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Posts posted by PENKAAA

  1. At some point last season weren't some people advocating his selection for England, on form?


    Yeah some people were being ridiculous!


    Can't understand comments of "he's good enough for where we are now". How is the worst starting right back in the league good enough for us unless we're hoping to finish bottom?


    Have you been taking crack?!  Worst RB in the PL?  Howay man, take yer heid for a s****.


    Have to just echo this, crazy statement.

    Me too, completely absurd thing to say.


    Who was a worse starting RB in the PL last season?


    Steven Carr

  2. .............. Tiote........cabaye...............


    .......ben arfa........................marveux



    f***ing hell that is impressive


    And five of them speak French. :lol: They could just talk tactics on the pitch and the opposition wouldn't have a clue :aww:

  3. Looks like a bullet wound in the middle of his head.




    My focus was more drawn to the hairy mole of his cheek.


    Here's 50p, go downtown and have a rat knaw that thing off.


    What's that off again? :lol:

  4. That video really highlights the need for us to sign a pacy striker or two - can't have through balls like that going to waste


    Hopefully Ba can be that striker. When he was at Hoffenheim his goals came from tidy through balls and he slots them away with composure.

  5. Douglas said on twitter today that Pardew has plans for Vuckic pre-season, so i don't think it's him. I'll try and find it...


    EDIT: Here it is.


    @NUFCSoldMyName I honestly can't say I've checked that one out. Vuckic will get chances in pre-season if what AP said last season is true.

  6. anyone want to hear my Ba medical story....if not just pass onto the next post.


    picture the scene, RVI, christmas eve 1998. pregnant with our first child my wife had a threatened miscarriage. not knowing for a week if child (10weeks) is still there and we get an appointment for a scan at the RVI. all turns out well and I make a bit small talk with the consultant "must be noisy in here when the match is on" type stuff as we could see the ground from his window. turns out he's a fan and i mention it would be good to get inrahim ba in as he was due a medical. "he's not coming, he was in here last night and failed his medical".......bloody hell, insider knowledge. my wife had already said she was going straight to bed and sleep and had told to go out and celebrate with the lads, i couldn't wait, armed with my info.


    "is it ok if i mention that about ba, is it top secret ?"



    "not really, i got it off the back page of the journal this morning"




    Love your stories madras.  :laugh:

  7. To anyone that knows Barnetta as a player, is he like Seb Larsson or better?


    EDIT: Waiting for Sewelly's post. :thup:

    Faster, more versatile, two footed, slightly more skillful. Similar delivery from set-pieces though and a similar workrate.


    I wouldn't say he's that injury prone before this last season, his appearence record hovers at just over 30 league games a season.


    Thanks.  :laugh:

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