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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Way back in the mists of time there was a Great Forum, the forerunner of all forums, where all was good and pure. All was well, until the great Stand vs Sit To Wipe debate began, and a Rift shattered the Great Forum in to many sharts. The Sitters claimed they alone knew The Truth and The Way, The Standers couldn’t be bothered and went to look at boobs on MySpace. Eventually a peace descended and the two camps coexisted, until a little cunt called Quiff came along and threw a tantrum. If you’ve made it this far, you should know that none of the above is true, (except the bit about Quiff being a little cunt), and that Standing is The Way.
  2. I’ll bag any emergency poops and bin them, unlike Renton, the absolute fucking savage.
  3. You put it in the oven then add whine.
  4. I hope so, he has the most eloquently brutal takedowns of mackemkind it’s been my pleasure to read.
  5. I had to open a new Reddit account to confirm who I was to you, as my other one has pretty rancid subreddits on it Anyway, I’m off to browse r/dragonsfuckingcars.
  6. It was the that did it for me, like.
  7. Call it a hunch but when I saw… CHerry Tomato … liking comments on here, my Spidey sense sent the nipsy in to overdrive. He’s as thick as a castle wall, so won’t have worked out how to choose a profile pic yet. If one of our new Lords and Masters wants to make him easily identifiable, whack this on his account.
  8. Alreet cunt? What’s the crack here then, can I post titties and that?
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