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Anyone Remember Bobby Saxton and Adrian Heath?

Crumpy Gunt

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Heath is on a downward spiral into oblivion having been a disaster ever since he hung his boots up.  Probably best known for being Reids puppet.  As for Saxton, he is more likely to have people drop loose change in his coffee when scouting than unearthing some startling talent.  Who next, Mclaren or god forbid Reid?

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Heath is on a downward spiral into oblivion having been a disaster ever since he hung his boots up.  Probably best known for being Reids puppet.  As for Saxton, he is more likely to have people drop loose change in his coffee when scouting than unearthing some startling talent.  Who next, Mclaren or god forbid Reid?


As I said. The last time Saxton was employed by Newcastle was approx 1989.


However, they report to the manager. Sam is the boss, so the buck and the decision stops with him.


If his chosen appointments are being restricted by budgets, only he knows. They are either his genuine first choices or not, and only he knows that too.




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Saxton was assistant to Niall Quinn at Sundeland before he hired Keane btw


he was also assistant or head coach or something when Jim Smith was here, I think




That is correct - also, Heath once had a bitter exchange with some NUFC fans when he was at either Everton or Stoke as a player ; they goaded him at a corner, and he said they were crap fans, NUFC was a crap club, and we deserved to be relegated....wonder if he still thinks that, esp as he was at the Mackems for a while..!!??

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Heath is on a downward spiral into oblivion having been a disaster ever since he hung his boots up.  Probably best known for being Reids puppet.  As for Saxton, he is more likely to have people drop loose change in his coffee when scouting than unearthing some startling talent.  Who next, Mclaren or god forbid Reid?


Whilst I'm the first to poke fun at good ol Monkees Heed, he is knowledgable about the game

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