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Everything posted by DeNiroMole

  1. Your mom Stiffler, hiyoooooooo. Btw, Shearer just made it 4-1. That oughta do it here. I would like to thank FSC for broadcasting today's game. You wouldn't even make that joke if you had ever met my mam. Oh I met her alright. You're Stifler right? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-UYfMjoTub1E/Tw8A5LAL9AI/AAAAAAAAFNU/udJdGJs-jEc/s400/stiflers-mom.jpg
  2. Your mom Stiffler, hiyoooooooo. Btw, Shearer just made it 4-1. That oughta do it here. I would like to thank FSC for broadcasting today's game.
  3. Don't worry guys I got this. GET IN!!! 2-1
  4. 1-1 now. Hope we can fight back from this.
  5. For the fellow Yanks who have FSC they're showing the 1999 FA cup match against Everton.
  6. 'Cas thay fowever blowin' bubbles init. http://i14.tinypic.com/4thgy02.jpg
  7. Can't be that big if it fits in the tunnel. It is the tunnel.
  8. C'mon, us yanks need to have higher standards than that when it comes to forum posting. Probably related that bowl I just smoked. Such a lack of moral fibre. Isn't that all part of being an American? That and FREEDOM! Unless you want to visit Cuba, or smoke Cuban cigar. Completely justified. Commie bastards. Anyways, wanting to smoke Cuban cigars is too Freudian for my liking.
  9. C'mon, us yanks need to have higher standards than that when it comes to forum posting. Probably related that bowl I just smoked. Such a lack of moral fibre. Isn't that all part of being an American? That and FREEDOM!
  10. That steward didn't look too thrilled with that one.
  11. C'mon, us yanks need to have higher standards than that when it comes to forum posting. Probably related that bowl I just smoked. Such a lack of moral fibre.
  12. C'mon, us yanks need to have higher standards than that when it comes to forum posting.
  13. Liverpool winning is the best outcome either way i think. It guarantees Europa League, but it means the shackles are off us and we can go into the last few games with freedom. Not quite, Chelsea winning the Champions League buggers it up, unlikely but possible. If they turn over Barca and Real, I'll eat my hat. Me too. I'll watch.
  14. These European scenarios make me feel dumb(rightfully so). I have no clue what we need to have happen other than us win.
  15. It was a tough decision but, MOTM: The Boat Pterodactyl did well though.
  16. Well don't let the door hit ya Mister.
  18. McManaman confusing Spielberg and Lucas.
  19. Torres leading the charge... gets cut down.
  20. minus Meireles' haircut Looks like he's shot and killed a squirrel for its pelt, then glued it to his f***ing scalp. He looks like a cheese string. Sort of a hipster/punk/Hitler Youth hybrid style.
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