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Would you be comfortable if we 'bought' the title?

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depends how. i wouldn't be comfitable with the chelsea way with 22+ new individuals within 2 years, but i wouldn't mind as long as we didn't replace both XI's in the next 12 months (well actually i probably would, because the team pre allardyce was so unbelieveably s****). i wouldn't be happy if we just threw our money about to get the title, but tactical spending is to be admired. i certainly would find it extremely boring if we were in the chelsea situation of being to buy anyone we wanted.





i was the 19th to vote no btw, my reasons are above. i can also relate a lot to what shak says in his post, i'm probably one of those glory shunners :lol: but just wacking loads of money around until we actually hit the winning formula would just be very boring to me. i'd prefer we did it tactically and deserved the league otherwise it would just be very hollow. a chelsea fan i know says football is extremely boring for him now.

agreeing with this a bit. if we did go throwing money at it till we won it would feel hollow unless we were highly entertaining for the cash.
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