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Everything posted by clippert

  1. Where am I moving to? What the fuck am I denying?
  2. Fuckin hell, I'm a mackem because I'm of the opinion that she was in it for the money primarily and not the love of the club 😂
  3. Hate to break it to you mate, it's a professional sport. They all get paid to play.
  4. Our sinscere thanks! That's a right old fuck you and everything you've fucked up. They're not happy with her.
  5. This makes it very clear that she was doing it for the money and not the love of the club. Surely if she really loved the club she would have taken the financial hit?
  6. So you're saying she had a good time and fell in love whilst making money? The driving factor was the money, not having a good time and falling in love with the club.
  7. So you're telling me she would do what she did for free?
  8. Nah, she ain't doing what she did for free. It was a business opportunity, simple as.
  9. They didn't do what they did for the love of the club. They did it for money.
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