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Everything posted by DiddyLevine

  1. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    Im not offended in the slightest but maybe its worth considering that the FA shouldnt attempt to impose these things on players and let them choose to do it or not off their own bat
  2. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    That maybe says a lot about you ...
  3. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    Judge not lest ye be judged 😎
  4. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    Not all christians are zealots . Not all are Bible literalists . The bible like any other screed can be selectively quoted to represent any number of views including ones that are pro or anti gay . Maybe dont judge christians as a monolithic bloc
  5. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    Nope . He'd happily wear Guehis armband and support Guehis right to do so
  6. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    I have a friend who was a vicar and is now a social worker who has been gay since before he was a vicar and he would have no problem saying he loves Jesus
  7. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    No their job is to play football . The capitalist end of things determines the modern games bowing the knee to commercialisation . Im old enough to remember when shirts just had the clubs crest on them
  8. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    I think you have to accept that Guehi is there to play football and not be an advertising hoarding for any number of causes .
  9. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    How would anyone know what any of our players think on issues like this if they dont say one way or another ? For all anyone knows some of them may not agree with you . Bet theres a few that vote Tory
  10. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

  11. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    " Pope which is Epop spelt backwards which is a lot like the word Evil . Oh yes Morag all you have to do is jumble the words around a bit " Mason Boyne
  12. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    Dont bring up Glen Hoddle after all this time 🤓
  13. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    Id prefer if people were open about their beliefs . Then we could challenge them / argue against
  14. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    Jesus was a jew 🤓
  15. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    This . If he hated gay people then surely he wouldve refused to wear the rainbow armband ?
  16. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    Thats not much of an argument on your behalf .
  17. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    Being christian and seeing homosexuality as sinful is not the same as being racist
  18. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    Theres plenty of gay christians
  19. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    Ok so how does society set those standards ? What happens if someone fails those standards ?
  20. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    Its respecting their right to disagree with the rest of us . Its not agreeing with them . We are free to criticise their opinion . Its the very definition of free speech
  21. DiddyLevine

    Marc Guehi

    So we should police what people think ? How would you do that ?
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