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When are the SKY/ESPN...

Guest Geordiesned

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Guest Geordiesned

...live games from April until the end of the season announced?


They're only up to the end of March at the minute and it's really annoying not being able to book trains for matches not knowing when they'll be played even though we're nearly into March now.

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Wish they'd fucking hurry up.  Booked the current dates off but at this rate it'll end up too late to cancel and reapply for leave and I'll end up sitting around and doing fuck all on the Saturday and working when the match is on on Sunday.

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It's pretty inconsiderate that the fixture moves havent been announced yet, considering its nearly March.


Pencilled into my diary are trips to Villa, Blackpool and Chelsea but that could all be changed by TV moves.

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I can't see us being on much tbh. They'll concentrate on the Champions League and relegation battles so we'll just be the opposition to those from now on to the end of the season.


I think wahtever happens, our game v Man Utd will be on the box and Sky are obsessed with our games with Liverpool. None of the other fixtures really leap out though.

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The same day as we're down to play Liverpool, there's also games between Arsenal v Man Utd, Chelsea v Spurs, and the West Brom v Villa derby so it may not be moved after all.

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