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Posts posted by MrRaspberryJam

  1. 5 minutes ago, RUHRLYASLEEVESUP said:

    They offer decent wedge (where he is currently ;) so I hear 


    I don't have any interest in anything you have to say.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Pancrate1892 said:

    We sell him and he will become instantly immune to injury, including shark attack, IEDs and plane crash. 


    Fits in the same very strange category as the likes Chris wood, joselu and Jon Dahl tomasson becoming world class the minute they fuck off. 


    Can't imagine there being a big queue for Wilson. He's over 30, with a poor injury record and I suspect it'll take a huge offer to better whatever wedge he's on here. 

  3. 44 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Eustace wants the Birmingham job back.


    Imagine being fired from a job in 6th place in Play-Off contention, then 3 months later having to pick up the pieces in a relegation battle. 



    But, you know, Tom Brady will make one too many mistakes. The Birmingham board will see what Eustace already knew, and they'll go in there, and they'll go, "right, yeah, Eustace was right. Rooney's pissed off him and Rooney's pissed off him. Rooney's not the manager we thought he was. Okay. So get out, we made the mistake." Then they drag Rooney out by his hair and that's when the begging starts. They'll come to Eustace and say, "Ooh, John you were right all along, you were the right man for this job, you're the best man for this job. Will you come back?" And he'll be like, "yeah sure how much money have you got? Because this is going to cost ya."

  4. 1 minute ago, brummie said:


    Of course you fucking will.


    I'd back Tindall on his own to overcome Michael Beale.

    Argh god Brummie mate I was pretty relaxed about it all but I’m starting to get squeaky bum about it now. We’re in such poor form I think we’re going to get humiliated. 

  5. 1 minute ago, brummie said:


    Not really sure how Grealish makes that much difference - even ignoring Grealish, there's £60m of other homegrown sales there. How is that skewed? If we wanted (and I definitely don't want to) we could sell Jacob Ramsey for a lot of money, too.


    One thing we've got right in recent years is transfers and balancing with homegrown players - Tielemans, McGinn, Luiz, Ramsey, Kamara - total cost about £17m. Also, not sure how your splurge being a one off really changes anything, though?


    I know I keep saying this, but the homegrown thing is gamechanging in terms of the wriggle room it gives you - it's 100% profit and you can book it all in one year if you want to, which makes a huge difference that you don't see if you just look at net transfer spend. 


    That's the bit you guys need to get right.

    Do you think we’ll beat Sunderland on Saturday?

  6. 2 minutes ago, Shearergol said:


    Think they're hoping he'll be back for the Sunderland game. Willock still a couple of weeks away, Barnes and Wilson likely to be out all month still.


    aka he'll aggrevate it further this week in training, but it'll only be a minor setback. And should be back for City.


    But it'll set him back 4 weeks. He'll come back in February, play 60 mins. Get taken off as a precaution. 


    Then find out he needs surgery.

  7. 27 minutes ago, 54 said:

    At Derby he had Liam Rosenior as his assistant, he currently has Hull in 7th.


    Given that Rooney has failed in his two jobs without him, think it's safe to say he was the main architect behind what happened

    at Derby.


    Fair enough.

  8. 3 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:

    If you only want to make long-term moves. You have to accept short-term pain.


    And some say Dolly Parton is just a big pair of tits.

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