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Absolute Elsewhere

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Posts posted by Absolute Elsewhere

  1. Doubt anything will ever annoy me as much as clueless owld gadgies having a go at Laurent Robert en masse because he didn't track back enough or get his foot in. Should have seen Brexit coming back then.


    Aye, the East Stand was not keen.


    They absolutely love the british dog that is Ritchie though

  2. If Gayle and Joelinton are staying, I think we can forget any striker rumours. Seems we’ve shot our swap and loan attempts thus far, and with Gayle saying he’s seeing out his contract...


    I genuinely think that Big joe, Gayle and Carroll are the worst striking options any PL club has had.

  3. What an absolute mess. It’s always us isn’t it. The other 19 clubs all have fairly stable owners and a fanbase content that their club is trying to compete the best it can and look forward to a new season, then there’s the constant soap opera that we have to endure and the only club in the league that actively try’s not to compete.


    Makes it even more criminal when we are the most loyal and passionate fanbase in the country too.

  4. So. We currently have



























    Big joe

    Wor Andy





    23 man squad we are just about set.



  5. Just read it.  Nowt we didn't already know


    - Test is confidential


    - No definitive timescale given


    - Bid was publicly withdrawn so no need for a final decision


    So what did the premier league actually do for 17 weeks.    Sounds like nothing to me and then in june decided to challenge who would actually own NUFC.  f***ing farce!


    Asked questions of PIF and the other buyers which they were unable to answer.  There's no conspiracy here, ultimately it looks like PIF have been obstructive for their own reasons to the process.


    This is where I’m at as well. Surely if that wasn’t true PIF would come out and counter that but their silence speaks volumes.

  6. I initially had a lot of anger towards the premier league and planned on boycotting it completely as I held them 100% to blame for the takeover failing. However now I have to put some blame on PIF as well for walking away and not forcing a decision, also not responding to the PL’s last statement says to me they aren’t blameless in this.


    Either way anyone who thinks this could still get done is beyond deluded.

  7. Ashley has even said himself the day the club finally gets sold there won’t be none of this circus and bullshit it will just be done. Zero chance PIF or this new lot end up buying us.


    While it is unlikely that either of these two deals go through I do find it hilarious that everyone takes this one line from Ashley as gospel despite him being proven to be a liar and to mislead fans on purpose.


    True. I reckon he will be right though. It’s an utter farce the amount of new bidders and fakeovers we have. It must just be done for clickbait and for the rest of the country to laugh at us. I can’t think of any other club where this shit has constantly been going on for years now.

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