team.


    Agreed, emre needs to play in the oppositions half, hes the type of player who dinks through balls from 20 yards out etc. He needs to be playing in a team that can be relenltess when applying pressure on a oppositiontemas defence.

  16. Why are there so many Emre bashers about? In fact why are there people so willing to see the back of so many players, i.e Parker, Emre, Martins etc. Has anyone heard of squad building??


    you build on strength, not medicority/weaknesses/potential.


    So why would you not want them in your squad?? Which one of those 3 players that i have mentioned is mediocre?




    You think parker is mediocre?? Now, i agree that he isn't the best of players, and has hada poor season, but to call him mediocre seems a tad OTT, its clear hes a good player, how he fits into te first team am sure would have a lot of bearing on his performances. The only type of players i would want to see leave would be the bad ones, the ones causing all the discontent, the ones who aren;t commited and the ones who aren't actually good players. But parkers is a good solid player to have.

  17. Why are there so many Emre bashers about? In fact why are there people so willing to see the back of so many players, i.e Parker, Emre, Martins etc. Has anyone heard of squad building??


    you build on strength, not medicority/weaknesses/potential.


    So why would you not want them in your squad?? Which one of those 3 players that i have mentioned is mediocre?

  18. errr......why would anyone want Joey Barton here? The boy is a thug and is precisely what nufc dont need, if anyone is idiotic enough to write off any ofhis past mis demeanours on the basis that he' a good player, then they need slappin. It ridiculous, the boy clearly has no respect for anyone..his team mates, his manager, even players who are a class above him(although it was a fair point) it was extremely unproffessional. Why would anyone wqant nufc name dragged through the mud AGAIN with some idiotic thuggish behaviour that Barton would undoubtably bring? Isn't this exactly what nufc are tryig to avoid.??

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