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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Admits Ashley is the root cause of all our ills, opposes campaign to get Ashley out of the the club.


    Okay then.


    Um no. I oppose the people who brought us the roaring success that was SackPardew having any part in it.


    It was successful though. He's not f***ing here anymore as a result of it :lol:


    The stated aim was to get him sacked, not let him leave on his own terms, leaving us in a worse state, and in the process make him look good and us look bad.

    He would not have left if the SackPardew campaign didn't do their bit by making him cry



    Mark Douglas running an article on him at the minute with one of those daft vote things the Chronicle do.


    86% saying his signing has been a success.


    Don't see it at all tbqh. He's totally ineffective.


    That stat doesn't surprise me at all. I know that on any forum a certain momentum can build around particular opinions, but I'm baffled as to exactly why there's such a gap between the view on here and how Colback is assessed by the majority of supporters and by the professionals at the club.


    I don't want to get into a pointless 'he's decent - no, he's not he's s****' type debate. I would agree though with tgarve that our main problems are elsewhere - particularly the defence.


    Care to name these "profrssionals"?

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