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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Jack

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He starts asking to the journalists: "Who considered me as a supersub?...eh...Who?" A journalist:"Some observers(football analysts)" Hatem:"Ah yeah? I didn't heard about it,but if I have to play as a supersub I'll do it,and if I have to play as a starter,I will do it too. I don't think too much about this. The most important remains the national team" Later... "I didn't say less heedless(unpredictable),I said I was more apeased,so It's not the same thing! I still have this heedlessness on the pitch.I kept my strong points,I tried to erase my weak points." Then he explains that he likes playing on the right,in his former club(Marseille) he used to play more on the left but he prefers to play on the right.He can play in any offensive position but on the right he has his habits. After his recovery work,he feels he has energy. Laurent Blanc said again recently that he appreciates the good attitude of Hatem,he's always smiling and he looks very happy to be there.
  2. Jack

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Even if he plays against the Wolves,it would be his first match in 24 days.He won't be completely fit. He should have played today for this reason. Pardew is saying that he must work harder on the pitch(i don't agree with him),but he needs to be fit for doing this.He doesn't help him,i even think it's the opposite. If Pardew wants to use the harsh method with him then he has to go to the bitter end and make him play even if his team is losing 4-0 or 5-0. I agree with those who say that it's good if he waits until Tioté and Cabaye get back but it's not necessary to critisize him in the press and letting him on the bench after. What's the aim of Pardew acting like this? I think Pardew has done a very good job with Newcastle so far but i really don't understand what he expects from Ben Arfa.
  3. Jack

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Using his right foot like him is unusual for left footed player.That can surprise opponent defenders. Technically he's a world class player,what we see is just the beginning,he still need some matches to be at his best.He can lose less balls and make better choices. When he plays he always trying to prove to the manager,and make the fans very pleased,but sometimes he's making too much. I'm sure he'll be a lot better when he'll start a few matches in a row. Getting back from a such injury must ask some time.
  4. Jack

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    - Pardew Not good for HBA to hear. I think Pardew must clearly say if he counts on him or not.He doesn't show him confidence.
  5. Jack

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I Agree with this but I think Ben Arfa is a problem for Pardew because he always want to play in this way. So there won't be a lot of opportunities during the season for Ben Arfa to start. Ben Arfa must be feeling it and become less and less confident. He recently said that he likes playing with short passes whereas Pardew like playing with direct passes,he's starting to understand that there is a problem of compatiblity.
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