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Posts posted by sixx

  1. Reminds me of Sami Hyypia. Doesn’t need to commit much or make last ditch efforts. He’s just there postionally - making life a living hell for strikers before they can make their mark. Such a clever player.

  2. After a years reflection it still doesn't sit well with me and I think I'm not enjoying this period of success as much as I would in other circumstances although I do really enjoy it. Of course I'd love for the takeover to have been initatied by supporters and the club to be owned in majority by supporters like in Germany but at the end of the day this isn't really a matter that we as supporters have much of a say in. We wanted Ashley out for a better part of a decade to no avail. Man Utd fans have wanted the Glazers out for years - not happening. Football opened the floodgates to unfettered capitalism decades ago and it was always bound to result in things like this. Saudi Arabia is undoubtedly an awful state and I can fully understand not wanting relations to it. For that we do have democracy though and last time I checked the UK has both diplomatic and bilateral trade relations with Saudi Arabia - along with pretty much with the rest of the Western world. If people have a problem with that (which is wholly understandable) they have ample democratic means. Holding football clubs to a higher moral standard than your own government is honestly both moronic and a testament to a wider democratic deficit. 


    And then there is this concept of 'sportswashing'. This concept that's constantly bandied about in terms of takeovers and hosting national tournaments and whatnot. I'm not really buying it. Have the takeovers of City and PSG really improved the public perception of Qatar and the UAE? Has the Newcastle takeover improved western perception towards Saudi Arabia? Has Qatar's hosting of the World Cup really improved its image? Or Russia's last WC? It's doubtful at best and probably it has done more to damage and expose them as awful tyrannies. As is the case with all geopolitics it's confusing and includes mostly gray areas.

  3. I think it get’s highlighted because Howe is such a nice, soft spoken guy who obviously wants to play good football. I really like the fact that he’s willing to use any means necessary to win. We’re still playing the likes of Longstaff, Murphy and Wood every week - people can’t expect us to play joga bonito all the time.

  4. Barring injuries I can't see us bringing in more than one player this January. Literally no one is underperforming - probably not a good idea to bring in a few players upsetting the balance at such a time. If I had to guess we'd bring in a winger but I'm pretty sure it's going to be dependant on the injury situation. Could be a classic DM, even a left back. 

  5. Well done. We’re seriously good defensively. Only one attempt from Everton and I can’t really remember it. Everyone burst a lung out there, especially Longstaff - he deserves credit. Almiron is lush. Fraser won a header. Life is good.


    On the other hand I’ll be quite disappointed if Murphy starts again over Anderson.

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