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Posts posted by Wilson

  1. Surely they can't just plonk us anywhere without notice first if they're unable/unwilling to put us in the areas we've asked to be put?


    this was something i had been thinking about....i put 3 different places in level 4, surely he cant just say 'no....east stand for you sunshine' ?


    i know you can change seat during the season but it costs £25 (asked the box office, sure they said £25 but it was about 3 month ago)


    surely the only way we can be denied the seats we ask for is if its sold out to ST holders....although nothing would suprise me with this set of cunts

  2. Hopefully see some progress on his situation soon enough...whether its good or bad i'd like to know what his plans are (although am certain he's off anyway)



  3. annoying how everyones had to just accept he's leaving (even though he MIGHT stay) .... put in a few 'chant-worthy' challenges last night and not one chorus of 'joseeee jose jose joseeee' :(

  4. http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i52/dj_wilson06/313onlv.jpg


    'weeez keeez theeeez keeeez?'




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