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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. That's what ambassador roles often are It's criminal that Keegan and Shearer aren't involved with the club in some capacity
  2. Works out well for Sunderland, think they would be 8th if the table is based on PPG
  3. I've always thought the Kenyon stuff was made up and convenient for Ashley This is genuine, too many things line up for it to be, just need to hope it goes through asap
  4. It's always been a case of Ashley needs to go, I'll take anything but reading about Staveley/PIF and their plans means I'll be gutted if it isn't them. Only this club can make what should be a straightforward takeover into a drama.
  5. This isn't a black and white issue, we are dealing with each persons morals and those are times subjective to a certain extent. I think we can all agree we want Mike Ashley gone and therefore him leaving will be a massive relief and a joyous occasion, it's been so long since we have been a proper club, and by that I simply mean a club trying to be better tomorrow than it is today. We've been a zombie club with brief moments of joy but by and large it's been absolute misery. In terms of the potential new owners, I think it's possible to recognise their issues but still want to support the club. I personally want this takeover to go through and i'll buy a season ticket if they are available, I miss going to the football. The issues with the new owners don't bother me enough to not want to go to the football or support my team. If however they were exactly like Ashley when it came to running the club then I would stop going but my issue with them would be the football and not other things. Having said that if the Israeli government were buying us my stance would change, does that make me selective in my morals? Aye I suppose it does. Does it make me a hypocrite? Again I suppose it does. If we are all honest with ourselves there is an element in hypocrisy in how we perceive things. Certain issues will bother people more than others. That's just reality. It's neither right or wrong, it just is. What does concern me is the section of our fans (admittedly this could just be a minority) that have suddenly become experts in the middle east and are defending everything, we've seen today our fans attacking Hatice Cengiz (fiancee of Khashoggi) on twitter, calling her a "slappa" and telling her to "fuck off". I've seen the Saudis defend and be in denial about what happened to Khashoggi, I expect nothing less from them but that's not something we should be doing. It's disgraceful and I'm comfortable in saying that is wrong. We can be happy our club is a club again without become cheer leaders. When it comes to certain sections of the media (Keys, Delaney etc) then ideally we would ignore them but I understand that's easier said than done so I've no issues when we challenge them but we shouldn't go after Amnesty/Hatice etc, it's embarrassing. I understand overall people will be conflicted, if people feel so strongly about the issues that they will no longer follow the club then we should respect that. If they feel strongly about the issues but still want to follow the club we should respect that. If they aren't bothered by the issues then we should respect that (as long as they don't go attacking people that have legitimate grievances).
  6. Mort was a witness for Ashley and the club in the tribunal against Keegan Though in his book Keegan did say he felt sorry for Mort and thought he was a decent guy
  7. Some of the replies are absolutely lifting Genuinely fucking abhorrent. The worst one has been removed, it read: "The Premier League ain't gonna stop the takeover so you and all the other haters who are jealous about us being the richest club in the world may as well give up ?? up the Saudi's" I replied to one (has since been deleted) which told her to fuck off ?
  8. Geordie Ahmed

    Footy trivia

    Fabianski Lahm Godin Van Dijk Maldini Socrates De Bruyne Gascoigne C. Ronaldo Messi Mbappe Given ahead of Fabianski? Man City Oh shit aye
  9. As an individual probably nothing but a banner of significant size then probably the stewards I really can't see anyone wanting to do that though we might see protests outside the ground from people Welcome back man Thanks, the potential takeover has me excited
  10. Geordie Ahmed

    Footy trivia

    Fabianski Lahm Godin Van Dijk Maldini Socrates De Bruyne Gascoigne C. Ronaldo Messi Mbappe Given ahead of Fabianski?
  11. As an individual probably nothing but a banner of significant size then probably the stewards I really can't see anyone wanting to do that though we might see protests outside the ground from people
  12. Where do they draw the line? Do these ask her about Brits using Saudi Oil etc etc I know it's twitter but someone said we need to hear something official to stop people jumping on the bandwagon like this ??‍♂️??‍♂️
  13. Same, wanted to dislike him but couldn't really, he was very naive but seemed like his heart was in the right place Methven was a massive prick though
  14. And a series on Amazon/Netflix documenting our storming of the league through development That would only end in disaster
  15. Ben Arfa about to come on No idea why he's wearing number 3
  16. Between Almiron, Joelinton, Saint-Maxim, Gayle, Muto, Longstaff and Ritchie I think it will suffice. The league is not as strong this year. Gayle will be sold to claw back some money and Ritchie is a LWB now
  17. I thought the exact same thing Referring to working hard on a deal and also praising the current owner I always felt BZG wouldn't be part of a fakeover BUT now I'm not so sure
  18. Don't be so childish So he leaves here as he can’t control the clubs finances, As literally no club would do in the world ‘ the project wasn’t good enough ‘ Goes to China for the coin to a nothing team He’s full of shit man Absolute bollocks What do you want him to do? Cry and sit around He wanted a project with us because he saw the potential with us, that wasn't matched by the owner so he's entitled to go and make a few quid. He's earned it after putting up with Ashley's crap for the last 3 years
  19. He wanted a project with us, that didn't happen. Don't think he'll find the connection with the fans that he had with us so going to China to rake in the money for a couple of years is understandable and good on him. After the crap he's had to put up with for the last 3 years he has earned the right to chill for a bit.
  20. Let's be honest, we know how this plays out and driving Ashley out isn't it
  21. Like everybody else that's "heard" things it's going to be absolute bollocks
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