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Posts posted by krybel

  1. Has to be a replacement ready, surely.


    Not for Arsenal, I think it's safe to say at this point.


    Starting to realize that. Was more having a go at the "surely-post" above mine. My post should, in a normal world, be the "surely" one.


    yeah, sure :)

  2. @CaulkinTheTimes George Caulkin

    Plus Alan Pardew will have more striker talks with #NUFC hierarchy this week.

    11 minutes ago


    Caulkin -

    "Believe Pardew still has to persuade board to free cash for striker though. Meetings this week."


    Why? If we were really in for Gameiro or Erding the money should still be there.


    Obertan's wages.


    Maintaining of the pitch from saturday

  3. some tosser on Twitter (what a massive mug I am for even posting this) Colin

    Trialist today was Yaya Sanogo a striker who suffered a fractured tibia last season with Auxerre #nufc



    jajajajaja  :facepalm:


    Looks like few others mentioned that first and he tried to pass it off as his own info so might be something in it.


    Theres NOTHING in it. I assure you

  4. He looks s*** in those youtube compilations. Says alot!


    Says f*** all tbh. Or is this sarcasm? :lol:


    If you cant be good on youtube, you must be pretty s*** right?


    Even if you are good on Youtube, you can turn out to be s***. Ergo, Youtube means nout. IMO anyway


    Youtube doesnt work the other way...

  5. "It's good because it is the team presentation for the season," he told nufc.co.uk. "It will be a good game against a top team in Italy.

    "They're a really good team. Like all Italian teams they are good tactically and they have a lot of good players so it'll be good for the fans to watch a good game."




    Good one :)

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