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Time to change the game?

Taylor Swift

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Only way I see the league being more exciting is to impose a strict 20-30  million spending limit a season for all clubs maybe even less than that.


Ok will never happen because of all the greedy twatting agents and PFA sucking players cocks even more than usual but maybe it would narrow the gap between the rest and the top four.


Clubs would be more relient on developing youth instead of blasting loads of money just to buy success, and maybe it would start to lower the cost of transfers in general and thus lower players wage demands and prevent clubs spiralling into debt just because they tried to shorten the gap with the top four.


Will it happen? Will it f***!





shouldn't happen either. salry cap is the way, even if it's the uefa mooted percentage of turnover.


i alos agree with the earlier mentioned  change to the loans regulations but think abolisionis too far.


3 loans a season max?

no loans within the same division and for under 23's or 21's only. 3 or 5 max per season lasting for 28 days.


Just posted above Liv have a 62 man squad. [move]Fucking hell!!!!![/move]


Mind that includes reserves and the youth team, surely?


Registered for Prem I think.

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The biggest problem for the Premiership is that the same teams qualify for the Champions League every year. When finally Everton had the chance they blew it and Liverpool manged to enter the competition. It's been seven years since we were in the CL. Since hten the bif four have had a Champions League monopoly.


It should be some kind of play-off for the 4. CL slot. Starting next season 3 teams from England will go directly into the group stage. So 5. play 6. at home for the right to meet 4. in an "CL-final" on Wembley/Cardiff/anywhere. The winner goes into the champions league qualifying round and the loser goes into the Europe League.


The funny thing is that once such a system is implementet a team like Everton, Villa, Tottenham etc will finish 4. and Liverpool finishing 5. will will win the "Cl-final".




There is no problem of the top 4 monopolising the CL places in the short-term. When a team has a good core of players, like Liverpool with Gerrard, Carragher and now Torres, Chelsea with Terry and Lampard, Man Utd with Rooney, Ferdinand and their older contingent, and Arsenal with their youngsters, you're going to get a sustained period of dominance from those teams. That's just football. If you have good players and you can keep them, you're going to be good for quite some time.


In the long-run, however, new talent should spread. Other teams, like Villa and Everton, should be able to develop talent that can compete with the top 4. The problem that we have is that the top 4 are hoovering up all this talent, so they're just perpetuating the status-quo. That is the problem. You need to prevent them from easily beating the system and maintaining their superiority. You need to reward teams who actually develop the youngsters in the first place (higher fees for youngsters or forcing youngsters to remain at the club that developed them) because the system we have now is one where the poorer clubs are forced to sell their good 19 and 20 year olds to bigger clubs who benefit when these kids mature into world-class footballers at 24 and 25.


So abolish the loan system because a) it will mean that if Man Utd want to develop their youngsters, they're going to have to give them first-team football at Man Utd - something that they've been quite reluctant to do, and b) kids with good agents will realise that playing in the reserves for 2-3 years won't help their future prospects. If they're after big money, they've got to prove themselves first. So off they go to a club which can guarantee them first-team football - clubs like Everton, us and West Ham, clubs who don't have the big bucks. That spreads the talent around the league, which means that now, finally, teams who can really develop their youngsters will eventually consistently challenge the top 4.


I also don't agree about the playoffs system. If you play 38 games and come out ahead of another team, you should be rewarded for that. There's no logic in saying 'ok, Arsenal have got 69 points this season, Villa have got 58, but we're going to make them play one more match to determine who gets into the CL'. If you come in 4th, you get the final CL spot. That's it. There's no need to complicate this.

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Guest Brummiemag

Something also needs to be done in terms of rule changes to make games more attacking and entertaining.


Despite what Sky would have you think, most games in the Premier League are just plain dull, cramped into the middle third of the pitch and devoid of goalmouth action. 

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Ive been saying for years now that every team should have a level playing field in which to become the best.  Your Wigans should have the exact same opportunity to win the league as your Man U's.  All clubs should be on an equal footing no matter how big or small.  Then it would really come down to good management, coaching and the running of a club within strict rules whether that be salary cap or whatever to determine who wins things.  If the top 4 are still the top for after this change then so be it.  But at least it will give other clubs the change to compete given shrewd planning.


I realise this is jealousy on my part because Newcastle are s***, but do we really want to be sitting here in 20 or 30 years time with the exact same top 4 winning everything as they do now?  We as Newcastle and 95% of the other clubs who will never win nowt might as well not bother going on tbh because whats the point?


Thing is there's really nothing that's stopping a number of clubs from challenging and breaking that Top 4, and I'd be confident they will in time.


Arsenal spend less than pretty much every team in the Premiership, and teams like Spurs, Villa, Man City and ourselves to name just a few are more than capable of challenging the big 4 if they get their act together and appoint a good manager. Villa this season is a prime example, and they'll only get better next year if they give O'Neill some more funds to work with.


Really, Chelsea are the only team who've bought success in recent times.


I suppose it is unfair on teams like Wigan, who have a certain level they'll never be able to surpass due to their shitty support, but the suggestion that the top 4 is somehow inpenetrable the way things are at the moment is pretty much ridiculous.


Salary cap, as well as it works in the US, is completely unworkable in football too, barring miraculous levels of co-operation and sacrifice from clubs who have no reason to do so.

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