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Is Mike Ashley steering Newcastle United in the right direction?


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Guest malandro

I hate this thread.

Don’t despair. Give it another twelve months and we’ll be well on the way to wherever it is Ashley’s compass is pointing :-)

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My username is descriptive of my general outlook mate.  We've not finished this low down the league in 18 years man.


A couple of selected quotes that show how deludedly optimistic I am even when everyone else thinks otherwise...


I chanted for Owen, but you probably couldn't hear me.


REALLY want him to stay, shame the crowd aren't so keen collectively.




Allardyce still has us higher than last year and in the cup.


I think that's why the papers advocate patience.  Because he deserves it more.




In each case there came a point where the evidence was overwhelming that my optimism was unfounded.  That point came a long time ago with Ashley.

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One final point, apologies for the spelling errors in the last post. It is friday night here in Oz and my excuse is too many glasses of chardonnay on the beach while the kids were having an evening swim in the sea.


I thought if you were commenting on the atmosphere at games and the sentiments towards Ashley then you'd be someone that was going to games.  Talking to people in the pubs afterwards and that.


Not a soopafan dig or owt, bu you've got no basis for asking question 6.


Well,let me tell you this. Living on the other side of the world doesnt make me any less of a fan than those who have season tickets to SJP. That comment is just blatantly ridiculous. In fact, I probably get to see more NUFC games televised here than you do over in the UK. You might want to remember that there are many other fans on this forum who are in the same situation as me and probably wouldnt take your comments lightly. You might like to know that I have had a heavy involvement with NUFC matters for many years and have plenty of contacts through the club over those years.


Most of your replies to my questions were quite interesting and whilst I agree with some and disagree with most, this is a forum of opinions for world wide supporters of the club and you should be wary of making comments regarding other fans opinions, even if they do live far away.


With regard to question 6, I think the majority of posters on this forum will readily admit that protests against Ashley have diminished over time at games, whether they like it or not.


Furthermore, I cannot think of a single fan whom isnt pleased, surprised and elated that after a difficult period, Newcastle United are currently top of the CCC. I would say that you are certainly in the minority.


I never for one second suggested it made you any less of a fan.


I'm just saying people in and around the stadium have a clearer picture of what the feeling is toward Ashley in and around the stadium.  I don't see how that could be at all contentious.  nothing to get defensive about.


There's not been any 'protests' since the Hull game last seasonff.  I don't agree that there's been any diminishment in the hatred of Ashley since the opening game against West Brom.


Your last sentence is absurd.  Yoiu could as easily say I cannot think of a single rape victim whom isnt pleased, surprised and elated that after being visciously raped, they are still alive.

First of all, I dont think Ashley really cares anymore what the minority think, despite comments by Llanbiase recently. The team is performing and getting results and despite all the past problems, there is still 40 odd thousand turning up at SJP for every home game which is way way above his wildest expectations at the start of the season.

This is going round in circles.  It's not a minority


Secondly, the comment regarding being happy with our current situation as a football club compared to a rape victim is non sensical. How the hell can you make such comparisons is beyond me. I know Bill Shankly once said that football is a matter of life and death but violation of a human body as a comparison to the demise of a football club is just plain idiotic.

Do you write for the daily mail?  Have a sense of humour man. I was highlighting how pathetically grateful you come across for the smallest of mercies with the most extreme analogy.  I was joking about the holocaust with the lads at the match the other night too.


I am basically a positive person and I dont like to dwell on the past. What is done is done and as someone else said previously on trhis thread, it is time to move on which appears to be what the club is trying to do, without over committing itself financially. To be unhappy to be top of the CCC at this present time after a couple of years of total mayhem is just plain daft.

Again, pathetically grateful.  You sound like a cuckolded husband thanking his wife for letting him smell her battered gash after she took on the local rugby team.


I actually have read some comments from posters on this forum who would be happy to stay in the CCC because we are winning games, although I can say I dont agree with them. Too much negativity and hatred is blinding too many people on here and it is well and truly time to back the club, from top right through to the tea lady, if we are to get back to where we once were under SBR. It will take a few years but if we are financially healthy and have a committed youthful playing staff eager to impress, then I can see the club back up there with the likes of Everton, Villa and even Spurs.

Where we were 3 years ago  :celb:

Where we were 3 years ago?????????????????

1..On the brink of financial meltdown under Shepherd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Having aging, overpaid, injury prone unmotivated superstars like Viduka, Owen, Luque, Boumsong, Dyer, Insomnia and Martins failing to produce week in, week out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3..A succession of failed managers like Allardyce, Souness and Roeder in charge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah, I would really love to be back in those days of being threatened with relegation year after year.



5 Tottenham Hotspur

7 Newcastle United

11 Everton

16 Aston Villa


And before you say it, I tend to put the past behind me and look to the future. Being top of the CCC allows me to think the future is better than what is was. You obviously are up set at being top of the CCC?


Maybe that could be because Ashley and Co. are proving you wrong? Maybe you live too much in the past?


Maybe you wish you were a supporter of MiddlesBrough instead of NUFC and be happy to have failed to achieve a top 6 position in the CCC therefore failing to achieve an opportunity of immediate promotion back to the PL?


Maybe you are just a pessimist?


My username is descriptive of my general outlook mate.  We've not finished this low down the league in 18 years man.


Mmmmmmm that cherry you just picked was tasty.


To quote Macca


It will take a few years but if we are financially healthy and have a committed youthful playing staff eager to impress, then I can see the club back up there with the likes of Everton, Villa and even Spurs.


I can't see how it's cherry picking to reply where we were in relation to them in the seasons before Ashley arrived.


Even in 06/07 we were only 2 spots off Villa.


If he gets us back to those kinds of positions then he'll have got us back where we were before he arrived.  Then he can start looking to improve things and I'll give him credit.  Not until then though.


The season before Ashley arrived Roeder had scraped 13th (to his credit i suppose) with one of the worst squads Ive seen in many many years, Babayaro, Carr, Moore, Taylor, Duff, Parker, Emre, Miler, Oba and Shola. Not to mention the likes of Huntington, Edgar, Gooch etc. Who was responsilbe for this?? Still not acknowledging that at the time, whislt Everton, Spurs and Villa hadnt a chieved a great deal, they were in a much better position financially to expand and invest which they have done and it shows. Had we carried on investing to keep up with them where eactly would we of been financially??

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One final point, apologies for the spelling errors in the last post. It is friday night here in Oz and my excuse is too many glasses of chardonnay on the beach while the kids were having an evening swim in the sea.


I thought if you were commenting on the atmosphere at games and the sentiments towards Ashley then you'd be someone that was going to games.  Talking to people in the pubs afterwards and that.


Not a soopafan dig or owt, bu you've got no basis for asking question 6.


Well,let me tell you this. Living on the other side of the world doesnt make me any less of a fan than those who have season tickets to SJP. That comment is just blatantly ridiculous. In fact, I probably get to see more NUFC games televised here than you do over in the UK. You might want to remember that there are many other fans on this forum who are in the same situation as me and probably wouldnt take your comments lightly. You might like to know that I have had a heavy involvement with NUFC matters for many years and have plenty of contacts through the club over those years.


Most of your replies to my questions were quite interesting and whilst I agree with some and disagree with most, this is a forum of opinions for world wide supporters of the club and you should be wary of making comments regarding other fans opinions, even if they do live far away.


With regard to question 6, I think the majority of posters on this forum will readily admit that protests against Ashley have diminished over time at games, whether they like it or not.


Furthermore, I cannot think of a single fan whom isnt pleased, surprised and elated that after a difficult period, Newcastle United are currently top of the CCC. I would say that you are certainly in the minority.


I never for one second suggested it made you any less of a fan.


I'm just saying people in and around the stadium have a clearer picture of what the feeling is toward Ashley in and around the stadium.  I don't see how that could be at all contentious.  nothing to get defensive about.


There's not been any 'protests' since the Hull game last seasonff.  I don't agree that there's been any diminishment in the hatred of Ashley since the opening game against West Brom.


Your last sentence is absurd.  Yoiu could as easily say I cannot think of a single rape victim whom isnt pleased, surprised and elated that after being visciously raped, they are still alive.

First of all, I dont think Ashley really cares anymore what the minority think, despite comments by Llanbiase recently. The team is performing and getting results and despite all the past problems, there is still 40 odd thousand turning up at SJP for every home game which is way way above his wildest expectations at the start of the season.

This is going round in circles.  It's not a minority


Secondly, the comment regarding being happy with our current situation as a football club compared to a rape victim is non sensical. How the hell can you make such comparisons is beyond me. I know Bill Shankly once said that football is a matter of life and death but violation of a human body as a comparison to the demise of a football club is just plain idiotic.

Do you write for the daily mail?  Have a sense of humour man. I was highlighting how pathetically grateful you come across for the smallest of mercies with the most extreme analogy.  I was joking about the holocaust with the lads at the match the other night too.


I am basically a positive person and I dont like to dwell on the past. What is done is done and as someone else said previously on trhis thread, it is time to move on which appears to be what the club is trying to do, without over committing itself financially. To be unhappy to be top of the CCC at this present time after a couple of years of total mayhem is just plain daft.

Again, pathetically grateful.  You sound like a cuckolded husband thanking his wife for letting him smell her battered gash after she took on the local rugby team.


I actually have read some comments from posters on this forum who would be happy to stay in the CCC because we are winning games, although I can say I dont agree with them. Too much negativity and hatred is blinding too many people on here and it is well and truly time to back the club, from top right through to the tea lady, if we are to get back to where we once were under SBR. It will take a few years but if we are financially healthy and have a committed youthful playing staff eager to impress, then I can see the club back up there with the likes of Everton, Villa and even Spurs.

Where we were 3 years ago  :celb:

Where we were 3 years ago?????????????????

1..On the brink of financial meltdown under Shepherd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Having aging, overpaid, injury prone unmotivated superstars like Viduka, Owen, Luque, Boumsong, Dyer, Insomnia and Martins failing to produce week in, week out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3..A succession of failed managers like Allardyce, Souness and Roeder in charge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah, I would really love to be back in those days of being threatened with relegation year after year.



5 Tottenham Hotspur

7 Newcastle United

11 Everton

16 Aston Villa


And before you say it, I tend to put the past behind me and look to the future. Being top of the CCC allows me to think the future is better than what is was. You obviously are up set at being top of the CCC?


Maybe that could be because Ashley and Co. are proving you wrong? Maybe you live too much in the past?


Maybe you wish you were a supporter of MiddlesBrough instead of NUFC and be happy to have failed to achieve a top 6 position in the CCC therefore failing to achieve an opportunity of immediate promotion back to the PL?


Maybe you are just a pessimist?


My username is descriptive of my general outlook mate.  We've not finished this low down the league in 18 years man.


Mmmmmmm that cherry you just picked was tasty.


To quote Macca


It will take a few years but if we are financially healthy and have a committed youthful playing staff eager to impress, then I can see the club back up there with the likes of Everton, Villa and even Spurs.


I can't see how it's cherry picking to reply where we were in relation to them in the seasons before Ashley arrived.


Even in 06/07 we were only 2 spots off Villa.


If he gets us back to those kinds of positions then he'll have got us back where we were before he arrived.  Then he can start looking to improve things and I'll give him credit.  Not until then though.


The season before Ashley arrived Roeder had scraped 13th (to his credit i suppose) with one of the worst squads Ive seen in many many years, Babayaro, Carr, Moore, Taylor, Duff, Parker, Emre, Miler, Oba and Shola. Not to mention the likes of Huntington, Edgar, Gooch etc. Who was responsilbe for this?? Still not acknowledging that at the time, whislt Everton, Spurs and Villa hadnt a chieved a great deal, they were in a much better position financially to expand and invest which they have done and it shows. Had we carried on investing to keep up with them where eactly would we of been financially??


Who can say.  Maybe in as much debt as we are now (£146m+)?  But with double the turnover.



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I thought I'd posted this on here but it was TT.  Just one more post that shows how utterly deluded I was and wanted to keep faith in Ashley....


I've been as bitter at the owner(s) as anyone over the last few days, but I think that's been a knee-jerk reaction.


It's been like when your dad walks out on your mam and you blame her for it. What she's done to drive him away? He's the one that played all the best games, kept you entertained and was stronger than your mates dad. She's just a boring old witch that does the cooking and cleaning and sends you to bed early. She's all about discipline and he's all about fun.


I love Keegan, but is no-one angry at HIM? How deluded did we have to be to convince ourselves he wouldn't do what he ALWAYS does? EVERYBODY told us so. This club has now gone through 5 managers in 4 years, and each one (before Keegan) was given carte blanche to spend what they wanted on who they wanted. It was an expensive system that brought no success and year upon year knocked us back to square one, as managers insisted they needed to undo the previous managers failures and start again with a clean cheque book.


Freddy Shepherd didn't learn from it, he was doomed to repeat the mistakes of his past over and over, the new boys however were bitten once by Allardyce and they aren't going to let that happen again no matter how many dole scum turn up to drink Lambrusco outside the ticket office.


They've set in place a long term vision to ensure we secure the best young talent from around the globe, irrespective of the man in charge. Clearly the manager does have input otherwise Keegan wouldn't have been here for 8 months, but it's a give and take process. Even if he is having players forced upon him, he can let them rot in the reserves if he doesn't like them, can't he?


Keegan was only commited to the club for two and a half more years. Should the entire structure of the club, agreed by him, have been torn down to suit his short term demands, given that it was a structure he'd agreed to and worked within happily so far.


Keegan is an intelligent man, and brilliant manager for this club, but has Mr Newcastle been to watch a game at St James in his whole life if he wasn't being paid? He's a man that understands the Geordie passion and has used it to his full advantage in the past, he's a man who's banked on it saving his skin again this time, but he's come up against more strong willed, ruthless businessmen who will not be dictated to by their employee if it jeopardises the long term success of their business model.


Now we are left with our lone parent on the lookout for a new boyfriend we can live with. We'll throw our toys out of the pram when he arrives, and make life difficult for all concerned. When he get's hoyed out we'll be pleased that we were right all along, even though we're only dragging out the hurt for all concerned, and one day we'll grow up and hope for the best for our mam, and accept another good man to take our dad's place.


Right, that's the end of my analogies, tin hat on.




Once the facts came out at the tribunal all that reasoning was blown completely out of the water of course.

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One final point, apologies for the spelling errors in the last post. It is friday night here in Oz and my excuse is too many glasses of chardonnay on the beach while the kids were having an evening swim in the sea.


I thought if you were commenting on the atmosphere at games and the sentiments towards Ashley then you'd be someone that was going to games.  Talking to people in the pubs afterwards and that.


Not a soopafan dig or owt, bu you've got no basis for asking question 6.


Well,let me tell you this. Living on the other side of the world doesnt make me any less of a fan than those who have season tickets to SJP. That comment is just blatantly ridiculous. In fact, I probably get to see more NUFC games televised here than you do over in the UK. You might want to remember that there are many other fans on this forum who are in the same situation as me and probably wouldnt take your comments lightly. You might like to know that I have had a heavy involvement with NUFC matters for many years and have plenty of contacts through the club over those years.


Most of your replies to my questions were quite interesting and whilst I agree with some and disagree with most, this is a forum of opinions for world wide supporters of the club and you should be wary of making comments regarding other fans opinions, even if they do live far away.


With regard to question 6, I think the majority of posters on this forum will readily admit that protests against Ashley have diminished over time at games, whether they like it or not.


Furthermore, I cannot think of a single fan whom isnt pleased, surprised and elated that after a difficult period, Newcastle United are currently top of the CCC. I would say that you are certainly in the minority.


I never for one second suggested it made you any less of a fan.


I'm just saying people in and around the stadium have a clearer picture of what the feeling is toward Ashley in and around the stadium.  I don't see how that could be at all contentious.  nothing to get defensive about.


There's not been any 'protests' since the Hull game last seasonff.  I don't agree that there's been any diminishment in the hatred of Ashley since the opening game against West Brom.


Your last sentence is absurd.  Yoiu could as easily say I cannot think of a single rape victim whom isnt pleased, surprised and elated that after being visciously raped, they are still alive.

First of all, I dont think Ashley really cares anymore what the minority think, despite comments by Llanbiase recently. The team is performing and getting results and despite all the past problems, there is still 40 odd thousand turning up at SJP for every home game which is way way above his wildest expectations at the start of the season.

This is going round in circles.  It's not a minority


Secondly, the comment regarding being happy with our current situation as a football club compared to a rape victim is non sensical. How the hell can you make such comparisons is beyond me. I know Bill Shankly once said that football is a matter of life and death but violation of a human body as a comparison to the demise of a football club is just plain idiotic.

Do you write for the daily mail?  Have a sense of humour man. I was highlighting how pathetically grateful you come across for the smallest of mercies with the most extreme analogy.  I was joking about the holocaust with the lads at the match the other night too.


I am basically a positive person and I dont like to dwell on the past. What is done is done and as someone else said previously on trhis thread, it is time to move on which appears to be what the club is trying to do, without over committing itself financially. To be unhappy to be top of the CCC at this present time after a couple of years of total mayhem is just plain daft.

Again, pathetically grateful.  You sound like a cuckolded husband thanking his wife for letting him smell her battered gash after she took on the local rugby team.


I actually have read some comments from posters on this forum who would be happy to stay in the CCC because we are winning games, although I can say I dont agree with them. Too much negativity and hatred is blinding too many people on here and it is well and truly time to back the club, from top right through to the tea lady, if we are to get back to where we once were under SBR. It will take a few years but if we are financially healthy and have a committed youthful playing staff eager to impress, then I can see the club back up there with the likes of Everton, Villa and even Spurs.

Where we were 3 years ago  :celb:

Where we were 3 years ago?????????????????

1..On the brink of financial meltdown under Shepherd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Having aging, overpaid, injury prone unmotivated superstars like Viduka, Owen, Luque, Boumsong, Dyer, Insomnia and Martins failing to produce week in, week out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3..A succession of failed managers like Allardyce, Souness and Roeder in charge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah, I would really love to be back in those days of being threatened with relegation year after year.



5 Tottenham Hotspur

7 Newcastle United

11 Everton

16 Aston Villa


And before you say it, I tend to put the past behind me and look to the future. Being top of the CCC allows me to think the future is better than what is was. You obviously are up set at being top of the CCC?


Maybe that could be because Ashley and Co. are proving you wrong? Maybe you live too much in the past?


Maybe you wish you were a supporter of MiddlesBrough instead of NUFC and be happy to have failed to achieve a top 6 position in the CCC therefore failing to achieve an opportunity of immediate promotion back to the PL?


Maybe you are just a pessimist?


My username is descriptive of my general outlook mate.  We've not finished this low down the league in 18 years man.


Mmmmmmm that cherry you just picked was tasty.


To quote Macca


It will take a few years but if we are financially healthy and have a committed youthful playing staff eager to impress, then I can see the club back up there with the likes of Everton, Villa and even Spurs.


I can't see how it's cherry picking to reply where we were in relation to them in the seasons before Ashley arrived.


Even in 06/07 we were only 2 spots off Villa.


If he gets us back to those kinds of positions then he'll have got us back where we were before he arrived.  Then he can start looking to improve things and I'll give him credit.  Not until then though.


The season before Ashley arrived Roeder had scraped 13th (to his credit i suppose) with one of the worst squads Ive seen in many many years, Babayaro, Carr, Moore, Taylor, Duff, Parker, Emre, Miler, Oba and Shola. Not to mention the likes of Huntington, Edgar, Gooch etc. Who was responsilbe for this?? Still not acknowledging that at the time, whislt Everton, Spurs and Villa hadnt a chieved a great deal, they were in a much better position financially to expand and invest which they have done and it shows. Had we carried on investing to keep up with them where eactly would we of been financially??


Who can say.  Maybe in as much debt as we are now (£146m+)?  But with double the turnover.



and double the outgoings ?



is it better to be indebted to the owner than outside creditors ?

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One final point, apologies for the spelling errors in the last post. It is friday night here in Oz and my excuse is too many glasses of chardonnay on the beach while the kids were having an evening swim in the sea.


I thought if you were commenting on the atmosphere at games and the sentiments towards Ashley then you'd be someone that was going to games.  Talking to people in the pubs afterwards and that.


Not a soopafan dig or owt, bu you've got no basis for asking question 6.


Well,let me tell you this. Living on the other side of the world doesnt make me any less of a fan than those who have season tickets to SJP. That comment is just blatantly ridiculous. In fact, I probably get to see more NUFC games televised here than you do over in the UK. You might want to remember that there are many other fans on this forum who are in the same situation as me and probably wouldnt take your comments lightly. You might like to know that I have had a heavy involvement with NUFC matters for many years and have plenty of contacts through the club over those years.


Most of your replies to my questions were quite interesting and whilst I agree with some and disagree with most, this is a forum of opinions for world wide supporters of the club and you should be wary of making comments regarding other fans opinions, even if they do live far away.


With regard to question 6, I think the majority of posters on this forum will readily admit that protests against Ashley have diminished over time at games, whether they like it or not.


Furthermore, I cannot think of a single fan whom isnt pleased, surprised and elated that after a difficult period, Newcastle United are currently top of the CCC. I would say that you are certainly in the minority.


I never for one second suggested it made you any less of a fan.


I'm just saying people in and around the stadium have a clearer picture of what the feeling is toward Ashley in and around the stadium.  I don't see how that could be at all contentious.  nothing to get defensive about.


There's not been any 'protests' since the Hull game last seasonff.  I don't agree that there's been any diminishment in the hatred of Ashley since the opening game against West Brom.


Your last sentence is absurd.  Yoiu could as easily say I cannot think of a single rape victim whom isnt pleased, surprised and elated that after being visciously raped, they are still alive.

First of all, I dont think Ashley really cares anymore what the minority think, despite comments by Llanbiase recently. The team is performing and getting results and despite all the past problems, there is still 40 odd thousand turning up at SJP for every home game which is way way above his wildest expectations at the start of the season.

This is going round in circles.  It's not a minority


Secondly, the comment regarding being happy with our current situation as a football club compared to a rape victim is non sensical. How the hell can you make such comparisons is beyond me. I know Bill Shankly once said that football is a matter of life and death but violation of a human body as a comparison to the demise of a football club is just plain idiotic.

Do you write for the daily mail?  Have a sense of humour man. I was highlighting how pathetically grateful you come across for the smallest of mercies with the most extreme analogy.  I was joking about the holocaust with the lads at the match the other night too.


I am basically a positive person and I dont like to dwell on the past. What is done is done and as someone else said previously on trhis thread, it is time to move on which appears to be what the club is trying to do, without over committing itself financially. To be unhappy to be top of the CCC at this present time after a couple of years of total mayhem is just plain daft.

Again, pathetically grateful.  You sound like a cuckolded husband thanking his wife for letting him smell her battered gash after she took on the local rugby team.


I actually have read some comments from posters on this forum who would be happy to stay in the CCC because we are winning games, although I can say I dont agree with them. Too much negativity and hatred is blinding too many people on here and it is well and truly time to back the club, from top right through to the tea lady, if we are to get back to where we once were under SBR. It will take a few years but if we are financially healthy and have a committed youthful playing staff eager to impress, then I can see the club back up there with the likes of Everton, Villa and even Spurs.

Where we were 3 years ago  :celb:

Where we were 3 years ago?????????????????

1..On the brink of financial meltdown under Shepherd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Having aging, overpaid, injury prone unmotivated superstars like Viduka, Owen, Luque, Boumsong, Dyer, Insomnia and Martins failing to produce week in, week out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3..A succession of failed managers like Allardyce, Souness and Roeder in charge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah, I would really love to be back in those days of being threatened with relegation year after year.



5 Tottenham Hotspur

7 Newcastle United

11 Everton

16 Aston Villa


And before you say it, I tend to put the past behind me and look to the future. Being top of the CCC allows me to think the future is better than what is was. You obviously are up set at being top of the CCC?


Maybe that could be because Ashley and Co. are proving you wrong? Maybe you live too much in the past?


Maybe you wish you were a supporter of MiddlesBrough instead of NUFC and be happy to have failed to achieve a top 6 position in the CCC therefore failing to achieve an opportunity of immediate promotion back to the PL?


Maybe you are just a pessimist?


My username is descriptive of my general outlook mate.  We've not finished this low down the league in 18 years man.


Mmmmmmm that cherry you just picked was tasty.


To quote Macca


It will take a few years but if we are financially healthy and have a committed youthful playing staff eager to impress, then I can see the club back up there with the likes of Everton, Villa and even Spurs.


I can't see how it's cherry picking to reply where we were in relation to them in the seasons before Ashley arrived.


Even in 06/07 we were only 2 spots off Villa.


If he gets us back to those kinds of positions then he'll have got us back where we were before he arrived.  Then he can start looking to improve things and I'll give him credit.  Not until then though.


The season before Ashley arrived Roeder had scraped 13th (to his credit i suppose) with one of the worst squads Ive seen in many many years, Babayaro, Carr, Moore, Taylor, Duff, Parker, Emre, Miler, Oba and Shola. Not to mention the likes of Huntington, Edgar, Gooch etc. Who was responsilbe for this?? Still not acknowledging that at the time, whislt Everton, Spurs and Villa hadnt a chieved a great deal, they were in a much better position financially to expand and invest which they have done and it shows. Had we carried on investing to keep up with them where eactly would we of been financially??


Who can say.  Maybe in as much debt as we are now (£146m+)?  But with double the turnover.



and double the outgoings ?



is it better to be indebted to the owner than outside creditors ?


1. Again, who can say.

2. Undoubtedly to the owner...like at villa.

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One final point, apologies for the spelling errors in the last post. It is friday night here in Oz and my excuse is too many glasses of chardonnay on the beach while the kids were having an evening swim in the sea.


I thought if you were commenting on the atmosphere at games and the sentiments towards Ashley then you'd be someone that was going to games.  Talking to people in the pubs afterwards and that.


Not a soopafan dig or owt, bu you've got no basis for asking question 6.


Well,let me tell you this. Living on the other side of the world doesnt make me any less of a fan than those who have season tickets to SJP. That comment is just blatantly ridiculous. In fact, I probably get to see more NUFC games televised here than you do over in the UK. You might want to remember that there are many other fans on this forum who are in the same situation as me and probably wouldnt take your comments lightly. You might like to know that I have had a heavy involvement with NUFC matters for many years and have plenty of contacts through the club over those years.


Most of your replies to my questions were quite interesting and whilst I agree with some and disagree with most, this is a forum of opinions for world wide supporters of the club and you should be wary of making comments regarding other fans opinions, even if they do live far away.


With regard to question 6, I think the majority of posters on this forum will readily admit that protests against Ashley have diminished over time at games, whether they like it or not.


Furthermore, I cannot think of a single fan whom isnt pleased, surprised and elated that after a difficult period, Newcastle United are currently top of the CCC. I would say that you are certainly in the minority.


I never for one second suggested it made you any less of a fan.


I'm just saying people in and around the stadium have a clearer picture of what the feeling is toward Ashley in and around the stadium.  I don't see how that could be at all contentious.  nothing to get defensive about.


There's not been any 'protests' since the Hull game last seasonff.  I don't agree that there's been any diminishment in the hatred of Ashley since the opening game against West Brom.


Your last sentence is absurd.  Yoiu could as easily say I cannot think of a single rape victim whom isnt pleased, surprised and elated that after being visciously raped, they are still alive.

First of all, I dont think Ashley really cares anymore what the minority think, despite comments by Llanbiase recently. The team is performing and getting results and despite all the past problems, there is still 40 odd thousand turning up at SJP for every home game which is way way above his wildest expectations at the start of the season.

This is going round in circles.  It's not a minority


Secondly, the comment regarding being happy with our current situation as a football club compared to a rape victim is non sensical. How the hell can you make such comparisons is beyond me. I know Bill Shankly once said that football is a matter of life and death but violation of a human body as a comparison to the demise of a football club is just plain idiotic.

Do you write for the daily mail?  Have a sense of humour man. I was highlighting how pathetically grateful you come across for the smallest of mercies with the most extreme analogy.  I was joking about the holocaust with the lads at the match the other night too.


I am basically a positive person and I dont like to dwell on the past. What is done is done and as someone else said previously on trhis thread, it is time to move on which appears to be what the club is trying to do, without over committing itself financially. To be unhappy to be top of the CCC at this present time after a couple of years of total mayhem is just plain daft.

Again, pathetically grateful.  You sound like a cuckolded husband thanking his wife for letting him smell her battered gash after she took on the local rugby team.


I actually have read some comments from posters on this forum who would be happy to stay in the CCC because we are winning games, although I can say I dont agree with them. Too much negativity and hatred is blinding too many people on here and it is well and truly time to back the club, from top right through to the tea lady, if we are to get back to where we once were under SBR. It will take a few years but if we are financially healthy and have a committed youthful playing staff eager to impress, then I can see the club back up there with the likes of Everton, Villa and even Spurs.

Where we were 3 years ago  :celb:

Where we were 3 years ago?????????????????

1..On the brink of financial meltdown under Shepherd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Having aging, overpaid, injury prone unmotivated superstars like Viduka, Owen, Luque, Boumsong, Dyer, Insomnia and Martins failing to produce week in, week out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3..A succession of failed managers like Allardyce, Souness and Roeder in charge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah, I would really love to be back in those days of being threatened with relegation year after year.



5 Tottenham Hotspur

7 Newcastle United

11 Everton

16 Aston Villa


And before you say it, I tend to put the past behind me and look to the future. Being top of the CCC allows me to think the future is better than what is was. You obviously are up set at being top of the CCC?


Maybe that could be because Ashley and Co. are proving you wrong? Maybe you live too much in the past?


Maybe you wish you were a supporter of MiddlesBrough instead of NUFC and be happy to have failed to achieve a top 6 position in the CCC therefore failing to achieve an opportunity of immediate promotion back to the PL?


Maybe you are just a pessimist?


My username is descriptive of my general outlook mate.  We've not finished this low down the league in 18 years man.


Mmmmmmm that cherry you just picked was tasty.


To quote Macca


It will take a few years but if we are financially healthy and have a committed youthful playing staff eager to impress, then I can see the club back up there with the likes of Everton, Villa and even Spurs.


I can't see how it's cherry picking to reply where we were in relation to them in the seasons before Ashley arrived.


Even in 06/07 we were only 2 spots off Villa.


If he gets us back to those kinds of positions then he'll have got us back where we were before he arrived.  Then he can start looking to improve things and I'll give him credit.  Not until then though.


The season before Ashley arrived Roeder had scraped 13th (to his credit i suppose) with one of the worst squads Ive seen in many many years, Babayaro, Carr, Moore, Taylor, Duff, Parker, Emre, Miler, Oba and Shola. Not to mention the likes of Huntington, Edgar, Gooch etc. Who was responsilbe for this?? Still not acknowledging that at the time, whislt Everton, Spurs and Villa hadnt a chieved a great deal, they were in a much better position financially to expand and invest which they have done and it shows. Had we carried on investing to keep up with them where eactly would we of been financially??


Who can say.  Maybe in as much debt as we are now (£146m+)?  But with double the turnover.



and double the outgoings ?



is it better to be indebted to the owner than outside creditors ?


1. Again, who can say.

2. Undoubtedly to the owner...like at villa.

how much do villa owe lerner compared to how much we owe ashley ?
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One final point, apologies for the spelling errors in the last post. It is friday night here in Oz and my excuse is too many glasses of chardonnay on the beach while the kids were having an evening swim in the sea.


I thought if you were commenting on the atmosphere at games and the sentiments towards Ashley then you'd be someone that was going to games.  Talking to people in the pubs afterwards and that.


Not a soopafan dig or owt, bu you've got no basis for asking question 6.


Well,let me tell you this. Living on the other side of the world doesnt make me any less of a fan than those who have season tickets to SJP. That comment is just blatantly ridiculous. In fact, I probably get to see more NUFC games televised here than you do over in the UK. You might want to remember that there are many other fans on this forum who are in the same situation as me and probably wouldnt take your comments lightly. You might like to know that I have had a heavy involvement with NUFC matters for many years and have plenty of contacts through the club over those years.


Most of your replies to my questions were quite interesting and whilst I agree with some and disagree with most, this is a forum of opinions for world wide supporters of the club and you should be wary of making comments regarding other fans opinions, even if they do live far away.


With regard to question 6, I think the majority of posters on this forum will readily admit that protests against Ashley have diminished over time at games, whether they like it or not.


Furthermore, I cannot think of a single fan whom isnt pleased, surprised and elated that after a difficult period, Newcastle United are currently top of the CCC. I would say that you are certainly in the minority.


I never for one second suggested it made you any less of a fan.


I'm just saying people in and around the stadium have a clearer picture of what the feeling is toward Ashley in and around the stadium.  I don't see how that could be at all contentious.  nothing to get defensive about.


There's not been any 'protests' since the Hull game last seasonff.  I don't agree that there's been any diminishment in the hatred of Ashley since the opening game against West Brom.


Your last sentence is absurd.  Yoiu could as easily say I cannot think of a single rape victim whom isnt pleased, surprised and elated that after being visciously raped, they are still alive.

First of all, I dont think Ashley really cares anymore what the minority think, despite comments by Llanbiase recently. The team is performing and getting results and despite all the past problems, there is still 40 odd thousand turning up at SJP for every home game which is way way above his wildest expectations at the start of the season.

This is going round in circles.  It's not a minority


Secondly, the comment regarding being happy with our current situation as a football club compared to a rape victim is non sensical. How the hell can you make such comparisons is beyond me. I know Bill Shankly once said that football is a matter of life and death but violation of a human body as a comparison to the demise of a football club is just plain idiotic.

Do you write for the daily mail?  Have a sense of humour man. I was highlighting how pathetically grateful you come across for the smallest of mercies with the most extreme analogy.  I was joking about the holocaust with the lads at the match the other night too.


I am basically a positive person and I dont like to dwell on the past. What is done is done and as someone else said previously on trhis thread, it is time to move on which appears to be what the club is trying to do, without over committing itself financially. To be unhappy to be top of the CCC at this present time after a couple of years of total mayhem is just plain daft.

Again, pathetically grateful.  You sound like a cuckolded husband thanking his wife for letting him smell her battered gash after she took on the local rugby team.


I actually have read some comments from posters on this forum who would be happy to stay in the CCC because we are winning games, although I can say I dont agree with them. Too much negativity and hatred is blinding too many people on here and it is well and truly time to back the club, from top right through to the tea lady, if we are to get back to where we once were under SBR. It will take a few years but if we are financially healthy and have a committed youthful playing staff eager to impress, then I can see the club back up there with the likes of Everton, Villa and even Spurs.

Where we were 3 years ago  :celb:

Where we were 3 years ago?????????????????

1..On the brink of financial meltdown under Shepherd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Having aging, overpaid, injury prone unmotivated superstars like Viduka, Owen, Luque, Boumsong, Dyer, Insomnia and Martins failing to produce week in, week out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3..A succession of failed managers like Allardyce, Souness and Roeder in charge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah, I would really love to be back in those days of being threatened with relegation year after year.



5 Tottenham Hotspur

7 Newcastle United

11 Everton

16 Aston Villa


And before you say it, I tend to put the past behind me and look to the future. Being top of the CCC allows me to think the future is better than what is was. You obviously are up set at being top of the CCC?


Maybe that could be because Ashley and Co. are proving you wrong? Maybe you live too much in the past?


Maybe you wish you were a supporter of MiddlesBrough instead of NUFC and be happy to have failed to achieve a top 6 position in the CCC therefore failing to achieve an opportunity of immediate promotion back to the PL?


Maybe you are just a pessimist?


My username is descriptive of my general outlook mate.  We've not finished this low down the league in 18 years man.


Mmmmmmm that cherry you just picked was tasty.


To quote Macca


It will take a few years but if we are financially healthy and have a committed youthful playing staff eager to impress, then I can see the club back up there with the likes of Everton, Villa and even Spurs.


I can't see how it's cherry picking to reply where we were in relation to them in the seasons before Ashley arrived.


Even in 06/07 we were only 2 spots off Villa.


If he gets us back to those kinds of positions then he'll have got us back where we were before he arrived.  Then he can start looking to improve things and I'll give him credit.  Not until then though.


The season before Ashley arrived Roeder had scraped 13th (to his credit i suppose) with one of the worst squads Ive seen in many many years, Babayaro, Carr, Moore, Taylor, Duff, Parker, Emre, Miler, Oba and Shola. Not to mention the likes of Huntington, Edgar, Gooch etc. Who was responsilbe for this?? Still not acknowledging that at the time, whislt Everton, Spurs and Villa hadnt a chieved a great deal, they were in a much better position financially to expand and invest which they have done and it shows. Had we carried on investing to keep up with them where eactly would we of been financially??


Who can say.  Maybe in as much debt as we are now (£146m+)?  But with double the turnover.



and double the outgoings ?



is it better to be indebted to the owner than outside creditors ?


1. Again, who can say.

2. Undoubtedly to the owner...like at villa.

how much do villa owe lerner compared to how much we owe ashley ?


I think that's exactly the point.  Lerner's done a good job.  Ashley hasn't.

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We lasat won the FA Cup in 1955. Are you still celebrating that???????????????????????????


Is Mike Ashley steering Newcastle United in the right direction?


He never took over in 1956.

Happy.............you missed the point again. I will try again. What is past is past. You cant change that. History is history. You can moan, whinge, complain and protest until the cows come home but it will do no good. However, you could give the bloke the benefit of the doubt and see what he is trying to do and support him and the club. You can change the future. It doesnt mean you have to like him personally but you can appreciate the policies he is putting in place which quite clearly, is to try an avoid what happened under the shepherd regime. I thank him for that because if we continued down that path, we would oprobably have ended up another Portsmouth or Leeds. Thankfully, by putting in astute financial plans and re-building towards the future, Ashley and crew are steering us on the right path, whether you like it or not.
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One final point, apologies for the spelling errors in the last post. It is friday night here in Oz and my excuse is too many glasses of chardonnay on the beach while the kids were having an evening swim in the sea.


I thought if you were commenting on the atmosphere at games and the sentiments towards Ashley then you'd be someone that was going to games.  Talking to people in the pubs afterwards and that.


Not a soopafan dig or owt, bu you've got no basis for asking question 6.


Well,let me tell you this. Living on the other side of the world doesnt make me any less of a fan than those who have season tickets to SJP. That comment is just blatantly ridiculous. In fact, I probably get to see more NUFC games televised here than you do over in the UK. You might want to remember that there are many other fans on this forum who are in the same situation as me and probably wouldnt take your comments lightly. You might like to know that I have had a heavy involvement with NUFC matters for many years and have plenty of contacts through the club over those years.


Most of your replies to my questions were quite interesting and whilst I agree with some and disagree with most, this is a forum of opinions for world wide supporters of the club and you should be wary of making comments regarding other fans opinions, even if they do live far away.


With regard to question 6, I think the majority of posters on this forum will readily admit that protests against Ashley have diminished over time at games, whether they like it or not.


Furthermore, I cannot think of a single fan whom isnt pleased, surprised and elated that after a difficult period, Newcastle United are currently top of the CCC. I would say that you are certainly in the minority.


I never for one second suggested it made you any less of a fan.


I'm just saying people in and around the stadium have a clearer picture of what the feeling is toward Ashley in and around the stadium.  I don't see how that could be at all contentious.  nothing to get defensive about.


There's not been any 'protests' since the Hull game last seasonff.  I don't agree that there's been any diminishment in the hatred of Ashley since the opening game against West Brom.


Your last sentence is absurd.  Yoiu could as easily say I cannot think of a single rape victim whom isnt pleased, surprised and elated that after being visciously raped, they are still alive.

First of all, I dont think Ashley really cares anymore what the minority think, despite comments by Llanbiase recently. The team is performing and getting results and despite all the past problems, there is still 40 odd thousand turning up at SJP for every home game which is way way above his wildest expectations at the start of the season.

This is going round in circles.  It's not a minority


Secondly, the comment regarding being happy with our current situation as a football club compared to a rape victim is non sensical. How the hell can you make such comparisons is beyond me. I know Bill Shankly once said that football is a matter of life and death but violation of a human body as a comparison to the demise of a football club is just plain idiotic.

Do you write for the daily mail?  Have a sense of humour man. I was highlighting how pathetically grateful you come across for the smallest of mercies with the most extreme analogy.  I was joking about the holocaust with the lads at the match the other night too.


I am basically a positive person and I dont like to dwell on the past. What is done is done and as someone else said previously on trhis thread, it is time to move on which appears to be what the club is trying to do, without over committing itself financially. To be unhappy to be top of the CCC at this present time after a couple of years of total mayhem is just plain daft.

Again, pathetically grateful.  You sound like a cuckolded husband thanking his wife for letting him smell her battered gash after she took on the local rugby team.


I actually have read some comments from posters on this forum who would be happy to stay in the CCC because we are winning games, although I can say I dont agree with them. Too much negativity and hatred is blinding too many people on here and it is well and truly time to back the club, from top right through to the tea lady, if we are to get back to where we once were under SBR. It will take a few years but if we are financially healthy and have a committed youthful playing staff eager to impress, then I can see the club back up there with the likes of Everton, Villa and even Spurs.

Where we were 3 years ago  :celb:

Where we were 3 years ago?????????????????

1..On the brink of financial meltdown under Shepherd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Having aging, overpaid, injury prone unmotivated superstars like Viduka, Owen, Luque, Boumsong, Dyer, Insomnia and Martins failing to produce week in, week out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3..A succession of failed managers like Allardyce, Souness and Roeder in charge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah, I would really love to be back in those days of being threatened with relegation year after year.



5 Tottenham Hotspur

7 Newcastle United

11 Everton

16 Aston Villa


And before you say it, I tend to put the past behind me and look to the future. Being top of the CCC allows me to think the future is better than what is was. You obviously are up set at being top of the CCC?


Maybe that could be because Ashley and Co. are proving you wrong? Maybe you live too much in the past?


Maybe you wish you were a supporter of MiddlesBrough instead of NUFC and be happy to have failed to achieve a top 6 position in the CCC therefore failing to achieve an opportunity of immediate promotion back to the PL?


Maybe you are just a pessimist?


My username is descriptive of my general outlook mate.  We've not finished this low down the league in 18 years man.


Mmmmmmm that cherry you just picked was tasty.


To quote Macca


It will take a few years but if we are financially healthy and have a committed youthful playing staff eager to impress, then I can see the club back up there with the likes of Everton, Villa and even Spurs.


I can't see how it's cherry picking to reply where we were in relation to them in the seasons before Ashley arrived.


Even in 06/07 we were only 2 spots off Villa.


If he gets us back to those kinds of positions then he'll have got us back where we were before he arrived.  Then he can start looking to improve things and I'll give him credit.  Not until then though.


The season before Ashley arrived Roeder had scraped 13th (to his credit i suppose) with one of the worst squads Ive seen in many many years, Babayaro, Carr, Moore, Taylor, Duff, Parker, Emre, Miler, Oba and Shola. Not to mention the likes of Huntington, Edgar, Gooch etc. Who was responsilbe for this?? Still not acknowledging that at the time, whislt Everton, Spurs and Villa hadnt a chieved a great deal, they were in a much better position financially to expand and invest which they have done and it shows. Had we carried on investing to keep up with them where eactly would we of been financially??


Who can say.  Maybe in as much debt as we are now (£146m+)?  But with double the turnover.



and double the outgoings ?



is it better to be indebted to the owner than outside creditors ?


1. Again, who can say.

2. Undoubtedly to the owner...like at villa.

how much do villa owe lerner compared to how much we owe ashley ?


I think that's exactly the point.  Lerner's done a good job.  Ashley hasn't.

not if ashley was taking over more existing debt than lerner (and it is an 'if' as i don't know).
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We lasat won the FA Cup in 1955. Are you still celebrating that???????????????????????????


Is Mike Ashley steering Newcastle United in the right direction?


He never took over in 1956.

Happy.............you missed the point again. I will try again. What is past is past. You cant change that. History is history. You can moan, whinge, complain and protest until the cows come home but it will do no good. However, you could give the bloke the benefit of the doubt and see what he is trying to do and support him and the club. You can change the future. It doesnt mean you have to like him personally but you can appreciate the policies he is putting in place which quite clearly, is to try an avoid what happened under the shepherd regime. I thank him for that because if we continued down that path, we would oprobably have ended up another Portsmouth or Leeds. Thankfully, by putting in astute financial plans and re-building towards the future, Ashley and crew are steering us on the right path, whether you like it or not.


Macca, again you're being pathetically grateful for the tiniest of mercies.  I'll try again.  What is past informs the the future.  This is not a hollywood movie.  People don't learn valuable life lessons and change.  You can put your faith in the inherrent goodness of human nature over and over and be walked over again and again.  As you can see above I've given this bloke the benefit of the doubt in the past. but as George Bush said, Fool me once, shame on — erm - shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.



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Guest malandro

We lasat won the FA Cup in 1955. Are you still celebrating that???????????????????????????


Is Mike Ashley steering Newcastle United in the right direction?


He never took over in 1956.

Happy.............you missed the point again. I will try again. What is past is past. You cant change that. History is history. You can moan, whinge, complain and protest until the cows come home but it will do no good. However, you could give the bloke the benefit of the doubt and see what he is trying to do and support him and the club. You can change the future. It doesnt mean you have to like him personally but you can appreciate the policies he is putting in place which quite clearly, is to try an avoid what happened under the shepherd regime. I thank him for that because if we continued down that path, we would oprobably have ended up another Portsmouth or Leeds. Thankfully, by putting in astute financial plans and re-building towards the future, Ashley and crew are steering us on the right path, whether you like it or not.

Astute financial plans  :laugh:


If he came out and told us what his plans were, where he sees the club being in five years time and how he intends to get us there - then we might have reason to give him the benefit of the doubt. That he won’t implies there’s something he doesn’t want us to know, or that he doesn’t have a plan and is just making it up as he goes along, or he just can’t be arsed to let us know because it’s his club and none of our business.


In the three years since he bought the club I’ve only heard Mike Ashley utter two words, and they were f*** Off in Goal III.


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We lasat won the FA Cup in 1955. Are you still celebrating that???????????????????????????


Is Mike Ashley steering Newcastle United in the right direction?


He never took over in 1956.

Happy.............you missed the point again. I will try again. What is past is past. You cant change that. History is history. You can moan, whinge, complain and protest until the cows come home but it will do no good. However, you could give the bloke the benefit of the doubt and see what he is trying to do and support him and the club. You can change the future. It doesnt mean you have to like him personally but you can appreciate the policies he is putting in place which quite clearly, is to try an avoid what happened under the shepherd regime. I thank him for that because if we continued down that path, we would oprobably have ended up another Portsmouth or Leeds. Thankfully, by putting in astute financial plans and re-building towards the future, Ashley and crew are steering us on the right path, whether you like it or not.

Astute financial plans  :laugh:


If he came out and told us what his plans were, where he sees the club being in five years time and how he intends to get us there - then we might have reason to give him the benefit of the doubt. That he won’t implies that there’s something he doesn’t want us to know, or that he doesn’t have a plan and is just making it up as he goes along, or he just can’t be arsed to let us know because it’s his club and none of our business.


In the three years since he bought the club I’ve only heard Mike Ashley utter two words, and they were f*** Off in Goal III.


no we wouldn't. we'd say talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words, just like we did in freds last years and we would have if mckeag,westwood et al had to have a public face.



edit.... no one would give a shit about his public relations if we were doing well. fred/hall got away with loads when we were doung well.

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We lasat won the FA Cup in 1955. Are you still celebrating that???????????????????????????


Is Mike Ashley steering Newcastle United in the right direction?


He never took over in 1956.

Happy.............you missed the point again. I will try again. What is past is past. You cant change that. History is history. You can moan, whinge, complain and protest until the cows come home but it will do no good. However, you could give the bloke the benefit of the doubt and see what he is trying to do and support him and the club. You can change the future. It doesnt mean you have to like him personally but you can appreciate the policies he is putting in place which quite clearly, is to try an avoid what happened under the shepherd regime. I thank him for that because if we continued down that path, we would oprobably have ended up another Portsmouth or Leeds. Thankfully, by putting in astute financial plans and re-building towards the future, Ashley and crew are steering us on the right path, whether you like it or not.

Astute financial plans  :laugh:


If he came out and told us what his plans were, where he sees the club being in five years time and how he intends to get us there - then we might have reason to give him the benefit of the doubt. That he won’t implies that there’s something he doesn’t want us to know, or that he doesn’t have a plan and is just making it up as he goes along, or he just can’t be arsed to let us know because it’s his club and none of our business.


In the three years since he bought the club I’ve only heard Mike Ashley utter two words, and they were f*** Off in Goal III.


no we wouldn't. we'd say talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words, just like we did in freds last years and we would have if mckeag,westwood et al had to have a public face.


That's all I've ever said too.  Actions speak louder than words.  I'd be happiest to never hear another peep from Ashley or his spokesperson or the unnamed source at the club about what a good job they're doing.  I'll never believe a word they say now and I'll judge them on their actions alone.


Since "taking the club off the market" (which is a ridiculous notion as all clubs are potentially "for sale") those actions deserving credit consist of bringing in some players in January that weren't all free.


That looks to have been enough to secure promotion (touch wood). Let's see how they go next season before we start sucking any cocks.

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We lasat won the FA Cup in 1955. Are you still celebrating that???????????????????????????


Is Mike Ashley steering Newcastle United in the right direction?


He never took over in 1956.

Happy.............you missed the point again. I will try again. What is past is past. You cant change that. History is history. You can moan, whinge, complain and protest until the cows come home but it will do no good. However, you could give the bloke the benefit of the doubt and see what he is trying to do and support him and the club. You can change the future. It doesnt mean you have to like him personally but you can appreciate the policies he is putting in place which quite clearly, is to try an avoid what happened under the shepherd regime. I thank him for that because if we continued down that path, we would oprobably have ended up another Portsmouth or Leeds. Thankfully, by putting in astute financial plans and re-building towards the future, Ashley and crew are steering us on the right path, whether you like it or not.

Astute financial plans  :laugh:


If he came out and told us what his plans were, where he sees the club being in five years time and how he intends to get us there - then we might have reason to give him the benefit of the doubt. That he won’t implies that there’s something he doesn’t want us to know, or that he doesn’t have a plan and is just making it up as he goes along, or he just can’t be arsed to let us know because it’s his club and none of our business.


In the three years since he bought the club I’ve only heard Mike Ashley utter two words, and they were f*** Off in Goal III.


no we wouldn't. we'd say talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words, just like we did in freds last years and we would have if mckeag,westwood et al had to have a public face.


That's all I've ever said too.  Actions speak louder than words.  I'd be happiest to never hear another peep from Ashley or his spokesperson or the unnamed source at the club about what a good job they're doing.  I'll never believe a word they say now and I'll judge them on their actions alone.


Since "taking the club off the market" (which is a ridiculous notion as all clubs are potentially "for sale") those actions deserving credit consist of bringing in some players in January that weren't all free.


That looks to have been enough to secure promotion (touch wood). Let's see how they go next season before we start sucking any cocks.

spot on.



hopefully hereby endeth this thread.

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Guest malandro

We lasat won the FA Cup in 1955. Are you still celebrating that???????????????????????????


Is Mike Ashley steering Newcastle United in the right direction?


He never took over in 1956.

Happy.............you missed the point again. I will try again. What is past is past. You cant change that. History is history. You can moan, whinge, complain and protest until the cows come home but it will do no good. However, you could give the bloke the benefit of the doubt and see what he is trying to do and support him and the club. You can change the future. It doesnt mean you have to like him personally but you can appreciate the policies he is putting in place which quite clearly, is to try an avoid what happened under the shepherd regime. I thank him for that because if we continued down that path, we would oprobably have ended up another Portsmouth or Leeds. Thankfully, by putting in astute financial plans and re-building towards the future, Ashley and crew are steering us on the right path, whether you like it or not.

Astute financial plans  :laugh:


If he came out and told us what his plans were, where he sees the club being in five years time and how he intends to get us there - then we might have reason to give him the benefit of the doubt. That he won’t implies that there’s something he doesn’t want us to know, or that he doesn’t have a plan and is just making it up as he goes along, or he just can’t be arsed to let us know because it’s his club and none of our business.


In the three years since he bought the club I’ve only heard Mike Ashley utter two words, and they were f*** Off in Goal III.


no we wouldn't. we'd say talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words, just like we did in freds last years and we would have if mckeag,westwood et al had to have a public face.



edit.... no one would give a s*** about his public relations if we were doing well. fred/hall got away with loads when we were doung well.

If his intentions are good, let’s hear them. Why hide good news?

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We lasat won the FA Cup in 1955. Are you still celebrating that???????????????????????????


Is Mike Ashley steering Newcastle United in the right direction?


He never took over in 1956.

Happy.............you missed the point again. I will try again. What is past is past. You cant change that. History is history. You can moan, whinge, complain and protest until the cows come home but it will do no good. However, you could give the bloke the benefit of the doubt and see what he is trying to do and support him and the club. You can change the future. It doesnt mean you have to like him personally but you can appreciate the policies he is putting in place which quite clearly, is to try an avoid what happened under the shepherd regime. I thank him for that because if we continued down that path, we would oprobably have ended up another Portsmouth or Leeds. Thankfully, by putting in astute financial plans and re-building towards the future, Ashley and crew are steering us on the right path, whether you like it or not.

Astute financial plans  :laugh:


If he came out and told us what his plans were, where he sees the club being in five years time and how he intends to get us there - then we might have reason to give him the benefit of the doubt. That he won’t implies that there’s something he doesn’t want us to know, or that he doesn’t have a plan and is just making it up as he goes along, or he just can’t be arsed to let us know because it’s his club and none of our business.


In the three years since he bought the club I’ve only heard Mike Ashley utter two words, and they were f*** Off in Goal III.


no we wouldn't. we'd say talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words, just like we did in freds last years and we would have if mckeag,westwood et al had to have a public face.



edit.... no one would give a s*** about his public relations if we were doing well. fred/hall got away with loads when we were doung well.

If his intentions are good, let’s hear them. Why hide good news?


What difference would it make what they said?


I can't believe Ashley could say anything that would convince you...or me.


He could do plenty.

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We lasat won the FA Cup in 1955. Are you still celebrating that???????????????????????????


Is Mike Ashley steering Newcastle United in the right direction?


He never took over in 1956.

Happy.............you missed the point again. I will try again. What is past is past. You cant change that. History is history. You can moan, whinge, complain and protest until the cows come home but it will do no good. However, you could give the bloke the benefit of the doubt and see what he is trying to do and support him and the club. You can change the future. It doesnt mean you have to like him personally but you can appreciate the policies he is putting in place which quite clearly, is to try an avoid what happened under the shepherd regime. I thank him for that because if we continued down that path, we would oprobably have ended up another Portsmouth or Leeds. Thankfully, by putting in astute financial plans and re-building towards the future, Ashley and crew are steering us on the right path, whether you like it or not.


Macca, again you're being pathetically grateful for the tiniest of mercies.  I'll try again.  What is past informs the the future.  This is not a hollywood movie.  People don't learn valuable life lessons and change.  You can put your faith in the inherrent goodness of human nature over and over and be walked over again and again.  As you can see above I've given this bloke the benefit of the doubt in the past. but as George Bush said, Fool me once, shame on erm - shame on you. Fool me you can't get fooled again.



What the fuck on you on about now? People dont learn valuable lesson and change????? What a load of nonsense. If anyone in life makes a mistake and doesnt accepot responsibility for it and changes, then you are more or less setting yourself up for another fall. We are talking abut a bloody business here. A business that was clearly failing. A business that could no longer exist within its own financial commitments. A BUSINESS SETTING ITSELF UP FOR A FALL.


Ashley took over that business and made a lot of mistakes and admitted to them. He had to deal with the financial black hole left him by the previous regime. He appointed the wrong managers (including KK) and probably acted on bad advice on how his plan failed resulted in relegation last season.


It was relatively clear that this season was armeggeddon for us both on and off the field. Everyone recognised that, hence the protests, the chanting at games, the attempt to sell the club and the NUST stance. We could have gone the same way as Leeds as continued into freefall. Cleartly, salary costs had to be reduced, players had to be sacrificed and transfers fees brought in to assist the reduction of the debt. He could have sold more players, that has been well reported. But, he didnt. He kept a very high wage bill, certainly for this division and probably more than many in the PL, supported the manager in January with money to sign players and got rid of some deadwood in Geremi.


We are reaping the fruits at the moment. The depths have been hit and everyone is surprised at whewre we are today. We appear to have a reasonable squad, certainly capable of surviving next season in the PL with the addition of a few new realistic faces. He has continually supported the club financially, something which Shepherd and cronies failed to do and he has obviously set a business plan together for the club, within its means and not overstated.


Is Ashley styeering the club in the right direction?  I think anyone who is not biased against the man would have to admit that he is and doing a bloody good job under very difficult circumstances. He has the backing of a good management team in Hughton etc and the players. That will do for me.


We could after all have a disorganised rabble like NUST or the bloke who tried to buy the club in the summer runni9ng things with fucking Shearer as manager. Then, we would definitely be in a whole lot of shit............IN MY OPINION. 

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We lasat won the FA Cup in 1955. Are you still celebrating that???????????????????????????


Is Mike Ashley steering Newcastle United in the right direction?


He never took over in 1956.

Happy.............you missed the point again. I will try again. What is past is past. You cant change that. History is history. You can moan, whinge, complain and protest until the cows come home but it will do no good. However, you could give the bloke the benefit of the doubt and see what he is trying to do and support him and the club. You can change the future. It doesnt mean you have to like him personally but you can appreciate the policies he is putting in place which quite clearly, is to try an avoid what happened under the shepherd regime. I thank him for that because if we continued down that path, we would oprobably have ended up another Portsmouth or Leeds. Thankfully, by putting in astute financial plans and re-building towards the future, Ashley and crew are steering us on the right path, whether you like it or not.

Astute financial plans  :laugh:


If he came out and told us what his plans were, where he sees the club being in five years time and how he intends to get us there - then we might have reason to give him the benefit of the doubt. That he won’t implies that there’s something he doesn’t want us to know, or that he doesn’t have a plan and is just making it up as he goes along, or he just can’t be arsed to let us know because it’s his club and none of our business.


In the three years since he bought the club I’ve only heard Mike Ashley utter two words, and they were f*** Off in Goal III.


no we wouldn't. we'd say talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words, just like we did in freds last years and we would have if mckeag,westwood et al had to have a public face.



edit.... no one would give a s*** about his public relations if we were doing well. fred/hall got away with loads when we were doung well.

If his intentions are good, let’s hear them. Why hide good news?

as i said earlier, doesn't matter what he says, people would just return with "actions speak louder than words" etc.
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We lasat won the FA Cup in 1955. Are you still celebrating that???????????????????????????


Is Mike Ashley steering Newcastle United in the right direction?


He never took over in 1956.

Happy.............you missed the point again. I will try again. What is past is past. You cant change that. History is history. You can moan, whinge, complain and protest until the cows come home but it will do no good. However, you could give the bloke the benefit of the doubt and see what he is trying to do and support him and the club. You can change the future. It doesnt mean you have to like him personally but you can appreciate the policies he is putting in place which quite clearly, is to try an avoid what happened under the shepherd regime. I thank him for that because if we continued down that path, we would oprobably have ended up another Portsmouth or Leeds. Thankfully, by putting in astute financial plans and re-building towards the future, Ashley and crew are steering us on the right path, whether you like it or not.


Macca, again you're being pathetically grateful for the tiniest of mercies.  I'll try again.  What is past informs the the future.  This is not a hollywood movie.  People don't learn valuable life lessons and change.  You can put your faith in the inherrent goodness of human nature over and over and be walked over again and again.  As you can see above I've given this bloke the benefit of the doubt in the past. but as George Bush said, Fool me once, shame on — erm - shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.



What the fuck on you on about now? People dont learn valuable lesson and change????? What a load of nonsense. If anyone in life makes a mistake and doesnt accepot responsibility for it and changes, then you are more or less setting yourself up for another fall. We are talking abut a bloody business here. A business that was clearly failing. A business that could no longer exist within its own financial commitments. A BUSINESS SETTING ITSELF UP FOR A FALL.


Ashley took over that business and made a lot of mistakes and admitted to them. He had to deal with the financial black hole left him by the previous regime. He appointed the wrong managers (including KK) and probably acted on bad advice on how his plan failed resulted in relegation last season.


It was relatively clear that this season was armeggeddon for us both on and off the field. Everyone recognised that, hence the protests, the chanting at games, the attempt to sell the club and the NUST stance. We could have gone the same way as Leeds as continued into freefall. Cleartly, salary costs had to be reduced, players had to be sacrificed and transfers fees brought in to assist the reduction of the debt. He could have sold more players, that has been well reported. But, he didnt. He kept a very high wage bill, certainly for this division and probably more than many in the PL, supported the manager in January with money to sign players and got rid of some deadwood in Geremi.


We are reaping the fruits at the moment. The depths have been hit and everyone is surprised at whewre we are today. We appear to have a reasonable squad, certainly capable of surviving next season in the PL with the addition of a few new realistic faces. He has continually supported the club financially, something which Shepherd and cronies failed to do and he has obviously set a business plan together for the club, within its means and not overstated.


Is Ashley styeering the club in the right direction?  I think anyone who is not biased against the man would have to admit that he is and doing a bloody good job under very difficult circumstances. He has the backing of a good management team in Hughton etc and the players. That will do for me.


We could after all have a disorganised rabble like NUST or the bloke who tried to buy the club in the summer runni9ng things with fucking Shearer as manager. Then, we would definitely be in a whole lot of shit............IN MY OPINION. 


I'll not go round the argument again.  We've done it to death and are boring people.


We're all on the same side.  Fingers crossed your faith in Ashley gets repaid in spades.

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Actions speak louder than words. Absolutely right.


Answer the following question truthfully.



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Actions speak louder than words. Absolutely right.


Answer the following question truthfully.




Me.  Ashley surprised me.  Credit where it's due.

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Actions speak louder than words. Absolutely right.


Answer the following question truthfully.



Actions speak louder than words. Absolutely right.


Answer the following question truthfully.




Me.  Ashley surprised me.  Credit where it's due.


Count me in too

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Guest firetotheworks

I don't know how you all have the energy to still be talking about this tbh. My hat goes off to you all.

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