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Aston Villa v Newcastle - pre match drinking

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Guest BooBoo

The only thing the back page travel has going for it is the price. Other than that its full of toon nerds and/ or charvers (last trip had a group of 8 or so 15 year old lads having farting competitions for a good hour), there's no alcohol allowed and they make ludicrously lengthy pit stops. One at Bolton a few years ago lasted an hour. Plus you only usually get there a maximum of 90 minutes before the game. Finally and most damning was the fact that they once showed a Jim Davison comedy standy up video. Exruciating.


Use them if your after a really cheap trip, otherwise best avoided.


Summed it up perfectly.  :thup: They're a decent professional service (esp. from the point of view of no last minute cancellations or anything) but I'll not be using them again unless absolutely necessary. The "comfort breaks" on the way home from matches are the worst, when you just want to get home and you're at some shite services for an hour.


Ha. Exactly. There's little, if anything, more irritating than being stuck at a service station after being beat and you've got a headache due to the late lunchtime pints.

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What's travelling with the back page like? thinking of doing it for this as it seems the easiest option.

last time I went with them incidentally was the trip down to Villa that I mentioned before.


I remember sitting on the coach for a good 90 minutes afterwards because a charver had got nicked for being drunk and disorderly (they'd smuggled drink down) outside some polis station in the centre of Birmingham.  However the 'steward' on board refused to depart, leaving said knobhead in the nick due to the probability that his mother would go off it when we got back to town to find her son wasn't with us.

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Best to drink in the centre of town then make your way there. I would cab it from the centre but you can catch a 67 bus to Aston Station (get off by the Swan pub) and walk it or the train from New St.


Pubs on Broad Street are a bit like Blackpool, low rent but with a fair bit of talent. Some late drinking at my favourite - the Tap & Spile, usually open till 4 - with some more upmarket bars by the Mailbox and dotted round the centre. The Barton Arms is good with decent food but is away from the centre. Anyone driving in might fancy a drink in Sutton Coldfield as a warm-up.

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