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Everything posted by McDog

  1. Nice American football stiff arm from Jarrod.
  2. OK, give 'em a great team talk Eddie. Make some adjustments and blitz these bastards.
  3. They are really pressing ASM to be fair it seems.
  4. Fuck, Hammers back in the game via Bruno's mate.
  5. I think you misunderstand me. I'm only referencing Tuesday afternoon because that was why he was watching the game with a baby bottle. He's not usually like that. I'm not commenting on him in general. I like he plays with emotion, hope he stays that way.. He just went too far Tuesday is all.
  6. Nah, not bollocks but maniac might be too strong. I'll go with lack of self control if that helps.
  7. I love the lad but he had to pulled back more than once before he got a straight red.
  8. Needs to not be a maniac on the pitch. Emotion is fine but keep it under control.
  9. Every game, just rock solid in things small and large.
  10. Newcastle scored twice in 3 minutes, one disallowed.
  11. I just emailed my mate who moved away to a farm in Wisconsin like 20 years ago.. I got him to be a Newcastle fan in the 90's and this crazy fucker worked at Northwest Airlines in the US and flew to Heathrow from Minnesota. Rented a car, drove to Newcastle, drove to London and flew home immediately. He's a 45 minute drive to Brits but I hope he can go. It's Siberian weather here butt in the summer lawn bowling on the roof.
  12. Hmmm, first time I thought of this but perhaps I could head down to Brits Pub (I've been there many times) to watch the match. Only problem it'll be 10:30am here and I'd have to get a bitter straight away. That might be quite fun.
  13. I saw a dude do that to an old fella in Las Vegas. Old guy standing in the bathroom and a guy came running in and absolutely nailed him in the back. It was about 10am so he probably had 4 hours before he could get his room. Guy kept saying to his friend. He barfed on me, he barfed on me.
  14. McDog

    Anthony Gordon

    ELP. Yes , Gentle Giant, King Crimson to name a few since you asked!
  15. Cabbage Head is in the house.
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