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Pards First 11.

Crumpy Gunt

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Got to agree with OM: "onwards and upwards." Pards has done more than a decent job if you consider how difficult our christmas program was and all the injuries we've been plagued with. And Tiote missing three games.


We've now got some really important results in the victory against Bham, WH and Wigan and a strong awaypoint against Burn. And the majority of those games have been convincing. Tbh, I do not believe that CH would have managed the same results. Pardew got more experience, and has showed some tactical smartness. Eg. keeping the ball on the ground against physical teams,  rather than hurling it against the attackers. Burn and 2nd half yesterday was good example of this. In the 1st half we were back to old sins, but Pardew obviously had a little chat with the boys during the break. And that's why we've got decent result from those bonebreakers. Ch on the other hand did not see this. I remember him yelling at Williamson(home against stoke or was it agasinst blackburn) because he tried to keep the ball on the ground, rather than hitting long balls. "Airball" is exactly the kind of football Burn and Stoke like, and as a result we lost those two games.

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People need to stop being so f***ing petty and digging up what was said in the past. We'd all have won the lottery by now if we could see into the future.


If you never learn from your mistakes, how do you evolve?


It's not the job of people on here to point out other's mistakes.


When they are proven to be wrong, like with Colocinni and Simpson etc, people admit to it. They don't need you and Crumpy bringing up posts that were, in this case anyway, arguably made in the heat of the moment anyway.

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People need to stop being so f***ing petty and digging up what was said in the past. We'd all have won the lottery by now if we could see into the future.


I can see your point but I think it's justified to show people up for their stupidity when they take an extreme view.

I think most people's extreme views were in the heat of the moment after Hughtons sacking, and/or just taking the piss to be honest. Most extreme views are.



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People need to stop being so f***ing petty and digging up what was said in the past. We'd all have won the lottery by now if we could see into the future.


If you never learn from your mistakes, how do you evolve?


It's not the job of people on here to point out other's mistakes.




ahhhhh, but they're having SO MUCH FUN!

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People need to stop being so f***ing petty and digging up what was said in the past. We'd all have won the lottery by now if we could see into the future.


If you never learn from your mistakes, how do you evolve?


It's not the job of people on here to point out other's mistakes.


When they are proven to be wrong, like with Colocinni and Simpson etc, people admit to it. They don't need you and Crumpy bringing up posts that were, in this case anyway, arguably made in the heat of the moment anyway.


Fair enough if it is an opinion that can change over time i.e. like saying Best was shit back then and now praising him after the last few matches. But if you come out with rubbish like I won't give even give Pardew a chance as manager, there is no scope to change your opinion later because you've taken a definitive (extreme) position, then you deserve to be shown up for your stupidity.

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