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Posts posted by tinoasprilla

  1. Bruce has been here over a year now, and still plays this guy on the right. Really all that needs to be said.


    Agree with this 100%.  Almiron is crap every tine he plays on the right.  On the left he creates and scores.  Yes Ashley is the big issue but Bruce is a moron who will take us down losing any chance of a takeover

  2. Thats partly due to lack of options.  5 at the back then 2 midfielders sitting just in front of them.  Anyone who wants to play forward is going to struggle.  Id  give him a go until fraser or Billy heedband are back.  Almiron cannot play on the right

  3. If you haven't done so then read the full letter to the Prime Minister, absolute rambling nonsense. I very much doubt it will ever see the eyes of the PM. NCSL may well have a QC they keep naming but there is not a chance in hell any of their published letters have been drafted by a junior legal professional let alone a QC.


    The takeover doesn't really exist anymore, PIF pulled out and Ashley instigated arbitration proceedings. I've no doubt PIF are waiting in the wings to come back if that arbitration is successful and they are given a unilateral undertaking their O&D application would be approved. But right now all we have is a twitter storm whipped up by a few well known individuals, with the expect help of a certain journalist no one had ever heard of a few months ago.


    They said they would issue legal action through the Competition Appeals Tribunal if they didn't get what they wanted - they then didn't get what they wanted and just wrote more letters, asked fans to written letters to MPs and now a very badly drafted letter to the Prime Minister. It's noise, and just making more noise.... more followers, more views for someone's shows on youtube show... all the whole stringing along fans that are simply desperate after the awful 13 years or so of Mike Ashley.

    You have no idea about strategy have you?  Ashley AND the consortium are playing this very well.  Obviously you can't see that or you are too thick to comprehend it.


    He’s to thick to comprehend it mate, and clearly has an agenda.


    :lol: :lol:


    Incredible, the same person who (still) believes and links Wraith's talkshow every other week is chastising others for failing to comprehend the intricacies of a supposed wider strategy


    It's totally bizarre how you're hysterically defending this ridiculous letter, I'm sure everyone (either publicly or privately) can acknowledge its clumsy and nonsensical composition.


    Instead you're continuously bringing up this sanctimonious superfan angle, where users can't criticize blatant deficiencies in this group, because we're not planning our own Jarrow march or whatever


    Your obsessed with Wraith mate aren’t you ?


    Wraith is a massive bell end what ever people think of the takeover

  4. Amazing that no pundits pick up on the fact Villa were boring and negative under Bruce.  Now one of my best teams to watch in Premier league.  But we are lucky to have the fat fuck

  5. Other than Carver I honestly don't think we have had a shitter manager in the premier league erap. Roeder was better than this.


    While Pardew, Souness and Allardyce were rancid people I actually think Bruce is worse. Absolutely f***ing clueless.


    Said with conviction because I am "entitled to my opinion."




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