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Posts posted by powellnufc

  1. Guthrie went missing far too often in 08-09. I do admire his ability on the ball but he's just too slow and too weak.

    Mate in 08/09 Guthrie was what 20/21 and in his first season with us so I think its bit unfair judging him on that

  2. Its Lovenkrands's movement off the ball is what I find most effecive about him, the way he drags defenders around leaving space for his team-mates. We are must more effective when he is playing!


    Also with Shola when he is confident and gets a run of games he scares a lot of defences, this was shown at starts of last season and when Shearer got injured for a while in his last/2nd last season.

    But then when he does get on form he always seems to take a knock and his confidence and form drops when he returns so he doesnt get the run of matches he needs


    I trust that Hughton is the type of manager that can recognise how to get the best out of his players, so I am confident about next season!

  3. What they dont realise is that the ball is adidas's fault, they told the designers at loughborough which specifications they wanted i.e. aerodynamics, roundness ect. The designers the made the best ball they could to meet these specifications after testing it with kicking machines, wind tunnels ect. It was then manufactuared in Germany.

    In theory it is the highest quality ball ever made, however it is so affected by conditions it is hard to get used to playing with.

    If it is kicked the right way it could do amazing things, I imagine that later on in the tournament we will see some spectacular goals

  4. I think Lovenkrands goal tally more depends on the midfield


    Every game he is getting into the right positions and if he is put through he hardly ever misses.


    It all depends if we have someone in midfield that can put the ball through for him to run on to. Guthrie and Barton have the ability to do that

  5. Ye he is quick but not super quick.


    What makes him look quicker is his movement.

    In terms of movement, I personally think he is one of the best, thats what seems to give him the extra couple of yards in behind defenders.


    He as that ability to spread the defence allowing the midfield to break through, or with the right midfield a little through ball and he is definatly in. I mean just look at what happened when he came on in the qpr match.


    I think he is the perfect foil for Carroll, who battles away with the centrebacks but is not quite as mobile

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