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  1. Australian with an Italian background
  2. Haha. I might have to. Honestly, I watch a lot of prem so I have nothing but respect for Newcastle and the way you guys have operated recently. If he does make the move, I will certainly be cheering him and the collective on
  3. Hi all, Another Milan supporter here. Thought I'd have a gander at what's being said over this side and offer my 2 cents. On the likelihood of signing Tonali Unlike my compatriot Milanista, I am not so adamant that "you're not getting Tonali". As much as I would like to be so sure, the reports are saying that under current ownership, no player is off limits (if the right price comes along). Sadly, the region of 80m is good business, and that's how we operate now. Maldini... a legend and club icon, the man that completely represents what Milan is, got recently sacked as technical director in as little as a few words with no warning and no proper testimonial. That is an indication if ever I've seen one that the management is purely business. The 'moneyball' approach is the new wave, but it lacks heart, and a true ambition to reach the highest levels of football. It is true that he is a boyhood fan of the club. He embodies this team and what it represents in every possible way, through his football and his character. That's why a lot of us are quite upset over this news. In 2021, Tonali agreed to take a pay cut so he could stay at Milan, basically saying he could achieve everything here, didn't care about the money, and wanted to become a club icon. This is what i'm holding onto, but if the club agrees a deal and says to him we no longer need you, then you leave. On Tonali as a player For those interested in what he's like as a footballer. He's young (yet established)... and soon to enter his prime. Position: He can play as a 6 or an 8. In my opinion he's most effective as a box-to-box player. He has the speed, the intelligence, the passing to get forward, and the defensive skills to be a presence anywhere on the pitch. The only thing I would say is he does probably need to add more goals to his game, but he is improving in that regard. Physicality: Got an incredible engine - he will hustle, harry and never slack off. He works his arse off all game long. Excellent at breaking up play and filling in gaps. Having watched Newcastle play quite a bit last season, I think this suits your philosophy perfectly. Mentality: A+++++ A warrior, someone who fights for everything. Respects his club, teammates, coach and everyone involved. Will always give 100% and is the best team player you could ask for. Side note: I found it interesting how Milanista mentioned how a lot of Milan fans say he's a "Jack of all trades, but master of none". There is some truth to this, IMO. Tonali, at this stage, in my opinion doesn't possess elite level qualities of other players in his position. He doesn't have the tackling of a Kante, or the passing of a Kroos. But he is the type of player that you notice when he's not there. He does the simple things consistently well, rarely puts a foot wrong and doesn't have any obvious weakness. In a word, he's 'effective'.
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