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Posts posted by MagMal

  1. Peter Beardsley was the last decent number 10 we had, how bad is that, he has retired and moved onto bullying kids and we still haven't replaced him, not sure if we can blame that on the fat one, but I will.


    Craig Bellamy operated the role very well



  2. No chance of happening but I do think Tammy from Chelsea would be a good move for us if the £15m price is true, not that we would spend it. We do have some good young players and the perfect manager for them, it is just so frustrating that we have the biggest arsehole in the world as an owner as with just a reasonable investment we could be a good young exciting team that could grow together and become a team to be proud of in the next few years.


    But I suppose dropping down the leagues with some washed up stooge as a manager could be fun as well :rant:

  3. Peter Beardsley was the last decent number 10 we had, how bad is that, he has retired and moved onto bullying kids and we still haven't replaced him, not sure if we can blame that on the fat one, but I will.

  4. Anyone know if it is illegal to write in chalk on a pavement?, those street artists seem to get away with it, anyhow #ifrafagoeswego marked up in big letters on the pavement outside all his stores wouldn't be damaging his property so no action could be taken and when the rozzers turn up just chuck a flat cap down with a few coppers in it and claim to be putting yourself through art school :D

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