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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Messi asking for a red for that.. f*** off you little c***

    Intentionally fouling in that situation when already booked is stupidity, and to ask for a card is common sense. Casemiro is incredibly fortunate to be on the pitch

    Intentional foul?  Messi cut back and Casemiro ran across him. Free kick is correct, never a booking man.  Wait until you see the replay again (or just look on twitter)




    It's quite obvious he should be booked. Whether he did it on purpose or not doesn't matter does it? He obstructed him and killed their counter-attack.

    True, book him for not suddenly becoming invisible


    If a Newcastle player did that and got a 2nd yellow for it you lot would understandably be raging

    There were two other fouls he did prior to that one

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