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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. I can't for 1 f***ing second stand any post that has any bit of justification for the fact that we saw Marv, HBA, and now Cabella displaced by the likes of Obertan, Gosling, Gouffran and Jonas (and i love Jonas). I don't enjoy this sport by watching a RW graft his ass off, run the opposing winger out of play. Later that same f***ing player will be caught at his half way line jogging while a cross makes it through the back post and one of our attacks goes to waste. You watch football to be entertained or get results, we got neither with Pardew.


    Every single time HBA got the ball on the right wing you stood and up, urged him on and anything could have happened. I refuse to allow some of these boring defeatist posts rain on what should be an enjoyable time for us as we finally got rid of the guy who nearly relegated us and drove many of our wonderful supporters and posters on here away.



  2. They are a small club that needs the extra revenue, fair play for them trying something different (even though it appears daft)


    Some would suggest going to an FA Cup tie away even though your club admits it's a competition they don't give a crap about is canny stupid

  3. I suppose it fits in with the stuff about him looking to sell in 2016, which is when the 'loan' should be paid off at the current profit level.

    Why even sell at all? If he can keep making a profit and he has successfully lowered expectations to the extent where people think we should be privileged just to be playing in the Premiership


    As long as 50,000 turn up and barely kick up a fuss I can't see him selling up


    He clearly wants out, he has since he looked at the accounts and realised he'd been screwed over by Hall & Shepherd, he was actively trying to sell the club just a few months after he bought it. But, his ego won't let him lose money on the deal. If/when the loan is paid off he'll be off as soon as he finds a buyer who'll offer him a bit more than he paid for the club.

    I don't know what his intentions were at the start or whether they changed down the line BUT his love is clearly Sports Direct and money.


    Currently the system he has in place means we make a healthy profit, the next TV deal is going to be even bigger than the current one, you think he will give up on that? No chance. As long as the natives don't kick up too huge a fuss he will just carry on

  4. In the game against Burnley, I thought for 45 minutes we played some really good football. The physical data has since come back and Burnley overran us. We had no legs in the team.


    And so it begins. I mean, continues.

    wtf, that's not real, surely not

  5. I suppose it fits in with the stuff about him looking to sell in 2016, which is when the 'loan' should be paid off at the current profit level.

    Why even sell at all? If he can keep making a profit and he has successfully lowered expectations to the extent where people think we should be privileged just to be playing in the Premiership


    As long as 50,000 turn up and barely kick up a fuss I can't see him selling up

  6. Should have made Fabregas Xavi's replacement as well IMO. Didn't like how they used him at all.


    Said this a million times but no he shouldn't, he doesn't have the correct skillset at all. Xavi was brilliant at creating space for himself in the tightest of spaces and controlling tempo of a football match.


    Two things Cesc struggles with, especially from a deeper position. He and Xavi complete and utter polar opposites.

    It was Thiago that should have been Xavi's replacement BUT they didn't give him enough attention


    Now they are waiting for Sergi Samper

  7. The following are Ben Arfa memories that stand out (not in any particular order)

    - Everton Goal

    - Bolton Goal

    - Blackburn Goal

    - Aston Villa Goal

    - West Brom Goal

    - Fulham Goal

    - Tearing Richardson a new arsehole

    - Tearing Liverpool and Enrique a new arsehole

    - West Brom away tearing them a new arsehole


    These are memories that stand out. You can collectively put together Gouffran, Obertan and Sammy, let's see if you can get anywhere close to matching that list above.


    Of course he wasn't perfect, if he was as others have said he would have been playing for a bigger club BUT for us he was class and was scapegoated by an arsehole of a manager and dropped for inferior players who have not done anywhere close to what he has for us.

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