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Sir Toon

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Posts posted by Sir Toon

  1. Now I know why some councils aren't painting lines in the middle of the road anymore, it's because they've all defected to shirt companies.  regardless, quite like this one.



  2. I get this vison of the football match in Kes with a muddy pitch and most of the players hanging off bent cross bars


    It would have been exactly that under Pardew.  He'd have been the Man Utd loving teacher who would have to have it all his own way. He'd have had the likes of Coloccini, Gouffran, Mike Williamson and the usual suspects on his side.

  3. Already saw 2 ex-NUFC players in two completely random places today.


    Shearer driving towards the civic centre down the road past the back of the university and Shola driving from Gosforth towards Fawdon way in an open necked shirt and his shades,Merc windows down. 

  4. The Saivet transfer was an absolute joke. Just threw that money away.


    Put it on the list of inexplicable deals we've done in the last few years.


    Ashley will be laying low as someone will have noticed the obscene amount of brown envelopes he gets through the door.

  5. With reference to the quote in the thread title what's actually stopping this happening then?


    Probably the same as most in that he'll be wanting paid up until the end of the football year. Im sure it's June 30th. Even then, he has another 12 months on top of that, that will need paid off.


    All this before you even whisper the transfer fee words.


    At best we'll get about £2 million for him although his wages of £60k - £80k a week off the bill will put Charnley back in Ashley's dressing gown again.

  6. Being City I don´t understand why Ashley would like to impose his football philosophy on NUFC..


    I mean our own Sheikh makes a visit about every 2nd year and mainly just walks around and have a look, his guys at the club sort out everything while hired football people manage the teams, He himself just enjoys having his clubs and is of course very popular among the fans.. Something I´m sure Ashley would enjoy as well instead of the constant troubleshooting you see at NUFC



    Ashley's "football philosophy" is to advertise his tatty company to the widest audience possible whilst spending as little money as possible. That's the beginning and the end of it.


    Well, that´s the coastermonger philosophy in a nutshell..  But it seems to me that what differentiates Ashley from say the Al-Nahyan family at City or the King Power guys at Leicester is that he wants everything on the cheap.

    But relegations are not cheap.

    Perhaps he might find it cheaper to actually nourish the club in the long run


    You wouldn't believe how much cost cutting he does. I'm not talking about getting Obertan off the wage bill, I mean cutting certain departments down to skeleton staff on minimum wage and refusing to put out so much as a plate of biscuits for the press on a matchday.

    He's always thought along the lines of "I've built up a completely dominant company and destroyed my competition by paying staff peanuts and running everything on a shoestring so why won't it work for a football club?"


    So how does Rafa fit in there.. Is the leopard changing his spots?


    I don't believe so. If McClaren had two more wins on the board, he'd still be sitting pretty as safe as houses.


    Ashley knows where the money is and will do what it takes to get back there. He did nothing to rock the boat in 2009-10 either after it quickly became evident that we were going to p*ss it. It's after promotion that would be my concern. Rafa walking now would have been a disaster for him, with a massive drop in attendances and a mass exodus of players. I honestly don't think he'd give the slightest s*** about losing Benitez after promotion, in fact I think he'll want someone else in who will help him sell assets and diminish expectations. We'll see I suppose. I don't trust him and I never will.


    The only flaw I see in your philosophy is that if Rafa's contract is as watertight as is made out, he can stay until he receives a pay out which will cost a minimum of £5 million a year. Whatever is left. So a forced leave would be pointless to a large extent.


    I still refuse to believe that there can be anyone on the planet that thinks the better and more financially profitable one is to hire a puppet for a job. Maybe this way and the impending financial boost that an extra 10 - 25,000 fans per home game than what there could well have been under the old guard has lit the old light bulb in Ashley's nappa.    I know we doubt it but sometimes when toast drops on the floor, it does land butter side up.

  7. I don't know why I'm arguing but it's not 'dreadful to watch' compared to Stoke/West Brom/Crystal Palace vs Watford/Sunderland/Swansea. That's without even mentioning the 'good' teams that are dull as dishwater as well, like Man Utd and Chelsea.


    It just isn't.


    The rest of the world seem to disagree.


    My first post was a response to someone saying it'll be great for you lot winning games in the Championship while we struggle in the Premier League. I can assure you I'd much rather be in the top flight, although I have enjoyed our spells in the second tier.


    We now have Mourinho and Guardiola and who knows which players they'll bring with them. Ibrahimovic is already rumoured to be on his way, and my 12 year old son is absolutely buzzing about it and I'm sure there'll be more big names on their way.


    An herein lies an example of what's wrong with modern football and the type of fan it attracts, regardless of the Mackem traits.     


    You support your own team for what it represents, how it makes you feel and put your own business first.  You dont support them for the players turning up for the opposition FFS.  May as well just chop and change team each season then.

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