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Who's worse?

Guest Gallowgate Mag
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Harsh on Xisco and Coloccini tbf. Colo is doing twice the work, if he had someone he could rely on he'd be fine. Xisco's seen about much in the way of delivery's  as the Chernobyl power station recently.


Nonsense about Coloccini, he's been fairly poor since he got here in reality, but thats being masked by the fact that others around him have been just as bad or worse.


Cost us another goal on Saturday, to go with his one from Wednesday night.  Twice in a row, he's showed no awareness when a ball's played into the box and the attackers got away from him or outmuscled him.


I realise he is beyond criticism though.


I think he's probably getting away with a lot of it due to him being the new guy if you will. As he's unproven so far, whereas someone like Taylor has proven that he isn't good enough. Not saying it's right mind.

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I think Coloccini has looked pretty good for us considering the circumstances. My only slight concern is that he sometimes tries to play the ball out of defense too much.


I guess that`s because of what he`s been brought up on, passing from the back and on the deck rather than hoof it up the pitch and out of play. We clearly don`t have the players for the continental style of course though


True, don't get me wrong, I would much rather see the ball played out of defence but a couple of times he's tried to play it out when he should have just lumped it.

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Guest sittingontheball

Plenty to choose from here, but I'll take Smith. Doubly so now that we've got to play a backup center half in midfield to make up the numbers.



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