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Posts posted by Papavasiliou

  1. 11 hours ago, Pata said:

    Need a cage match between @Milanista and Edwards. :lol:


    I think Inter clearly need the money more but have more ambitious/emotional owners. Milan's moneyball owners thought this was a good deal and greenlighted it to fund the team elsewhere.

    Inter's owner is being hamstrung by China's foreign investment rules.


    They're losing money hand over fist and he's not allowed to pump enough in to keep them going without further outside investment.

  2. 5 minutes ago, arnonel said:


    I think we are too hung up on "positions". Things are way more fluid right now. Roles will change during the game. 




    Tonali and Bruno could definitely chop and change mid match.

  3. This deal makes a lot of sense. If they manage to get 80mil euros from us that's all money straight in their pocket and they'll not need to pay for demolition work on the San Siro cos the fans will tear the place down themselves. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Stal said:

    Right, my mind has gone blank and I can't think of this player's name; played for us, signed from either Leicester or Chelsea I think. Brazilian whose name was like a first name but spelt incorrectly. I'd google it but I don't know what to google. Any ideas on who I'm trying to remember or am I just imagining him?


  5. 1 hour ago, Mikky said:

    I can’t see him leaving AC Milan - he’s a boyhood fan - was his dream to play for AC- was a blubbering wreck when the San Siro was saying goodbye to Ibra


    34 minutes ago, sushimonster85 said:

    Can knock the Tonali thing on the head straight away. Unless some other big scandal rocks Italian football he will be at Milan his entire career. 


    They've just sacked his hero for no reason and replaced him with a baseball analyst. I can see him wanting out or at least being angry enough to talk to other clubs right now.

  6. 4 hours ago, ponsaelius said:

    He's had an amazing career. One of my favourite ever players to watch, particularly in his early years. Reinvented himself as a footballer on a number of occasions to remain effective. 


    Its always weird when a player lasts as long as he has at the top level. The Ajax team he broke through at over 20 years ago feels like it was from a different era of football entirely. He's actually older than all of Sneijder, VdV, Heitinga, Mido, De Jong. He's only slightly younger than the likes of Chivu and Van de Meyde ffs. 


    The daft quotes and persona became a little bit tiresome in recent years but I'm still not entirely convinced he isn't willingly taking the piss out of himself.


    The Van der Meyde, Van der Vaart and Chivu trio was amazing. My mates and I were so convinced all 3 would end up being world beaters we completely overlooked Ibra at the time.

  7. Burn deserves a big mention this season.


    When Howe first put him in at LB I was confused as fuck. Thought it was obvious that he was just going to get targeted over and over with pace and we'd end up fucked. Then we had that great run and I understood that you don't wanna take him out in the middle of it when he's playing well, but in the back of my head I was always thinking the hot streak would end at some point and teams would work him out. They never did though. 


    Even when Target was back to whatever full fitness is for him, I consistently expected to see Burn dropped yet it never happened because he never deserved it.


    I've spent pretty much the entire season expecting/wanting him dropped but now that we're at the end I've just got to hold my hands up and say fair play to him. 43 games later and he's still smashing it.


    (Side note, how the fuck is he only on 6 yellows for the whole season?!?!)

  8. I know it doesn't really need saying but I fucking love being in the crowd when he's on one. As soon as he gets the ball in front of him you can see everyone lean forward and you feel the anticipation and the whole place just willing him forward. 


    Even if he ran into trouble and lost the ball 9 times in a row, that 10th time people would still feel that anticipation that something great could happen.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Yorkie said:


    Forecast as of this morning suggests bright, sunny and mild! Looks like all the poxy stuff out of the way by close of play on Saturday. 

    Nice one. I looked earlier this week and it had it raining for basically exactly when we would be playing and no other point in the day.

  10. 17 minutes ago, HawK said:

    He's got the confidence to have a go with the ball, OK it rarely comes off, but just having that attacking mentality opens doors and draws players in and creates space for others. He gets in areas to have a shot, works tirelessly off the ball, and has genuine pace.


    That's one thing I'm liking about him off the bench. In games when there's been little in the way of chances he'll at the very least have a shot or two.

  11. 3 hours ago, Ste said:

    Me and @Stiflerhad a cracking view for his goal against Bolton. Felt like the whole stand was screaming at him to pass it but I’ve never felt calmer knowing what was coming. 

    Same here for the Blackburn one. I was right up in the top corner of the Gallowgate so when he was dribbling into the box he was heading right towards me. 


    As you say, I think the whole stand was shouting for him to pass and it felt like he was weaving from side to side for about an hour before he finally let the shot rip.

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