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D. Yimentov

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Posts posted by D. Yimentov


    It really doesn't matter how many "people" are interested in buying us, as long as Mike Ashley is involved in negotiations, it's always going to end in disappointment.


    I have no doubts about the interest/bids for the club in the past. I think they've all been genuine but the 1 and only t*** blocking any potential sale has been Mike Ashley all along.


    You really still believe that BZG, Kenyon, Barry Moat, GACP sports (I've probably missed a few more obvious ones) are all genuine?  :lol:


    You really think they’re all not? Undoubtedly, some have been/are bollocks, but if you genuinely think they’re ALL that way, then you probably believe the moon landings were faked also.


    Name one that you think was genuine ...


    The 1969 one for a start. If it was faked the USSR would've called them out a long time ago but they didn't.

  2. You can still spend your way to the top of football. You can spend your way to the top of anywhere. I'm amazed that City have even received a punishment to be honest. I thought they'd be keeping the right people sweet. PSG are obviously keeping up with the cheques.


    If the Saudi government buy a club - us or anyone else - they'll be abe to do whatever the hell they want. They'll violate FFP for fun.

  3. A sustained boycott campaign led by club legends and supplemented by professionally produced youtube videos might, just maybe, get some of the SDFC fans on board.


    Shearer wouldn’t do it because of his job but the rest of The Entertainers might be up for it. Could maybe get Joey Barton in on as well for the comedy.



  4. I don't even hate Mike anymore. I almost feel like I understand him on some days. He has 45,000 loyalists who will support him unconditionally. There's no accountability. At this point I'm only disappointed that he doesn't have the balls to make us play in red and blue.


    The fans though, I fucking hate them.




  5. If I may offer some defence of Lee Ryder and his mates...


    I'm pretty sure there'll be pressure on Lee to just write any old s*** and get an article out. He'll be getting paid handsomely for it too so he'll be long past caring. In addition, as with most jobs, he probably has to submit risk assssment forms with every article and do loads of other pointless inane s***, leaving little time for his actual job.


    I can imagine the journos, who are all mates anyway, have a bit of a mad lads club going as well. "Dare me to do the Anita-Antia thing?"


    Mind you, a lot of them do come across as knob heads on twitter. Look at Luke Edwards' profile picture ffs. Rolling his head along his shoulder like Lawrenson looking at Hansen on the BBC settee. Gross.





    He won't be getting paid handsomely.


    It's all relative I suppose but I know he'll be on more than anyone in wor hoose.


    Also, I saw him in Tesco once, so he's not at M&S level.

  6. If I may offer some defence of Lee Ryder and his mates...


    I'm pretty sure there'll be pressure on Lee to just write any old s*** and get an article out. He'll be getting paid handsomely for it too so he'll be long past caring. In addition, as with most jobs, he probably has to submit risk assssment forms with every article and do loads of other pointless inane s***, leaving little time for his actual job.


    I can imagine the journos, who are all mates anyway, have a bit of a mad lads club going as well. "Dare me to do the Anita-Antia thing?"


    Mind you, a lot of them do come across as knob heads on twitter. Look at Luke Edwards' profile picture ffs. Rolling his head along his shoulder like Lawrenson looking at Hansen on the BBC settee. Gross.




  7. He usually uses a helicopter called G-MOAL, though he has been known to use G-MAOL (the one in the tweet) as it’s owned by the same company. I think one is his personal helicopter and the other is Sports Direct’s.


    Landing 5 miles away from his house though is interesting, not the least because there is enough land for a helicopter to land on the actual site of the princes house, so why would he land 5 miles away?

    Then again public flight radar data for private helicopters and planes can be a bit out.



    He's deliberately landed at the wrong gaff so he he doesn't have to sell.


    "Are you sure the Crown Prince is called Johnny Hallyday, Mike?"




  8. Literally no idea what that last sentence meant.


    What on earth did he even say?  :lol:


    "Every club is looking for a striker and unfortunately there ain't any to have what you can get."


    Eh? Where's the confirmation they're involved come from? Kennedy hasn't even gone with "sources close to the deal" or whatever to try and give at least some credibility


    That Man United fan from Pakistan who is BZG's lawyer is also Dave Reuben's accountant. He confirmed in a tweet direct to Miles Starforth.

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