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Posts posted by JToon7

  1. Add to those stats the corners/set piece stats and his long ball tactics (or lack of) and you see why i hate this cunt.


    Far too negative and out of his depth.


    Can't change a game with subs either, although i will admit the options off the bench have been poor up until now.


    No excuses from now on.

  2. What the fuck does he say to the players at half time? Sick of these shit second half displays.


    We should have never been in that position after such a dominant first half.


    relieved isn't the word

  3. I wouldn't say he looks all that quick tbh, but thats just going off the YouTube videos of him.


    Unfortunately i don't think there's anything in this one and can't really see it happening.


    Going from wanting to sign Aubameyang to Bony just doesn't make sense in terms of the style of play imo.


    Just out of interest, how reliable is the Sunday Telegraph as a source btw?

  4. If Colo ends up staying we have no excuse for not playing out from the back now.


    All of our starting defenders should now be comfortable on the ball. Hopefully this means less hoof ball with the like of Williamson and Shitson out the team.


    Hopefully Krul will now stop shanking everything long/out of play now aswell.


    but then again...





  5. Given the lack of quality that we currently have in wide areas if we sign this kid and Mbiwa I'd like to see us try this




                    Mbiwa    Colo    Santon


    Debuchy                Anita              Haidara


                Marv      Cabaye    Ben Arfa




    Debuchy and Haidara as wing backs, with the 3 behind Cisse playing more central but with good movement.


    Might be FMtastic



    Santon as a CB  :facepalm:


    He is worth around 8m max and only as a squad player. We can do better. Best was a better option and a better all-rounder. english football transfers and football values = madness.


    Bullshit and utter drivel. Carroll with backing and confidence is unplayable. 8 mill max and Best better ffs. Sometimes I wonder if people suffer from acute amnesia.

    I`d love to have him back and I believe he can become a true great if he digs his heels in and takes fotball seriously. Heaven or hell its all up to you Andy.

    He is barely in his twenties and already one of the most physically dominant strikers in the league while binging every weekend, add to that he is just 180 lbs and 6`2.  Imagine with a proper diet and cardio/weights training. Could easily become the next Christian Vieri.


    Biggest insult ever to Christian Vieri, he was far better technically than Carroll will ever be. Also i disagree with almost everythng else you said.

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