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Posts posted by krybel

  1. More interesting:



    Newcastle United need to build their side around striker Andy Carroll, says captain Kevin Nolan

    Newcastle captain Kevin Nolan has expressed concern that Manchester City and the Premier League’s other leading clubs might set their sights on team-mate Andy Carroll.


    By Rob Stewart 11:00PM GMT 25 Dec 2010


    Nolan, whose team face City at St James’ Park on Boxing Day, is worried Newcastle might struggle to hold on to their England striker if this weekend’s opponents start chasing Carroll along with the likes of Manchester United, Arsenal and Chelsea.


    “I’m sure we’ll have a few offers but hopefully the owner’s head will not be turned by them because at the end of the day if we want to get the club to where it should be over the next five years you need to build it around someone like him,” Nolan said.


    “The worrying thing for us is if a Manchester United, Manchester City, Arsenal or Chelsea come looking for him. Then you’ve got a problem.


    “But the position he’s in at the moment, if he wants to be an England regular, he needs to be playing week in, week out. Unless whoever comes in for him can guarantee him that, he should stay with us.”


    Comparisons will be made between Carroll and City’s Mario Balotelli whose decision to liken himself to Lionel Messi baffled Nolan.


    “I heard about what Balotelli said the other day. I find it quite strange but then that is him – he’s got to be like that, I suppose,” Nolan added.


    “Andy is a lot more humble than him, he’s a lad you can approach a bit more. Balotelli is a top, top player – you can’t take that away from him but I think his personal skills off the field need to be changed a bit.


    “The main thing for us is Andy has got everything. Off the field he’s got a lot going for him. In my eyes he’s England’s next number nine for years to come.”


    Carroll became Nolan’s lodger for a while following a court appearance and his former landlord is convinced he will learn from past mistakes.


    “He’s a local lad and everyone loves him – inside and outside of the club. He’s loved in the dressing room, he’s a big personality and a great kid,” Nolan continued.


    “He’s made a few mistakes in his early years but he’s getting over them, he’s trying to settle down and look to England and things like that. It’ll all come bit by bit and I know – because of how hard he works – it will come.


    “He’s just to make sure he keeps his head down now. But at the end of the day we are strong enough at this moment in time – as a dressing room – to keep Andy onside with us and to handcuff him to us.”


    “He was a great housemate. No trouble at all. I’ve got nothing but admiration for what he’s done over the last year. To be swung under the limelight like he has, I’m sure he’ll only get better. He’ll be a better man off the field for it.”


    Great reading!

  2.                           Harper



    Raylor      Saylor        Coloccini      Enrique



    Jonas      Guthrie      Nolan  Barton





  3. I asked Viasat if they were to show championship next season, and this was the reply i got:




    Nei, jeg tror det er en annen kanal som har kjøpt rettighetene neste sesong, uten at jeg vet det helt sikkert. Kommer sikkert en avklaring i løpet av sommeren.


    Glenn Ø. Støldal

    Presse- og informasjonsansvarlig/Head of Press


    Follow by this when i asked if they knew who got the rights:


    Nei, jeg er ikke sikker på at det er hundre prosent avgjort ennå, men det er klart at disse rettighetene er attraktive for mange, som blant annet Eurosport, Canal+ og TV 2 Sport.


    Glenn Ø. Støldal

    Presse- og informasjonsansvarlig/Head of Press

  4. Modric looked OK today, but still glad we didnt bought him. Let him rotten down there and make him regret! Glad Spurs didnt win, but feel bad that sunlan didnt lose.


    you're glad we didn't buy him when we're forced to play Butt, Milner and an inexperienced 21 year old in midfield


    Yup. Simply because theyre losing and were winning. And im sure KK knows we need a central midfielder and will bring one.

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