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Posts posted by Pilko

  1. When I used to work in Tesco, every time I couldn't get something to scan or dropped someone's change, every customer in the supermarket would turn to me and scream "YOU'RE SHIT! ABSOLUTELY SHIT! FUCK OFF BACK TO SAINSBURYS!" and eventually the manager would substitute one of the nine spare cashiers sat along the side of the store for me after about an hour, hour and ten minutes of my shift if I kept making these sort of mistakes.


    Then, to make matters worse, after a long hard day of scanning people's shopping, mopping up spillages, stacking shelves and tidying up, I'd get home about half 10, flick the telly on, and three ex-Tesco employees would be sitting round a desk critically analysing my shift, including slow motion video clips. "You just can't afford to stack the cereal boxes the wrong way around at this level, that's what cost him today", which was always really demoralising. 


    Things like that were what made me just jack in the retail game and become a Premier League footballer, I couldn't be arsed chasing the dream any longer.

  2. 59 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

    Like you wouldn't be slagging him off if everyone was saying fair enough. :lol: I can read you like a book.


    And not a very good book, either. Certainly not Bravo Two Zero by Andy McNab, which actually improves with every read.

  3. Just remembered that game against Southampton at home when Hendrick got sent off and Schar injured after we used all subs and were clinging onto a 3-2 lead with 9 men for about 40 mins second half - Dummett was an absolute warrior that day. Just headed and tackled and cleared every single thing in the pissing rain against constant all-out attack.


    That was usually his best form actually, whenever we were massively under the gun clinging onto a lead and he had to do nothing progressive or involving passing the ball, just being a human wall and getting in the way of it. When we were trying to control a game or have some impetus he was the last bloke you'd want on.

  4. I saw someone on Twitter saying he'd be remembered in a similar bracket to Nolan in years to come but I think he's given a lot more to the cause than that, not just in terms of tenure either.


    Can sort of see why - got us back up, helped us consolidate, difference is he hung around / wasn't moved on. But I think Ritchie was much more of a leader and a grafter and better behind the scenes.


    Best of luck to the radge bastard. Would love to see him back coaching or as an ambassador one day.

  5. Nice lad, good pro, some good performances over the years but ultimately not of the standard we need any more.


    Best of luck to him and I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up some kind of club-serving ambassador/foundation etc role after he packs in.


    Wouldn't be surprised to see him rock up at MK with Willo, or Gateshead with Elliot.

  6. 4 hours ago, BergenMagpie said:

    Looks like a talent, but Villarreal conceded the 3rd most goals in the league this season and at 189 cm Im not sure he fits into our no-midget policy


    Eh? Where do you live, fucking Brobdingnag? :lol:

  7. I'd give him another season, absolutely love him as a player, but if he has another one where he's constantly injured or in and out we might need to move him on to make room for someone more reliable in terms of availability, sadly.


    When he's fit and in full flight he has the ability in absolute bucket loads. Do think he'd be in the England mix if he could stay healthy.

  8. Must be so frustrating if you're a Leeds supporter, a whole season of good football and their front players absolutely sparkling, only to serve up that absolute stinking turd of a performance in the final game.

  9. Top 5, easily. As for the cups, who knows, but no reason we can't do well.


    The cup draws, injury luck & Tonali thing went against us in a huge way this year. Finishing where we did was a great achievement and I'm firmly of the belief that we were Pope's shoulder away from 5th place this season.


    An extra season's experience and learnings for them all to lean on too which never hurts.


    Add Tosin, Kelly, a keeper and 2-3 others - Ritchie, Dummett, Dubravka, Karius and Almiron out the door - and we look in spectacular nick. A few more decent U19 punts wouldn't go amiss too as the underbelly of the squad, Miley aside, hurt us a lot last year. 


    If Bruno goes, we'll be able to bring in a few more big hitters on top with the cash.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Beth said:

    I think Man U just became favourites for his signature.


    He'll be signing a 4-5 year deal with a club, you won't just make the decision based on whether they're in a second rate European competition for the first year or not FFS. It'll be a tiny factor in amongst more important things like game time, who the manager is, how the manager can develop the player, club trajectory and plans, wages, the area he's moving to etc.

  11. It wouldn't be this season would it without one more massive kick in the bollocks, one more unlikely piece of bad luck.


    I hope City go down to the fucking local Sunday morning leagues for that. Throw the book at the cunts.

  12. De Bruyne wanders off the bench from long term injury to beat us at SJP and yet in a cup final vs their local rivals he plays like an utter limp dick with the boots on the wrong feet. Fucking ugly shit haired cunt.

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