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Posts posted by PENKAAA

  1. The reason it wasn't in was because i think they chose each Goal of The Month and stuck them all in as contenders for Goal Of The Season. I think Wayne Rooney's overhead kick against Man City beat Tiote's volley for winner of March's Goal Of The Month.  :sadnod:

  2. Cheik Tiote's dramatic long-range volley which completed an amazing comeback in the 4-4 draw against Arsenal has been chosen as nufc.co.uk's Newcastle United Goal of the Season.


    Hatem Ben Arfa's stunning strike on his full debut at Everton and Kevin Nolan's overhead kick which set the ball rolling in the famous 5-1 win over Sunderland came second and third respectively in the eyes of our judging panel.




    Congratulations Cheik :aww:

  3. On Chelsea's part. It's becoming a joke how the likes of them and City will just throw any amount of money at anyone to bribe them into working (or playing) for them. I mean the money around the Premier League has been a farce for ages but this is just getting daft now. The guy's managed them for one season and is younger than Frank Lampard.


    Porto have received the outstanding amount detailed in the termination clause of Villas-Boas's contract, paving the way for a move to Chelsea.


    The Lusa news agency had reported earlier on Tuesday that Villas-Boas would pay the £13.3m himself.


    Is that true?

  4. Sunderland have agreed to pay 2m for Ji Dong-Won even though he has a release clause of 800k.


    His club refused to honor the release clause, calling it "too low for a player of his stature." After about two weeks of telling them they can't do that, apparently they've just given up and decided to cough up more money. :lol:


    :lol: Lille could learn a few things from these Koreans...

  5. Cabaye is definitely not a lightweight.  :dowie:

    It's all relative really, Samuels could describe Jan Molby and Mick Quinn as lightweights with a straight face...


    They are compared to him.





  6. The fact he's 29 and NUFC is quickly becoming Logan's Run can't be very good for Colo's will to stay or Ashley's will to keep him.


    It doesn't matter that he's 29 though. Age only counts against you if your fitness is poor, like Nolan's situation. Colo could play well into his 30's imo.

  7. Martin Samuel is a hugely talented writer. Sad to see him trot out such lazy journalism.


    Obviously that is a matter of opinion, still be fun to watch the big fat hairy ignorant orangutan fired out of a cannon into the north face of everest, when the sherpas see him, that really emphasise the word abominable, which is a word that i tend to use when i describe his writing, the bulbous yeti faced fat headed gimp.



  8. Why would we go for a 31 year old Milwall keeper when we already have 3 better and one that may be (Soderberg)


    Alnwick (sp) is supposed to be a decent prospect as well.


    Jak Alnwick? I used to go to school with him, he was in my class. :lol: And yeah he's a great keeper. :thup:

  9. mimi


    what do you want to put-up as your avatar? Your picture?


    I'll help ya.


    Thanks for the help but... no i'm not going to put my picture as an avatar lol ! Why do you not put YOUR picture as your avatar ?


    It's a forum rule that your first avatar has to be a picture of yourself. After one week, you can change it. :thup:


    Your mother never told you that lying was a bad thing lol ?


    Your mother never tell you to obey the rules? :lol:

  10. mimi


    what do you want to put-up as your avatar? Your picture?


    I'll help ya.


    Thanks for the help but... no i'm not going to put my picture as an avatar lol ! Why do you not put YOUR picture as your avatar ?


    It's a forum rule that your first avatar has to be a picture of yourself. After one week, you can change it. :thup:

  11. Alan Pardew in Sinatras bar in Puerto Banus on Thursday night AND Saturday night.  :yikes:


    He was there with his brother and some other mates. Got to admit I was surprised to see him as I thought be was back to work after his hols. What was even more surprising were the quotes I read on Friday and Saturday with him being interviewed on radio Newcastle about the new signings which led people to believe he was at work and maybe even involved with them (I know he will have been, but not as directly as I would have expected). Last night, he was more passing by the bar than in it, but when he stopped to shake hands with a bloke who I thought was Ruud Gullit but wasn't, I took the opportunity to tell him not to sell Colo, he seemed surprised. He asked if that was what was in today's paper, laughed it off and said no it wasn't happening. Keep this bit a secret but he mentioned next seasons captaincy.


    Also on Thursday in Sinatras, I was queuing for the bog, a bloke stood next to me in the queue. I said 'has anyone ever told you you are the f***ing double of Roy Evans?' he said he WAS Roy Evans, so proceeded to have crack about KK and Dalglish. He didn't agree with my view that Kennys bubble is about to burst after paining extortionate money for AC and Jordan Henderson.


    What do you mean?


    EDIT: And nice little story :thup:


    I'm assuming he means we can expect to see Captain Colo next season.


    I just thought that he was going to actually tell us who it was... :dontknow:

  12. Alan Pardew in Sinatras bar in Puerto Banus on Thursday night AND Saturday night.  :yikes:


    He was there with his brother and some other mates. Got to admit I was surprised to see him as I thought be was back to work after his hols. What was even more surprising were the quotes I read on Friday and Saturday with him being interviewed on radio Newcastle about the new signings which led people to believe he was at work and maybe even involved with them (I know he will have been, but not as directly as I would have expected). Last night, he was more passing by the bar than in it, but when he stopped to shake hands with a bloke who I thought was Ruud Gullit but wasn't, I took the opportunity to tell him not to sell Colo, he seemed surprised. He asked if that was what was in today's paper, laughed it off and said no it wasn't happening. Keep this bit a secret but he mentioned next seasons captaincy.


    Also on Thursday in Sinatras, I was queuing for the bog, a bloke stood next to me in the queue. I said 'has anyone ever told you you are the f***ing double of Roy Evans?' he said he WAS Roy Evans, so proceeded to have crack about KK and Dalglish. He didn't agree with my view that Kennys bubble is about to burst after paining extortionate money for AC and Jordan Henderson.


    What do you mean by that?


    EDIT: And nice little story :thup:

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