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Posts posted by WilliamPS

  1. No, obviously not. It’s a PR stunt to highlight the Saudi justice system.


    It worked as it got coverage in a national newspaper 


    The same way the Saudis want to use Nufc to highlight postive PR about Saudi, people against the Saudi regimes ownership of Nufc can use the club to highlight negative PR about Saudi arabia

  2. The club and Howe have signed up to pro Saudi Arabia PR (E.g. the training camps in Saudi, the Saudi themed kit) so the club can hardly complain when they get a bit of negative PR back on the same angle. Howe was happy enough to appear in the adverts for the Saudi airline…

    Also the comedy in this thread of someone being rightly called out for homophobia, but the same posters jumping to defend a regime that makes being gay a crime…


    Personally I like the club is getting £££ and want to take the £££, but no way will I defend such an awful regime or criticise those who call the Saudis out.


  3. A lot of the goal scoring issues really boil down to the depth of squad


    last 3 games without Bruno moving the ball in midfield, before that a couple of injuries…it doesn’t take much to knock the team off it’s stride


    Hopefully next week with ASM looking lively and Bruno back the team has enough, but really until the squad is deeper there’s no chance of consistent form over a whole season as injuries and suspensions are inevitable 

  4. He has done v well this season, people should remember that


    as a CB he’s probably shattered having played 20+ games at LB, and had to get up and down the pitch


    thankfully he’s putting the effort in for the team as there’s no one to come in for him at the moment


    dont understand the armchair warriors desperate to find fault



  5. For me it’s time to start Isak, I think he offers more overall. 


    Wilson isn’t lacking confidence though - an odd claim. He doesn’t score every chance, that’s all. He was confident enough to make the run and take it on. Almiron has gone a bit off the boil and Joelinton isn’t creative so Wilson hasn’t had as much around him. 

    anyway for me, if Isak is fit it’s time he got a run

  6. I’d be amazed and disappointed if Murphy is starting over ASM and Gordon. I’m a ASM fan and I’d go for him, but why sign a £45m wide attacker then start Murphy?


    I understand Newcastle are a defence first team, but scoring has become more difficult now teams come for the draw, so I do think you have to take a bit more risk and play your best attackers - especially absent Bruno

  7. 4 minutes ago, sushimonster85 said:


    Have to remember though, in terms of ground to make up, we're already ahead of schedule. Even if we 'only' get Europa League. So long as Eddie and his team keep have us performing a few levels above where these players really should be, then it buys the recruitment/commercial sides time to work. 

    Haven’t achieved anything yet - no prizes given out in january 


  8. Thing with Chelsea’s summer transfers is they spent a load of money but not on anyone that special and they overpaid massively even on the decent players (100m on koulibaly and Fofana!) - some of the outlay this time looks a bit more quality 



  9. Gallagher has a contract until 2025 so if he wants to play AND Chelsea refuse to sell to a rival his options will be limited - especially if they currently consider Newcastle and Brighton rivals 


    Palace and Fulham don’t tend to throw those sorts of sums around, so he’d only get loan interest from them. His options would be Villa, Everton, Leicester or West Ham 

  10. 10 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

    Enrique was class for us and ultimately where we were, you can’t blame him for wanting out at that point in time.


    He hardly replicated that form for the dippers though. Is he even on their radar as a past player?

    Agree, but he handled his exit badly


    when fans were chucking in season tickets it is a bit harsh to abuse players who didn’t want to spend their careers at a club with no ambition, but better to go quietly rather than make any comment

  11. 24 minutes ago, Lush Vlad said:

    I was about 14 at the time. So might be remembering it wrong. But I’m sure these two looked decent as a partnership for 4-5 weeks. Then Shearer returned from injury, despite being well past his best and that was that. 

    Unfortunately that’s a totally myth about Kluivert, he was fat and lazy, he had no interest in putting a shift in and was just after another club to graze off.


    The .com match report for this game sums him up https://www.nufc.com/html/2004-05html/2004-11-20crystal-palace-a.html


    Then souness fell out with Bellamy, Robert and half the squad and sadly

    a good team was totally wrecked in about 6 months

  12. Bloke has barely played since September yet in the view of some in here he’s gone from the second best player in the squad to a no hoper in that time. When exactly did he become lazy?

    The attack is very flat with Almiron, Joelinton, Willock and Longstaff. with Bruno out the team will need a bit of creativity. Joelinton and Almiron are industrious triers but they are not creative


    And if ASM goes, he will need to be replaced in the squad with someone with similar attributes - dribbling, pace, ability to beat a man, as nobody else has that.


    And all this track back stuff - have you considered for a second if he is asked to play a different role to Joelinton or Willock as he has different skills? I.E. stay high up the pitch as an outlet 


    I’m quite happy with the team as-is, but can’t stand the desperate need to hound players out of the club for imaginary wrongdoings 



  13. A standing area would be great - and based on the away experience it does help the atmosphere. Personally I prefer to stand at matches anyway


    However if you’re standing in a seating section of course you are going to get told to sit down - for a start not everyone sat behind can stand up for 90 mins so you’re ruining their view 

  14. I like Klopp but I think we’re close to the time he quits for a break.


    Liverpool still have a class squad and have been v unlucky with injuries but feels like the squad also need a change at the top, 8 years is a pretty long tenure these days

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