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wyn davies

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Posts posted by wyn davies

  1. Thought more people would be disappointed that Ashley is about to kill the prospect of ever extending the ground stone dead.


    Only other option would be to build a new stadium out of town and call it Sports Direct Arena.



    you could always dig down to squeeze another few in or extend inwardly across the top of the gallowgate , leazes , east stand and west stand also to add a few more.

  2. his isn't over yet, believe a long way to go and Ashley will continue to squeeze Rangers. I don't think for one minute the new board will cough up their own money to pay off Ashley and he will drill them into the ground



    Agreed.  Ashley has most of the revenue stream tied up and he won't let them go cheaply.  Although King says he will put his own cash into the club to pay off Ashley  when has a self made millionaire ever used his own money.  He will take the club into receivership to try and break Ashley's contracts and loan agreements


    Ashley will then do a USC  and get them on the cheap of course, via a third party, they will also be deducted points which will do their season in good and proper.

  3. Hate seeing players who have talent then cock it up, when you think of those less talented trying their damndest to get somewhere.


    I know he's no Best sure he was the same age as Hatem when he called it a day only to return couple years later when past his prime, another wasted talent.

  4. 'My biggest strengths are working with the players on the training ground.'


    Oh f***!


    so basically once they're actually playing the game in real time,he doesn't have a clue when things go tits up ,god help us.

  5. Just thought I'd look into Early Release fro Prison:



    Early release from prison - serving your sentence in the community

    If you were sentenced to more than 12 months in prison, you may be released early on licence. You will also have a licence if you're out of prison on a home detention curfew (on a tag). Being on licence means that you are still serving a prison sentence but you can live in the community instead of being in prison. Whilst you are on licence, there are rules you must follow. How long these rules apply for depends on the length of your sentence. If you break the rules, you'll have to go back to prison (be recalled).

    Standard rules if you're on licence

    Here are the standard rules that you mustn't break:

    you must be well-behaved and not commit any further offences or do anything that could put members of the public or your friends or family in danger

    you must keep in touch with your probation officer and do what they ask you to. You mustn't be late for appointments or turn up under the influence of drink or drugs. You mustn't make racist or sexist comments

    if your probation officer needs to visit you at home or somewhere else, you have to agree to this

    you've got to live at an address that your probation officer has approved. Tell your probation officer in advance if you plan to leave that address or stay at another address, even if it's for just one night. Also you have to tell your probation officer if you change your phone number

    you can take up work only if your probation officer approves it. This applies to voluntary work as well as paid work

    you mustn't travel outside the UK without the permission of your probation officer. Permission isn't usually given so ask before you make any arrangements or buy tickets

    if you’re on home detention curfew, you have to keep to a curfew. This means at certain times of the day or evening, you have to stay in. Usually the curfew runs for from 7pm at night to 7am the next morning. The tagging company monitors you and tells the Home Office if you break the rules.

    As well as these standard rules, your probation officer might have recommended extra conditions, like not making contact with certain people or not living at the same address as children. Your licence will say what the extra conditions are. If you have to miss an appointment with your probation officer, it's important to be able to show them proof of the reason. For example, if you are ill, get a doctor's note.

  6. I fully appreciate that the club are most likely hoping that the manager issue drags on throughout the transfer window, but has there been even a hint of a rumour that we are looking to sign a centre back? As things stand we are one injury or suspension away from Dummett playing CB and there being not one substitute with any degree of first team experience.


    hint of a rumour u must be kidding more chance of winning the lottery than buying what we require.

  7. I certainly didn't miss out on the Keegan & McDermott era it was the most fantastic time I have known at the club, fantastic when we won the Fairs cup qualifying from 10th place in the league under Joe Harvey, too young for the  FA Cup wins.


    Since then total dissapointment

  8. I can believe Charnley is in London sounding the bloke out. I can also believe that Garde fancies the job.


    What I'm struggling with is the idea that Ashley is prepared to hire someone who is a) competent, and b) not an absolute f***ing gimp.


    It's in Ashley's interest to have the club doing well,prior to selling to get Rangers

  9. Interestingly brought up on question time last night , woman journalist on panel stated guy should be allowed to work at his chosen proffesion, labour mp says no should be sh*t on , woman in crowd said if he can't do that where can he work Sainsbury's or is that out of bounds also , so where could he work,woman labour mp shut up got no answer.

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