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wyn davies

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Posts posted by wyn davies

  1. Injured or not, eventually he will regret issue's (if any) that he has created for himself by not being available to play. High wages for individuals all becomes academic as when time goes by they realize that looking back when their career is over they failed to achieve. I bet there are thousands of ex pro's out there who would kill to be able to get back on that pitch in front of the crowds for very little reward. Especially when once the glory days have gone all they can do is lose direction and piss it up against the wall.

  2. Don't worry by the end of game 1 we'll revert to type and Woy will be getting it in the neck, game 2 and the press will be on the pitch and it will be all over.

  3. At the end of the day unless it's really special, very rare and the subject matter is important nationally and internationally and of course they've gone on their long term holidays then it maybe of interest. The footy progs tend to be of use to collectors as they usually end up getting thrown out, but overall footballers come and go and what maybe important to one generation isn't necessarily  with the latest one. How many of us on here remember the fairs cup winners or even saw the match with Alan Weeks commentating in Black & White, bet not many, or  Wyn Davies, Tony Green or Ben Arentoft.

  4. How dare you entitle a thread comparing Fred Astaire with Pardew, absolutely shocking comparing one of the greatest dancers with that what can only be describe as a knob.

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