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Geordie Deb

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Posts posted by Geordie Deb

  1. Bearing in mind his natual aversion to journalists - wasn't it reported last  week that he gave his first utterance to the press since 2009 on anything to do with NUFC at the Sports Direct AGM just a few weeks ago and he only spoke to the journalists under duress. If that's the case seems weird that he would abandon his self imposed ban on speaking to them to gob off to some random hack that he meets in a pub. Don't doubt it took place but sure he was trolling even though there may be some element of truth in there. Well fingers crossed that Mikey is close to pulling the trigger

  2. When did our support become such a spineless shower of shite? Kudos to those who tried to make a difference. Not sure what it will take for most of the majority to turn. Maybe they won't and will only drify off when we're in the championship.

  3. At least the next league game at Stoke will be live on Sky so hopefully away fans will do the biz that the majority of our home support -the pathetic shower of shite - failed to do. Gutted that he was able to spend more or less the entire game in the technical area and was rewarded with a nice round of applause at the end. Tossers

  4. Well what an embarrasment in front of the world's media all turning up to see Pardew squirm and what do we do - jack shit. Well done to those who stood up with their signs but man the majority who sat there mute or with looks of disdain at the protesters you deserve this shit. No good moaning afterwards. He's been let off the hook and the fat man and Charnley smirking away. They will be laughing their bloody socks off. Pardew will be full of it afterwards. Makes me want to puke.

  5. Hasn't felt the need to speak for 5-6 years so why now? Definitely rattled or hoping his comments will ramp up pressure from the crowd even more? Is such an unpredictable bell end impossible to know his intentions.  :dave:

  6. Absolute whitewash from the club. If Carver was sorry why would it take 5 days to issue an apology? Chav is going to get away with it as will Woodman. The message it sends out regarding standards this club are willing to accept with Pardew and two of his senior staff in separate incidents all acting like complete tw*ts is disgusting.

    Hope they get dogs abuse on Saturday.

  7. Well they could have put a bit more emotion in to their statement FFS. This is an employee who has given 6 years to the club, who stayed around when the club was relegated and worked his bloody socks off for the team throughout his time here. From all accounts a great lad in the dressing room and always willingly took part in commitments on behalf of the club especially with the fans. This is someone we care about and are willing for him to be ok.

    What a shower of shte our club has become.

  8. Just woke up to this. My god poor Jonas. Shocking news and that photo is gut wrenching.All the best Jonas hope you live long and strong. Now it's out in the public domain sure he will receive massive support from the fans.

    Still don't get the bit about the fact the guy had an op for cancer late last year ? October and in January he was told he could leave without any explanation. I remember his interviews at the time and how upset he was. No wonder Colo has been playing like shit. Seeing his great friend just recover from a cancer op and then being told to leave the club. Sad thing is no matter what the club say in mitigation, I won't believe them.

    What a state of affairs. Anyway what a fanstatic guy and fingers crossed despite the cancer spreading they manage to work their magic and get Jonas back to good health. Howay bonny lad, we're all behind you.

  9. Just seen the latest from sackpardew.com These guys must have marketing/pr expertise - brilliant job with the parody of the sportsdirect logo. Lets see what Fats thinks about that  :D

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