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Posts posted by Likelylad

  1. 34 minutes ago, Jordan said:

    Picking up a lot of needless yellows. Going to be banned after his next one. 

    Bruno's on 3 already. Going to be lots of 1 game bans due to how card happy the refs are this season. Especially for dissent etc 

  2. Yeah, i think we're done. Hopefully not like but i just can't see it.

    I know we needed depth but of the 4 players we've signed, only 1 is currently starting. 

    Hopefully Hall gets up to speed sharpish. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Shadow Puppets said:

    Maybe I’m missing something, but A) who says he’s rich, privately educated Tory and B) even if he was, why does that matter?

    A-Published articles confirming such  and the fact he went to RGS. I mean that’s pretty much proof enough no?


    B- The Tories have shit on the working classes and the NE for years and are  complete cu***. My view is, i’d rather not have someone who’s an ardent David Cameron fan boy front and centre of the supporters & club. Just my personal opinion. 

  4. Maybe i'm a hypocrite as I've got mates who vote Tory and support Newcastle but they're not front and centre of everything nufc. 

    I've heard stuff about him and the True Faith lot that doesn't lead me to think they're good people etc. The way he came back to NUST unopposed once the takeover went through. 

    Tbh, It's amalgamation of everything together that's led to my dislike. 

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