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Posts posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Love the old fashioned crests that are similar to coat of arms, which may come from a slightly biased view. 


    Shout out to the Shrewsbury Town lion, which has just watched you take the last you take the last good one in a box of Quality Street, leaving only the coconut ones left.  

  2. It shouldn't take Newcastle fans too much to agree with you there. You only need to look at us this( or do we call it last now) season to see how quickly injuries/fatigue from those extra games can mount up and  leave a week back up exposed. At least you have a historically better academy, so much more chance of you throwing a few kids in the mix should the worst happen. 

  3. I know its easy to take the piss out of Arsenal for that but it's got to be pretty expected right? Very slim chance of it happening but there is a chance. On an organisational front, they've got to be prepared for that eventuality in what is one of the richest competitions in world sport. 


    When we won the title with Rafa on the last day as opposed to Brighton despite being 7 points behind with 3 games to go, we had a display board ready to go and you can bet they'd had a practice run of putting it up before a ball was kicked on the final day. 

  4. So important for us. As adequate as Burn and Kraft have been (for fourth and fifth choice centre backs) it's on the ball that makes such a difference. 


    So often when the back four had the ball, they were slow and ponderous and passed between themselves, allowing Man U to get into a solid shape. They just let Burn and Kraft have the ball with little to no pressure and you could see why.  Whereas Schar's ability to ping a ball instantly across field opens up so many more gaps. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, 54 said:

    You can tell Spurs fans don't quite know what emotions to be having here, the crowd feels really flat, almost like a pre-season game :lol:


    world class save, mild applause. It is really odd. 

  6. A few times this season, hearing our fans sing "You've seen United now fuck off home" against anyone but Man U. Made sense against them but just doesn't seem right us singing it against anyone else, I don't want us to have that level of arrogance that chant has always suggested when Manchester have sang it. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, sushimonster85 said:


    He had a glorious breakdown when the goal was ruled out 






    I know he's playing it up, but imagine a Man U fan being annoyed at Howard Webb. Bloke has made a living off giving everything to Man U.... actually could say that of most prem officials for the past 3 decades :lol:. Didn't get to be heading up the PGMOL by being mean to the top 6, that's for sure. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Froggy said:

    Our team is grim reading. :lol:


    Some bench. 


    You may be a Man U fan, but this is literally 75% of pre-match posts on here all year. You may be saying this to the wrong crowd :lol: 

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