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Bada Bing

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Posts posted by Bada Bing

  1. 43 minutes ago, 80 said:

    Just showing faith and support, I guess. The trick is to realise when that loyalty isn't being repaid. But giving no slack at all will get us nowhere.


    OK fair enough. 


    My thoughts are:

    1) We would be financially strengthening a rival club by taking a player, that in my view, gives them an easy opportunity to strengthen an important position. 

    2) Does the signing of McT match the ownerships stated ambitions for where they want this club to be going forward (champions league position)?

    3) We obviously don't have all the background data / analytics, but the good old eye test would suggest he is bang average. 

    4) Is it likely we'd sell him at a profit, if we signed him for £30m - £40m? I'm not sure.


    I have reservation on all these points, so I'm hoping Howe get rebuffed if he genuinely is pursuing this lad. Which I would add is all conjecture at this point.


    We need to do better than McT if we are serious about progressing. Howe will eventually need to get used to managing higher profile players if he is to take us forward anyway.

  2. 3 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    Building up to kick off and then stopping is a challenging thing in itself TBH. 

    Would be happy to leave it for a few games and bring it back too… don’t want it to become routine. 

    Also need to sort the DJ and announcer, does no favours at all. 


    Agree with this. The announcer with his "Enjoy the Game" cry - I mean wtf is that all about, it needs to stop. Literally encourages people to treat the match like going to a theatre, sit back say nothing and be entertained. 


    4 minutes ago, TheGuv said:

    I manipulated (or should I say gently persuaded) my table to say this :lol:. They were bang into that opinion by the end mind you.


    Hmm where to begin. 

    Thomas from the FSA did a brief presentation and then Sarah Medcalf from the club presented. She showed the above figures I posted previously along with a few other slides. There were around 10 tables, and each table had a representative from the club. We were given two questions:


    Do you think safe standing would be a positive change at SJP? Why?


    What do the club need to consider in relation to fans if safe standing was introduced?

    As @Heronhas said the vast majority were overwhelmingly in support. My table was unanimously in support of it for example. Most tables seemed to indicate it would be positive for atmosphere, not ruining the experience for those sitting down etc etc. I’m pretty sure the club want to do it anyway so this all just backed up the majority backing in the survey.


    The second question is where some of my concern comes in. The main reason being ‘where?’ I heard a lot of chat about the Strawberry Corner, particularly on my table. But as I mentioned, the vast majority of atmosphere comes from there already, so you’d effectively just be replacing one with the other (current de facto singing corner with a standing section). I know of one woman on another table who specifically wanted it known that not everyone in the Strawberry Corner don’t stands - which is correct. I’d suggest it’s currently less than half.

    The vast majority in attendance would not want to move seats to accommodate standing but if they did have to move some form of compensation was mentioned on every table (reduced ST price, loyalty points!, an extra seat!, free cup games etc). 

    There were some canny people on my table, but the room was overwhelmingly middle aged and (much) older. I was rather happy when I saw @Heronand a few other lads my age spread around other tables, as  all of the table notes will be reviewed by Eales and Co. However, the amount of people who had no idea about safe standing was staggering. Their general knowledge of SJP and the club was poor and it didn’t fill me with confidence of what the club will inevitably implement. 

    I think the club already know what they want to do, and unfortunately it isn’t going to be what some of us on here want. E.g. a large safe standing area of 5,000+ or even two separate safe standing areas at opposite ends of the ground. My heart sank when they mentioned 1500-3000. They then mentioned that timings are tight and if they don’t implement for next season it’ll be the season after. A bit of a disaster if that’s the case imo. 

    If they just plonk it in the Strawberry Corner, I think it’s a massively missed opportunity. I can’t see many from that corner moving to accommodate the singers/standers and will just want to be ‘part of it’ and keep their view. This will I turn not improve the atmosphere (the biggest positive amongst the tables) at all, as we already have it. 

    Those who really want it would move to where it goes. Again Leazes Level 4 would put the cat amongst the pigeons. I even said I’d pay more money to stand - much to the confusion of the rest of my table. However, one comment from a lady on my table was spot on - the club need to know how many want to stand - before implementing it. If 6,000 want to stand - there’s your answer for the timing being. Otherwise you’re going to have 2-4x the amount pissed odd that they can’t. 

    I also drilled home (as did another table fortunately) that there would need to be access to safe standing for general sale/membership.


    Thanks for the summary.


    It doesn't fill me with any confidence at all. 1500 odd standing places will just look naff. 

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