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Posts posted by gjohnson

  1. 2 minutes ago, Ghandis Flip-Flop said:

    Is there still a chance that Chelsea get booted out due to not complying with UEFA's PSR rules? #clutching

    Nah they'll just sell Palmer to themselves and they'll be sorted

  2. Just now, TheBrownBottle said:

    Can’t argue with a team winning a trophy deserving European football more than a team who finished 7th mind.  

    Soooo much not the point. 

    Yes we didn't do enough to earn it on merit, but to hear the commentators go on about "long suffering" Man U fans is galling since they literally won a trophy last year...again at our expense. Give them 55 years and it might be more sympathetic. 


    Only plus side is that their future looks bleak with that loon Ratcliffe controlling things

  3. Sickening that these clubs which are now effectively comedy side shows (man u/chelsea) are being so badly mismanaged still make Europe. Ultimately our own fault it was out of our hands, but take away a couple of individual mistakes and we'd never have been in this situation 

  4. 1 hour ago, huss9 said:

    we cant afford another Isak. and he didnt come to be a back up striker.

    Missed the point entirely.


    If we can find someone as good as isak under the noses of everyone, surely we have more imagination that looking at DCL.


    Maybe our scouting team is seeing something I just don't with him

  5. 31 minutes ago, Disco said:

    Just thinking about my all time XI


    Cole - Bellamy


    Beardsley - Hammann - Milner

    Pearce - Distin - Howey - Charvet



    At their prime think they could be ECfL contenders.

    Got to be a wind up

  6. 8 minutes ago, Gaztoon said:

    Can only be poch with xavi as his assistant for the massive lads.

    Don't be daft...clearly not good enough.


    Only Bally can save them, with Phillips as assistant

  7. 7 minutes ago, TRon said:

    He does have some excuse about the injuries, although I never really followed their games closely, didn't they struggle with a lot of injuries to key defender?



    Yes they've had injuries, but nowhere near as bad as we have

  8. 2 minutes ago, gbandit said:

    In fairness actually, looking at DCL’s injury record, it’s quite a lot of disconnected injuries. Broken toe, Hamstrings, Knees, fractured cheekbones. Evil Knievel reborn 

    Carl Cort mkii

  9. 1 minute ago, gjohnson said:

    Is anyone aware of the actual contents of this mail?

    Not seen any details anywhere

    Given the nature of British journalism, it could be anything from a full disclosure of ours and Brightons transfer plans to something like..."hey Berrado, hear you're joining Man U. Looking at going there myself"

  10. 4 hours ago, tgarve said:

    I think he’s great- I just don’t think he’s a 100million player. I don’t think someone would pay that much 


    sorry for not having the sheep opinion on something that’s subjective 

    Whether he is or not that's at least what he's worth to us....100m cash can't sit in a midfield for us, but a Bruno can better than most in the league. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, STM said:


    I mean.... what? Play different sides, play with different feet, play in entirely different styles, they are both black and play/played for Crystal Palace.


    Also, Zaha sucked because he joined David Moyes' Man Utd at a young age. He'd have done well at most other places and was largely regarded as a damn fine player.

    Not saying Olise isn't good and certainly nothing to do with his ethnicity. Just has the same swagger and style as Zaha where he gives the impression that if he's not one of the main men he'll flounder

  12. 1 hour ago, SUPERTOON said:

    We wouldn’t need Olise and Neto.

    Olise is so just Zaha Mkii. Great at Palace but would suck balls anywhere else

  13. 1 hour ago, Jack27 said:

    Congrats on winning stinking take of the season

    Didn't we used to have a worst post of the season thread? This has to be a contender

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