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Bada Bing

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Posts posted by Bada Bing

  1. 1 minute ago, HaydnNUFC said:


    Posted this a few times now I think but there's a row of seats in the East Stand; a mate of my dad's, my old seat, my dad, another mate of my dad's, mate of mine.


    I was buying my old seat all of last season and the season before. I'll likely never get it again, whereas others are winning it in the ballot, sitting there and have been deadpan silent. There was a young lass there last night who left at HT. There was a student on his phone for most of the game there against Palace. While I'm fucking desperate to get in for any/every game and am sitting in seats I never would in years gone by. Understand this is a bit selfish but it's fucking shite.


    Enjoying the match with your mates and family is a big part of what its all about ultimately. Even if you go alone, everyone has a part of the ground they feel most comfortable in, and its reassuring to see familiar faces. Being atomised doesn't create the same sense of belonging. That said, it doesn't explain the atmosphere situation completely.

  2. Not being able to select a seat is a complete joke, it puts me off even bothering to be honest. It can't be right when you feel isolated and almost like a stranger going to a ground you've been to many many times.

  3. It’s massive shame because last night he showed in glimpses how instrumental he could be for us.


    All we can hope for is he uses this time out to work on his mental health (gambling being the symptom / coping mechanism) and get in the best physical shape of his life. And come back next season with a point to prove.

  4. 3 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:


    That doesn't really answer the question of whether any amount of football success would be worth doing that. 


    I don't think there's any doubt the club will benefit immensely. 


    What I'm getting at here, and this is just my view, is that the gradual 'saudification' of the club makes it increasingly hard to relate to (pre-Ashley). I'm not saying that will happen, but it is a concern for me, however irrational it is. But I agree, the club on any objective measure will benefit enormously.

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