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Posts posted by MagMal

  1. 1 minute ago, Kid Icarus said:

    In the end we were lucky that Parish for some insane reason turned down our equally insane bid. He'll be available for ~£50m come January and he'll probably go to Liverpool or something. 

    I could see us going back in January for around that price, if we are in or around the top 4 I could still see him signing for us.

  2. I actually think whatever has gone on behind the sences with trips has had a big impact on our season.

    There is no way he goes from been captain to a sub without pissing Eddie off.

    The result of this is that Bruno is now captain but the team don't know how to respond to that as both Bruno and Tripps are very popular and no-one looks to want to look like they are taking sides.

    I miss crazy cheerleading, fist pumping Bruno, he did a great job walking the yellow card tightrope last season and matured as a player and now he needs to get his head around been captain, he will get there but I get the impression he is playing within himself as a result.

    I'm rambling a bit but the summary for me is tripps has fucked up and it has had an impact on the team unity.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Shearergol said:

    Did we? I think we’ll be between 6-8th.

    I do!, I have finally shrugged off the Ashley era dread of playing mid table teams and hoping for a draw or a lucky win, I look at the fixtures and am positive about most of the games, apart from a couple of course! but we have proved we can cause problems for the Cartel clubs.

    No European football, a good set of fixtures at the start of the season, if we can get our finger out we can have some confidence and momentum going into the middle part of the season, Sven will be back then, we can try again in the January window to both unload and sign players, what's not to like.

  4. Fucked over by the Cartel financial rules and the remaining Ashley dross on the books, the 5 year project is extended over the horizon. But we all thought the squad was good enough for top 6 before additions, with a bit of luck we can push for that and more.

    We just need to come to life a bit on the pitch as we seem to be playing within ourselves.

    5/10 with matters beyond our control the biggest problems. 

  5. Just now, J7 said:

    Happy enough to start.

    He has no really choice, rock and a hard place for him, he has still got to go to work there for another year, what's he going to do sit on the sidelines and refuse to play.

  6. Go back in a year for half price, I can't see the player been happy as if reported he wants the move signing a new contract.


    Try and get next year's centre half target who is probably a young un somewhere,  give him an extra year with out squad and splash out on a winger and Trafford.


    Easy this transfer lark.

  7. No bothered either way now, I know he has to keep Palace fans sweet in case he stays there but if he is really happy to stay at Palace and is not pushing for a move then I would have some concerns about his ambition.

    Bored with the whole thing and would rather get someone else who is as good and come back next year for half price.

  8. I wonder if I can get a bet on this running to deadline day then falling apart for some bullshit reason created by Palace half an hour before the transfer window closes, it's starting to feel that way.

  9. He needs to put a transfer request in, Palace know his head has been turned and if he doesn't move the whole situation is shit for us, shit for him and shit for Palace, we miss out on a player we need and they get stuck with an unhappy player who's form will probably drop and who they lose value on by the month, then the fans will turn on him and the whole thing becomes a further shitstorm.

    Not bitter. 

  10. You have got to feel a bit for the guy, Chelsea must have promised him all sorts to sign for them to then be left out of the European squad, he was either lied too, proper nieve or doesn't give a shit about his career. 

    People have said he is a nice guy and has a good character so I am going the first option. 

    Shame really as he would have been good for us.

  11. It will be interesting to see if he plays today, "small muscle injury" - we are selling and protecting the money, "heads not right" - he's told palce to fuck off and wants to move.

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